Chapter 17 I didn't know gangs smashed watermelon's.

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I want to believe that i wasn't deluding myself. And that there's more to this world than the darkness i've seen. Just like the heaviest rain will be chased away by the sun. akito smiled at yuki. Pain, and the fear of pain... akito whispered something into yuki's ear making his eyes widen. May one day be overcome by kindness. The memory of younger star and the boy who was faded putting the hat on young star's head disappeared showing younger yuki. I've held onto that since that day.
At the beach
Huh? Wait slow down are you sure? You know you have a habit to misunderstand things. Yeah, okay, then. Well, don't trip or anything. Hiro says then pushing the end call button on his phone. What was that? Is something wrong? Kisa asked holding the beach ball. No. turns out, my moms pregnant. Hiro says. Kisa and star turn white as ghost then processed what he said. Huh?! Star and kisa shrieked with blushes on there faces. She went to the doctor thinking she had a cold. And apparently it was something else entirely. Hiro says shrugging his shoulders. Congratulations! You need to start thinking about names. Kisa says with her hands held up to her chest smiling at hiro. Yeah maybe the baby will take after you, and then we'll have another little hiro running around! Star says holding her hands up to her chest smiling at hiro. Okay, stop. You're making it sound like i'm the one who's going to have a baby. Hiro says with his hand up to them. Congrats. Ah, satsuki. She's still so young. Shigure says sitting on the stairs with a hand fan. Don't talk about my mom like that! It's downright disturbing! Hmph! Hiro shouts then crosses his arms facing away from shigure. Hi, uncle shigure. I didn't know that you were here. Kisa says as her and star walk over to where shigure sat. well, better late than never, as they say. Shigure says. Aren't you going to swim? Kisa asks. Kisa asks making hiro side glance at shigure. Hmm. i confess, i'm not the worlds best swimmer. Shigure says. Ha. so you just like the sun? Star asks with a hand on her hip with a smirk. It's more that i like...shigures eyes trail from star's feet up to her legs and back up to her head. All the swimsuits. Shigure says with a closed eye smile. Hiro takes kisa's hand making them walk to the water. What, so a man can't joke now? Shigure asks as star watched them go to the water leaving her behind. Anyways it's wonderful news about the baby, though, don't you think? Star asks crossing her arms turning to shigure with a soft smile. Absolutely. So, where is everyone? Off resting? Shigure asks. They went to pick up some groceries. Star says. Ahh. well, then i suppose that just leaves the two of us. Shigure says. Uh? Star asks as her eye twitches a bit. How lovely. We can spend... some quality time together. Shigure says getting up and standing close to star making her step back a bit. Star gasped a bit as her eyebrow twichted as a blush appeared on her face. I'm teasing, star. Nothing wrong with joke between friends, right? Shigure asks as kyo and yuki glared at shiugre from the top of the stairs. Ice cream anybody? Momiji asked already eating a pice of watermelon. Honestly sensei as an adult, you should really leanr to restrain yourself. Haru says also eating a watermelon.
Star, kisa, and hiro change back into there outfits. Huh? Hiro's getting a new brother or sister? Momiji asks. Yep. star says carrying one of the watermelons. I wonder which one it's gonna be a boy or a girl. Star wonders. Either would be nice! Momiji says. I've always wanted a younger brother. So i could wrestle with him and do badass stuff with him. But hey tohru became like my little sister so it worked out. Star says. Yeah but if you think about it the only thing about a girl, though, is he wouldn't be able to give her hugs and cuddles. But still, at least we know that there are no more spirits waiting for their turn, so the baby won't make hiro's mutti sad. Momiji says. Star stares at him in shock. All of the zodiac spirits have been born, so no more'll show up as long as we're alive. Haru says. New children, born without that cloud over their heads. Star mood faltered hear that making her look at the ground as she walked. Of course, hiro's mutti wasn't fazed even a little bit when transformed. Momiji says turning to star walking backwards. She looked at him and said, "oh, how wonderful. I love sheep." and that was that. Haru says. Right?! She's amazing! Momiji says walking next to haru.

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