Chapter 13 A hunted house.

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At the mall
Wait'll you see it. I found the perfect way to celebrate our first day of break. It's up here! Momiji said as star smilied at him as they all went up on the escalator. Uh i'm a little confused. How are we gonna celebrate in the department store? Star asked as they stepped off the escalator. Then stepped on another one heading up more. Not telling till we get there! Hurry! It's going to be wunderbar! Momiji said too kyo, yuki and haru. How 'bout we just go home instead? Kyo asked. Come on. Where's your youthful zeal? Haru asked. I don't wanna hear about "zeal" from you. Kyo said. Almost there. I'm so excited. It sounds fun, and a little different, too. A special kind of place for a special kind of day! Momiji said then gave star a closed eye smile. I like the idea of going somewhere special. I can't wait! Star says giggling. Star then fell over dramatically seeing the haunted house sign. Well, here it is! What do you think? Pretty amazing, huh? Momiji asked. This is a terrible idea. Kyo and yuki say in unison in there minds staring at the sign. See! It's perfect! Now, aufghets! Momiji says then starts walking but kyo grabbed his head stopping him. Hold on a second, brat. Kyo says. Before we go in, maybe we should see how everybody feels about haunted houses. What do you think, miss takashi? Yuki asked but then they saw star on the ground on all fours shaking. Why'd it have to be a haunted house! I may have been a gang leader but nothing is more scary than this! Star mumbles as she shook on the ground. I think that's a no. haru said watching star tremble. You heard him. We're leaving. Kyo says while momiji whined. Star, you're scred? We can't go in? Momiji asked looking down at star pouting. She then shot up crossing her arms. Hah! Me scared of course not well yeah haunted houses are pretty scary, so yeah i'm scared. But at the same time no! They say as long as your mind is clear even fire will feel cool i've done it multiple times with my gang. So i'll just have to have a clear mind and run into the soul of the beast! let's head right in! Star says pointing at the doors but you can see her still shaking. No. you really don't. At all. Kyo says making star scoff. Shut up! You're the one scared watch i'll prove to you that i can do this! Star said walking to the ticket stand slamming her hands on the table with a straight face but she was clearly sweating. Please allow me to enter this haunted house! Star said confidently but still shook in fear.
In the haunted house
Star stepping slowly as laughter and squeals happened in the distance. Star held onto the straps of her backpack as she held a straight face but she was sweating. Then a lady with white hair and a knife in her month that had had fake blood on it and her clothes popped out. Star screamed rasing her fist about to hit the lady but kyo stopped her mid way making her scream and punch kyo instead. Why you hit me! I knew this was a bad idea! Kyo shouted. I-im sorry! Star whimpered rubbing her elbow. Then a green monster popped out causing star to scream again jumping away rising her leg about to kick the green monster but yuki caught her foot stopping her before she kicked the innocent male. She stumble silently apologizing as she walked a bit more but got scared screaming some more but didn't attack.There she goes. Yuki sighs. Come on, this stuff's so fake i'm surprised she's even scared. Kyo says as star screams over and over. She then fell on all fours in a defeated stans as she shook and cried. What're you so afraid of? Kyo asked as the creepy lady stared at star. I really don't know! Star shouted. What's worse? Yuki asked then turned around to see momiji and haru. Momiji pointed at the man hanging from the ceiling laughing while haru stood staring with a blank face. Screaming or laughing the whole time like some kind of lunatic? Yuki wondered. But, you know, laughing at everything might be a good way to get through this. That's the way! I'll use laughter to fight the fear! Star said as she jumped up then walked at full speed. Why are you trying so hard? Yuki asked sweating a bit. Just give up and let's go home already! Kyo said also sweating a bit. Star screamed then turned into laughter. Haha so funny! She exclaimed. As she continued to get scared instead of screaming she kept laughing. She then dropped to the ground holding her head. This isn't working this is so terrible. Star mumbled as half of her face was blue. Not as terrible as all your screaming. Kyo said. Fine. i have no choice. Star jumped up then closed her eyes. I'll walk with my eyes shut! Star shouted as she started to walk. Hey! Be caref-- before he could finish star ran into a wall. Star! Kyo shouted in worry. Saw that coming. Yuki said sighing. Star fell on her