Chapter 27

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Felix had passed out after the incident, reading bible verses and praying prior to doing so. He clutched the bible tightly while he slept, hoping that maybe it would help bring him some form of closure.

He truly believed that everything was his fault and that he was being punished for moving out of his parents' house. The whole night he had been battling himself on wether going home would be a good option for him. He knew deep down it wasn't. If he came home, he would be sent away and he was terrified of that outcome.

His mind pondered endlessly while he slept. Why did Chan do that to him? Would everybody forget about the rumors like Hyunjin said? What was he to expect tomorrow morning? 

After sleeping for nearly 12 hours, tomorrow morning finally came. Felix woke up, dried tears making his face feel almost tight and gross. He checked the time on his phone, groaning when it read 5:58 AM. His alarm would go off in two minutes, signaling that he had to go to school even though he didn't want to.

He climbed out of bed, putting his bible back into his book bag to bring a sense of comfort to him. He was somewhat glad his parents always forced him to carry a copy with him in his book bag. It made him feel a little bit better.

He slowly opened the door, noticing that Chan was already awake and in the kitchen. Felix wasn't quite ready to face him yet, but he didn't really have much of a choice.

He walked through the hallway and into the kitchen, eyes locking onto the brunette who looked horrible. His hair was sticking up in multiple directions and it looked like he hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep.

"Sit down. I'll make you a bowl of cereal." Chan lazily said when he noticed Felix was awake. The blonde complied, sitting at the table while his eyes roamed the apartment. There was a blanket on the couch in the living room, along with the TV turned on. Did Chan sleep in the living room last night?

Upon further inspection while waiting for his cereal, he noticed a red bra on the floor next to the couch as well. His heart stopped for a second, taken aback by article of clothing. Did Chan have somebody over while he slept? Was it a woman? Did Chan also like women as well?

"W-what's with that?" Felix questioned, voice small while he did so. He pointed to the red lace bra on the floor, feeling sick while looking at it. Why did he care so much? What Chan did wasn't his business.

"Nothing." Was all Chan said, setting down a bowl of cereal in front of the blonde before taking a seat in front of him. Felix could only bite his lips, all his questions burning to be asked. Felix didn't know much about sex, but he wasn't an idiot. Chan must've had sex with a girl last night.

"You also- like girls?" The blonde nervously questioned, fearful of getting yelled at. He knew Chan hated questions, but Felix couldn't let these questions go unanswered for some reason. He needed to know or else it would drive him insane.

"I do. Want some juice?" Chan asked, face displaying a hint of irritation and hostility towards Felix. The blonde only nodded, taking a bite of the cereal Chan had given him.

"Here." Chan said, setting down a cup of apple juice for the blonde. "Thank you." Felix politely said, forcing a smile while he did so. He didn't know why Chan was suddenly doing all this for him. Maybe this was his way of apologizing for last night?

Felix forced himself to eat the whole bowl of cereal, even though his appetite was nonexistent. He couldn't stop thinking about what Chan had been doing while he was asleep. It was eating away at him an ungodly amount. The feeling was enough to make him cry. He didn't know why he cared so much.

"I'm gonna get ready so I can take you to school. Hurry up and finish eating." Chan said, walking off into his room to get ready. Felix let out a small sigh, getting up from his seat to put his bowl in the sink.

He washed his dish, senses heightening when he heard the sound of a phone go off. He looked over to see Chan's phone to the right of him. Chan must've left his phone on the counter by accident. The blonde couldn't help the curiosity while it kept going off, glancing to read a few of the messages that popped up on the lockscreen.

Seungmin 🖤: we broke up a week ago. im sorry chan i really am but please stop contacting me (1 hr ago)

Seungmin 🖤: u knew this was going to happen. let go already (1 hr ago)

Seungmin 🖤: you know i'll always love u but things were over between us months ago (56 min ago)

yeji 🙄: last night was great hope we can do it again ;) (1 min ago)

Felix quickly went back to cleaning his dish, mind replaying the messages he just read over and over on repeat. Who was Yeji? Did she go to our school? Why did the name Seungmin sound so familiar? He could only assume Seungmin was Chan's ex.

He couldn't help but think about how familiar that name was. He thought heavily for a second, trying to figure out the small amount of people he knew. He only knew of one Seungmin, Jeongin's ex back in 9th grade.

Was that the same Seungmin who was currently texting Chan? Felix honestly didn't know. The last he heard about Seungmin was that he quit school and became homeschooled after his mom passed away. Him and Jeongin broke up shortly after he left the school.

Felix couldn't help but want to ask Chan more about it, curiosity getting the best of him. He could only hope that eventually he would get his answers.


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