Chapter 47 I Wish... For Change To Come.

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Kyo and star go to kazuma's house for new years.
Star's outfit

 Star's outfit

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Her hair

 I know i that i've got a lot of faults, so thank you for agreeing to have me

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I know i that i've got a lot of faults, so thank you for agreeing to have me. Star says bowing to kazuma. No, please. Don't say that. I'm glad you were willing to come despite all my own faults. I'm the one who should be thanking you. Kazuma says bowing making star lift her head then wave her hands. No! You really shouldn't, please! Star starts bowing over and over. This is more of an honor than i could ever possible deserve! Star says as her voice cracks. She starts at the ground wondering why she's acting this way. What the heck? It sounds like you came here to be his wife or something. Kyo say in a joking way but star didn't catch on.

Ah! That isn't it at all, i swear! Having us over for new year's is a big deal, so i wanted to thank him properly

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Ah! That isn't it at all, i swear! Having us over for new year's is a big deal, so i wanted to thank him properly. Star said with a big blush on her face. Calm down. I know. I was joking. Kyo said. And master already has his lovely hana-chan already. Star said with a teasing smirk. Kyo then grabbed her face squeezing her face.
Ah! Star yelped as he kept squeezing her face.
Stop it! Don't go making assumptions. Kyo said while still holding her face.
Let go you stupid cat! Star shouts!
Now then, let me show you to your room. Kazuma said opening the door to the hall. Star slapped kyo's hand sticking her tongue out and began to follow kazume. Kyo trailing behind messing with star as they walked.
Star: It's almost the new year. This time, i'll be staying at master's for the holiday. I was gonna spend it with my father. But It all started with something surprising that yuki said.
Flash back at shigure's house
Kyo! Hey, look at this! Star said making kyo side glance her as he had the milk carton in his hand.
Hm? Kyo asked.
What do you think of this new scarf I bought! It even has pom poms! Star said flicking her hair to show more of the white scarf. Kyo walked up to her and held one of the pom poms.
You're gonna hit someone with thoes things when you turn around. Kyo said making star smirk. She then turned hard enough for one of them to hit kyo in the chest making kyo surprised.
Like that. Kyo said sighing making star giggle a bit.
So, anyway, let's talk about new year's. Have you boys decided on what you're doing yet? Shigure asked.
Actually, i think i'll go to the estate. Yuki said with his chin in his plam. Star gasps at what yuki just said. She thought she'd never hear him say such words.
Now there's a shock. Shigure said.
Just for one night, though. I'll be back by evening on new year's day. Yuki said making star stare at yuki still shocked. Seriously, did you hit your head on something? Shigure asked.
No, i didnt. Yuki noticed star's stare.
It's what i need to do. Yuki said smiling at star making her gasp.
Alright! Star said with a closed eye smile. All right. Why cut it so short, though? If you're already going you could stay a little longer. Shigure said.
I could. Except that, i'm not sure about leaving him alone with her. Yuki said making star and kyo confused.
Huh? They both asked confused.
Kyo, you devil! Shigure said with a dark arua around him.
I'll kill you. Kyo growls. Shigure pulled star away from kyo.
Back, foul beast! There's no need to be frightened, star. I won't let him have you! Shigure said making star get a irk mark.
Do you all really think i'm that easy or something! Star mumbled.
Animal. Yuki said.
One of these days i'm seriously going to kill you both. Kyo said crushing the milk carton in his hand.
End of flash back
Star climb the stairs with her eyes closed and smiling at the memory. But her memory was cut short due to kazuma speaking to her.
Oh, and you should know, i've actually got a another visitor besides the two of you. Kazuma said as he reached the top of the stairs.
Who is it? Star asked.
Here she is. Kazuma opened the door to revail rin.
Wanna say hi? Kazuma asked as rin turned and looked at them. Star gasp seeing rin. Rin eyes widen in shock to see star. Star squealed going to hug rin.
It's you! Star said in happenes with her arms open but rin dodged her making her rin into a wall.
Hey! You shouldn't just barge in like that, idiot! Rin said with a blush on her face.

 Hey! You shouldn't just barge in like that, idiot! Rin said with a blush on her face

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Right, i'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. Star whimpered as she held her head. Nobody warned me that you were coming. That's not okay. Rin said then started to walk away leaving the room. No! Wait isuzu! Come back! Star whimpered. Star, you can't just throw yourself at people like that. Kyo said as star still rubbed her forehead. No stare-down with isuzu today? Kazuma asked. Stare-down? What d'you mean? Kyo asked not knowing what he was talking about.

You two used to glare at each other

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You two used to glare at each other. For ten minutes solid. Kazuma said as remembered them as kids. That was back wen we were kids. Kyo said as he remembered. Oh. i didn't know you and isuze were on bad terms. Star said turning towards them. Well, i wouldn't say they're on bad terms, really. They're just not on good terms. Kazuma explained. Oh, i see. Uh. huh? I'm surprised. I went to visit her at the hospital the other day. She didn't mentuon anything about being released, but i guess... star trailed off. Yes. it's a conditional discharge. She's out, but she didn't have any interest in attending the banquent and wasn't sure where else to go, so i asked her to stay here. I'd like to keep her away from stressful situations. Otherwise, we risk undoing her progress. Kazuma says. Star stood up dusting her skirt. Yeah, you're right. Star said fixing her pony tail. It's probably already started– the banquet. Kyo said as star stared at him with a sad look on her face.
Star: new year's with the zodiac spirits. I wonder what yuki and the others are thinking right now, and if they're having fun.
Timeskipping all that banquet stuff. Can i just say fuck akito i mean seriously he had no right to smack yuki like that with that vace. Like ugh i can't stand akito anyways.
Star and kyo sat in the living room talking about him and rin. Isuzu used to come here to hang out sometimes. I think she enjoyed visiting 'cause master was always so nice to her. But i felt like she was trying to steal him away from me, so i didn't like her very much. Kyo said making star chuckle a bit and smile at him. You know, that's kind of adorable. Star said with a closed eye smile. I was a kid! I mean, i don't think of that now. Kyo said trying to make sure star didn't think he still thought that way. Hm. right. Star said still smiling at him but not a teasing one. So, what is she up to anyway? Kyo asked looking at the ceiling. She fell asleep. Star said sighing. So much for rining in the new year. Kyo said.
Heh. we don't have very long to wait now, do we? Have you decided what you're going to wish for on your first shrine vist? Star asked with a smirk hoping he'd tell. If you ask someone their wish, you've gotta tell them yours, too. Kyo said leaning in a bit towards star with a smirk of his own.

Oh! Right, i totally forgot

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Oh! Right, i totally forgot. Uh, never mind then. Star said making kyo lean back a bit. She looked up at the ceiling.
Star: last year, i wished for yuki and kyo to get along better, but i want something different now. Star then looked over at kyo. Something bigger. My wish is for the curse to be broken... so they can be free and happy.
Momiji ran up to kureno. Kureno. he turned around to look at momiji. I have a present... from star. Momji said placing the cd in his back pocket then running. Kurneo took the cd out and looked at it.
Star: even if it starts from something small... i wish... for change to come.

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