Chapter 12 Ginger pork

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At school
You don't have to become an adult, but try to be somebody who takes responsibility for their words and their actions. Though, i guess that's actually harder. All right, kids. The teacher says making the student gasp. That's the last lecture you'll hear for a while. It's over. Try not to do anything too crazy over the break. The teacher says then takes her leave. Once the door closed the class erupted into cheers. Sweet freedom! It's finally here! A male student cheered. Summer break, baby! Another male student cheer. Uo stomped her foot on her desk. This vactoion is all about makin' money and playin' hard! Studying can go screw itself! Uo said with a crazied smile. Star jumped on her desk with a crazed smile of her own. Exactly what i was thinking! Star said then started laughing. You guys seem excited about the break. Tohru said with a soft closed eye smile watching the two girls. I could tear a car apart with my bare hands right now. Uo said with a dark smile. And i feel like i could take on a sumo wrestler right now with no remorse. Star said cracking her knuckles. Yeah! Uo and star shout in unison. Or maybe not. Tohru said nervously. Arisa and star, i understand how thrilled you are, but try to restrain yourselves before you start frightening people. Hana says holding a pool floatie, a pop sickle, a net, and wearing a straw hat. Look at that. It's like summer threw up on you. Uo says. Literally star says. Hey, there you are. Remedial class dares are posted in the hallway. A male student said walking to hana. Not necessary. I will not be attending any this year. I didn't receive a single failing grade. Hana said taking off the hat. You passed everything? The boys said in unison shocked. I'm guess you didn't like the idea of being stuck in a classroom without ac all summer long. Uo said. Correct. Last year was quite horrid. Hana said. That's what kept you from failing? Yusuke and hiroshi asked in unison. But if it was tha simple, then you couldn't you just pass your exams everytime? Yuske asked. Yeah, i mean, obviously you can do it if you try hard enough. Hiroshi said. Yes, i contemplated that same possibility myself. However, i find that i have no motivation. None. hana said while uo yawned and star shook her head. That explains it. The boys said. Enough of that. We've been granted our freedom and we must take advantage of it. So, how shall we entertain ourselves this afternoon? Hana asked. Sorry, i'm working, so you'll have to count me out. Uo said giving a closed eye smile. Oh, you picked up a shift? Tohru asked. First, the cafe, then later, the convenience store. Gotta make that cash. Uo says. I know thats right! Star said as they high fived. I know what you mean. Me and star are gonna find a extra job for the summer, too, but i never had time to look. Tohru said. Yeah with student council stuff and going to the dojo and cooking dinner. I never have time. Star says putting her hands behind her head. Star Are you completely insane?! You already do all the cooking and cleaning in a giant house full of disgusting men! And now you wanna take on another job? You'll work yourself to death. I forbid it. Uo said with her hands on her hips. Huh? But i want too. Anyways they've been the ones taking care of me. Star says with an embarrassed blush not liking to say that out loud. They could do better. Oh, and speaking of men, the other day, you mentioned encountering one at work who was similar to our tohru here. Which job did you meet him at? Hana asked gaining star and tohru's attention. Oh, that was at the store, and just so we're clear, it's not like he's actually all that similar to tohru. It was more that his clumsiness reminded me of her a little. Uo said smiling putting her hand on her head. Oh, my. Is he very scatterbrained, as well? Hana asked making star snicker and tohru blink. Clumsy? And scatterbrained? Tohru asked as some stings of hair stuck out as she sweat. Anyway, i haven't seen the guy around since then. Too bad. If he did drop by, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever. Uo said as star,hana, and tohru stare at uo.
After school
Even though it happens every year, i always get so excited about the start of summer. Star jogs down the rest of the stairs then turns around to face yuki and kyo with her arms behind her back. Kinda silly, huh? Star says smiling at them.

You know, you're a real airhead

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

You know, you're a real airhead. Kyo says stretching his arm as he walked down the stairs with yuki next to him. A moron like you shouldn't be insulting other people's intelligence. Yuki said as star pointing and winked at him. Exactly what i was gonna say yuki! This is why i like you! Star says putting her hands on her hips. Moron? Me? Where do you get off callin' me that, huh? Kyo said as he stopped walking glaring at yuki. So, miss takashi. Should we pick up some groceries for dinner on the way home? Yuki said as he walked up to star smiling at her. Don't ignore me! Kyo shouted jumping down the stairs as a cat sound happened. You can't just pick a fight like that then run off, ya damn rat! Kyo says angry with cat ears on his head. While yuki still smiled at star. This is kind of childish overreaction is exactly why i call you a moron, dumb cat. Yuki says blankly looking at kyo while he talked. Uh, what were we talking about again? Star wondering poking her cheek with her index finger then snapped her fingers. Oh, right. What you guys want for dinner tonight? Star asked adujtuing her backpack straps on her shoulders. Ginger pork. Haru said. Huh? The three teens say looking over at hatsuharu who was standing under a sprinkler. Ginger pork... sounds perfect. Haru said staring at them. Oh! Hatsuharu what's up? Star asked. What are you doing? Yuki asked. Cooling off. Haru said then looked at the sprinkler. Look, that makes sense and all, but i gotta tell ya, standing around, spacing out under the sprinklers looks pretty freakin' weird. Kyo says placing his hand on haru's shoulder. Gotcha! Momiji said spraying water from his rubber ducky in kyo's face. Isn't this the best? Gotta get soaked to beat the summer heat. Momiji says then laughs. Kyo stared at him then grbaed momiji's head rubbing the sides of his head with his fists. I'll beat you, you annoying rabbit! Don't splash me! Kyo shouts. Kyo! Stop doing that to momiji! Star shouts. Before she could intervene they get water poured on them. Ginger pork is light and refreshing. Haru said in chibi form pulling yuki's shirt. Okay, ginger pork it is. Yuki says.

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