Chapter 25

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"Excuse me?!" Jisung shouted, a look of disgust painting his facial features. He stared in horror while he watched Minho walk over to Felix's desk, leaning over it while sucking on his lollipop.

"This look suits you well." Minho said, smirk plastered on his face. Felix couldn't help but blush at the close proximity between the both of them. The most popular guy at the school was hitting on him!

"You owe me 10 dollars." Hyunjin whispered into the blonde's ear, lightly shoving him with his elbow. Felix mentally cursed to himself. Why are the teachers at the school never around?!

"I'm assuming Bang Shit is responsible for this masterpiece?" Minho giggled, tongue swirling around the raspberry flavored candy that coated his mouth a light shade of blue.

"I may hate him, but fuck he does good work." The purple haired boy purred, getting closer to the blonde who didn't dare move or speak. He didn't know wether to be flattered or terrified.

"W-what are you saying?! That is a sin!" Jisung cried out loudly, butting in between them both. It was obvious the rude boy was much more upset about Minho's interference than anything. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What I'm saying prude, is that Lee Felix is suddenly much hotter and I'm determined to make him mine." Minho snapped. "Does that bother you Virgin Mary?" The purple haired boy hissed, this time getting dangerously close to Jisung. The younger boy's face grew redder the closer he got, trying his best to run away before getting grabbed by his collar.

"Is this sinful enough for you?" Minho questioned, swirling the candy around lewdly while locking eyes with Jisung. The eye contact was tense, so tense that you could feel it from a mile away. He let out a small moan, enjoying the terror that decorated the younger boy's features when he heard the lewd noise. "Keep your mouth shut or you'll regret it." Minho hissed, shoving Jisung violently out of his grasp.

Jisung ran to the bathroom, tears falling rapidly. Felix couldn't help but feel bad for Jisung, even after what he pulled earlier. Felix cringed in disgust when Minho leaned over the desk once more, locking eyes with Felix's. Sure Minho was attractive and popular, but his personality made him so unattractive to Felix. He didn't think it was hot or cute to be a dick.

"So, how about we go on a date?" Minho asked, smirking like a cocky asshole. Felix was fearful of saying no to the older boy. Minho was scary, and capable of horrible things if you said no to him.

"I-I..." Felix nervously said, looking to and from everybody in the class. Everybody was gossiping and whispering, looking at the pair intently. Chan was staring too, expression turning more sour by the minute.

"I am flattered, but I may have to politely decline your offer." Felix nervously giggled, growing tense when he heard faint gasps from the students. He watched Minho's face fall for a split second before forcing another fake smile.

"I-I'm not gay." Felix nervously said, growing more uncomfortable by the second. He's never turned anybody down before, he's also never gotten genuinely hit on either. He didn't entirely know how to handle the situation, especially with somebody like Minho hitting on him.

"How do you know unless you try? I mean clearly you're a virgin, right?" Minho smirked, enjoying the attention he was getting. Felix remained quiet, growing more tense with the subtle giggles from the other students. Hyunjin let out a loud huff, wanting desperately to stand up to Minho, yet hesitating out of fear.

"You're the only hot guy at this school who I haven't fucked yet, and I would like to change that." Minho giggled, tongue swirling around the plastic stick that was now rid of candy. Felix shifted uncomfortably, eyes starting to sting from the tense situation he had seemingly gotten himself into.

Chan got up from his chair, throwing away a piece of paper while staring intently at the two boys. Felix spared him a glance, he looked dangerously close to snapping for some reason.

"Come on baby." Minho seductively whispered, causing Felix to cringe in disgust. "Let me help you find out if you like men or not." He said, hand slowly reaching to caress Felix's hair behind his ear. "I promise I won't bi-"

"Don't you fucking dare." Chan harshly spat, latching tightly onto Minho's wrist to stop him from touching the blonde. Chattering began to pick up in the class, air growing even thicker than before.

"Why not, Bang Shit? I figured maybe I should be the first to enjoy your hard work." Minho cockily smiled. spitting the plastic stick onto the ground next to Chan's feet.

"Why do you look so mad? Did you wanna join in on the fun? If so then I can gladly forgive what happened between me and you in the hallway that one day, hmm?" Minho proposed, laughing when Chan's expression grew even darker.

"Stay away from him." Chan violently hissed.

"Why do you care so much about what happens to him?" Minho questioned, growing even more weary. Felix stayed silent, taken aback by Chan's sudden burst of emotion. This is the most emotion he's ever shown.

"Ohhh! I get it now! You fucked him!" Minho said, smiling while making a surprised face. The whole classroom gasped, chattering growing louder.

"You don't want anybody near him, because you already fucked him, hmm?" Chan's anger was slowly reaching it's boiling point the longer Minho blabbed on.

"So little virgin boy over here actually isn't a virgin after all. Is he as slutty as he seems in bed? It's always the quiet ones who end up being the biggest sluts and perverts." Minho said, spreading around toxic rumors that were far from true.

"Come on man! That's not fucking funny!" Hyunjin shouted, finally gathering enough courage to stick up for his best friend. Tears began to fall from Felix's eyes, it was evident some people believed the rumors falling out of Minho's blue tinted lips.

"He looks so innocent, but I know he's a slut." That was enough to set Chan off, punching Minho square in his face. The purple haired boy fell hard onto the ground, bracing tightly for impact.

"You fucking bitch!" Minho screamed, pouncing on top of the brunette with full force. Felix couldn't stand the sight, rushing out of the classroom with tears falling from his eyes. He never knew he could feel so dirty and disgusting. A good day turned bad so quickly in the matter of minutes.


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