Chapter 21

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"Pick out some clothes." Chan told the blonde after traveling to the mall, a place Felix was forbidden from visiting. The blonde was mesmerized from the time they entered the mall, to the time they walked into Chan's favorite store. Felix looked around the store like a kid at a candy shop, eyes dancing to and from all the decorations that rested on the walls. The store had a grunge vibe to it. 

The clothes racks had so many different types of things Felix had always imagined himself wearing at some point, from oversized hoodies to cute pairs of skinny jeans. The store Chan had taken him to was the same store he himself bought most of his clothes.

Felix had always been interested in the alternative style for as long as he could remember. It was a rare style to see, especially around places like Seoul. He had only seen a small handful of people his entire lifetime dressed the same way Chan did. The heavy jewelry and the dark clothes always caught his attention whenever he went out on rare occasions. It was always so admirable. 

Chan's style had played a big part in Felix's interest for the brunette. It's one of the main reasons why he wanted to befriend him since the day he locked eyes on him.

Felix smiled happily, running to a rack of clothes that had cute knitted sweaters on them. There were many different colors the sweaters came in, but Felix opted for the black one, grabbing one two sizes bigger to give himself that oversized look that was so popular in school.

Chan glanced up at the blonde on occasion while scrolling through his phone, waiting patiently for the blonde to grab a items for his new wardrobe. Felix hopped to and from clothes racks for a good half an hour, collecting jeans, hoodies, cute shirts, and everything in between.

"I'm done." Felix smiled while meeting up with Chan at the register. Felix bit his lip while he watched the lady scan all the items, guilt starting to form once more. It was the same guilt he felt when they went to the phone store. He looked at all the items, not realizing he had grabbed that much stuff. Maybe he got a bit carried away?

"That'll be $458 dollars." The lady smiled. Felix glanced at Chan who held his classic blank expression, pulling out his credit card and inserting it into the machine. Felix wanted to interject, quickly going to say something before Chan cut him off, "Don't." Was all the brunette said. Felix watched Chan shove the card back into his wallet and into his pocket before walking off.

"T-thank you so much!" Felix quickly said to the cashier, grabbing the three heavy bags off the counter before running to meet up with Chan once more.

"Y-you've been spending a lot. P-please don't spend anymore on me!" Felix blurted out quickly.

"We aren't even done yet. You still need some things." Chan blandly said. Felix couldn't believe what he was hearing. Chan still wanted to spend more money on him? How much money did he even have? Felix nibbled on his lip, clutching the bags as hard as he could while staring at the ground.

"B-but..." Felix sighed, looking down at his feet while they walked.

"You don't want to brush your teeth with your fingers do you?" Chan asked. Felix didn't say a word, lightly shaking his head 'no' while he followed the brunette. "Well then stop your bickering. We gotta make one more stop before we go to the grocery store." He said, walking into a shoe store.

"You need shoes." Chan said, eyeing the worn down dress shoes Felix had on his feet. "Those gotta go. Pick out two pairs." The brunette said, pulling out his phone while he waited patiently for Felix.

"And don't look at the prices." Chan called out, making Felix jump at the tone. He scurried to the closest pair of shoes, unsure of what to get. They had so many options to choose from.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" A cute girl asked with a smile. "U-uh... I'm not too sure." Felix quickly said, glancing towards Chan's direction to see him engrossed in his phone like usual.

"What are you looking for?" The small girl asked, she looked young. Probably around the same age as Felix.

"Something like what he is wearing." Felix said, pointing towards a bored Chan. 

"What size are you?" The girl smiled.

 "I'm a size 7." Felix politely said, eyes scanning the store while he rocked back and forth on his feet.

 "Be right back!" She said, scurrying to the back to retrieve a pair of shoes for the blonde. Felix browsed mindlessly while he waited, eyes locking onto Chan every once in a while.

"Here! Try these on." The girl said, a big box of shoes in her hands. Felix pulled out the black, chunky, combat boots from out the box, lacing them up to the best of his ability before smiling. "Do you like them?!" Felix called out to Chan. The brunette only gave a slight nod. "I'll pay for them." Was all Chan said before looking back down at his phone.

"Is that your boyfriend?" The girl whispered, a small giggle falling from her lips.

"A-absolutely not!" Felix quickly said, deep red blush forming on his cheeks. "H-he's just my friend!" Felix said defensively.

"Really? He must be a really special friend if he's willing to pay for these." She said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Felix nibbled on his lips, blush never leaving his face while they walked to the register to get checked out. Chan pulled out his card for the third time that day, making Felix also feel guilty for the third time that day as well. 

After two hours, they had finally completed all their errands for the afternoon and were back at the apartment. "Welcome home." Chan said, small smile forming on his face for the first time in a while. The blonde offered a small smile in return, setting down his bags once they got inside. Felix couldn't help but feel weird about the whole thing, he also couldn't get what the lady said out of his head when she asked if him and Chan were dating. It made his whole body shiver when he thought about it for some reason. 

Why would she ask such a weird thing? He didn't like Chan like that. They were just friends after all. 


hey loves! this chapter honestly wasn't my best work and i kinda hate it but its okay! lmk how youre liking it <3 

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