knees holding her head. Owowowowow! She mumbled as tears came in her eyes. Miss takashi, i think you should keep your eyes open. Yuki said. It's working, though. I don't feel as scared now that i cant see anything. Honest. Star said standing up and smiling at them with her eyes still closed. Then a man yells scarying star making her scream. She backed up and hit the back of her head on the wall. Then another lady came out yelling making her turn and hit the other side of her head on the wall. She then pushed the lady away from her growling her. Then continued walking. Obviously the sounds are scarying you enough on their own! Kyo shouts. I'm fine! Star shouted then tripped on a piece of wood falling face first to the floor. Not again! Kyo says in worry. Are you okay? Yuki asked worried. Totally absolutely i've been through worse. Which way do i go now? Star says in a daze with her hand raise. She can't keep doin this. Yuki said in his mind looking at star in worry. She'll get herself killed at this rate. Kyo said in his mind also worried. Hold my hand. Yuki and kyo offered holding out there hands. Star turned and looked at them but her eyes were still closed. The women screamed at the intaction. So now you're copying me? Think for yourself, ya damn rat. Kyo said glaring at yuki. Me, imitate a moron like you? Not a chance. I'd rather die. Yuki said glaring back. Star felt around trying to grab there hands. Yeah, well, i can arrange that! And stop calling me a moron. Kyo shouted. Your both morons now shut up and help me! Uh? Star shouted then someone grabbed her hand. You can hold my hand if you want. Come on. Momiji said smiling at star holding her hand with his. Yuki and kyo stood there dumbfounded. Ignoring poor star while you fight, that's just rude. Rude! Momiji scolded. You shut up! Let's keep moving! Kyo shouts. Although, he does have a point. Yuki says in his mind sighing. They continued there journey on the haunted house. You holding up okay? Haru asked. Yes. much better. I'll make it. Star says with a smile. I may have an idea. You could try making up stories. Haru suggested making star open her eyes. Um. stories about what? She asked rasing her eyebrow. Then a man pops out yelling makin star yelp. Momiji laughs. About these things. Haru says catching star's attention. Like, this guy looks pretty terrifying, right? But he's actually a kind and considerate young man who loves animals and cooking. Haru said. Huh? Momjij asked. The gosht yelled again. On sundays, he does volunteer work for his community. He's a real catch. All the ladies in town want him for a husband. His one flaw is his soft heart. Haru explains. Wow, he sounds great. Momiji says. Yeah, i had no idea. Star says in a non beliving type way. The ghost yells again. But, as many people do, he has a sorrowful past that still pains him. When he was just ten years old, his mother disappeared from his life. Haru explained making star and momiji gasp. Star's buying into the story now. The ghost yelled again. It was cold outside and pouring rain. She gently covered him with a hand-kintted sweater. Her soft hands. Her sweet voice. The tears spilling down her cheeks. That was what he remembered. The last memory he had of his mother. The next moring, she was gone. The little boy was left with his alcoholic father, an enormous amount of debt, and that hand-knitted sweater. However, he believed his mother's tears that night, and would never bear a grudge against her. Haru explained. The ghost yells. And so, he wired hard and lived frugally until he was finally able to repay his fathers debt. At night, he would embrace the sweater his mother had left behind and dream of the day he would be able to see her face once aain. The ghost yells. That day is today. His mother is coming here to see him. Haru explained the story Turing to the two as the gasp. What are you guys doing over here? Kyo asks as he im and yuki walk up to them. She wouldn't have abandoned the young son she loved so deeply if she hadn't been desprete, but in time, she came to reget the decision she had made that night. And today, she'll tell her son in her own words why she left. Haru said as a ghost lady with a long neck popped up and charging at them screaming. But haru caught the ghost lady's head then tore it off making kyo and yuki gasp. Haru then put the head close to the male ghost. A touching reunion. Haru said calmly. You can't do that! Kyo shouted. Momiji grabbed stars hands smiling at her with tears in his eyes. They're together again. He said softly. Wow! I know! Its so touching! Star says bawling her eyes out. All's well that ends well. Haru said. What the hell, haru? You idiot! You can't just go around breaking stuff like that! Kyo shouts shaking haru by his callor. Yuki groans holding his head.

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