Chapter 8 It's a nice change from your usual style.

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With star and mine
There. The boys can have some quality time together now that we're outta the way. A little scheme i cooked up, but you'll go along with it won't you? Mine asks making star smile at her. Yeah of coure! I don't know how long those two can talk without fighting, though. She says scratching her head and chuckling. That's fine. Fighting is a good thing. At least it means that they acknowledge each other's presence. For the boss, indifference would be worse than anger. Yes much worse. Mine says with a closed eye smile. Star stared at her in confusion. Huh? Star asked. Uh. although i would prefer they not get into a fistfight. Don't want blood-stained merchandise, do we? Mine asks making star chuckle nervously. Then she thinks about when yuki fights with kyo. They fight because they acknowledge each other's presnce. Yeah. that might just be how it works. Star says in her mind then giggles. Okay, while the brothers are having their bonding time, we can get to work on you! Mine says wiggling her fingers. Wait hold on! I thought it was only a scheme i didn't know i actually had to try something on! Star says holding her hands up. You most certainly are. Mine says getting closer. Oh jeez yuki you owe me big time. Star says in her mind. Mine sat star down and took her hair out of it's pony tail and started brushing it. So many. Did you and ayame make all these? Star asks. Yep. it was mostly the boss, though. Mine says as she countied to brush. That's pretty amazing. He must really love making clothing to have opened a shop like this. Star says fiddling with her fingers. He claims that he could easily have ended up as a chef or gardener, but the dressmaking just happened to suit him best. What mattered was proving to himself that he had the ability to create, regardless of what it was he made. That's all he wanted. Mine then finished up star's hair and got her dress. Then doing the finishing touches on her hair. She then walked and opened the door. Coming in, boss. We're ot interrupting, are we? Mine asked. Oh, good! Is she ready for her debut? Come in, my dear. No need to be shy. Ayame said. You heard the man, star-chan! Let's not keep out audience waiting! Mine said bringing star in. She walked in as the dress flowed out a bit.

 She walked in as the dress flowed out a bit

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Star held her forearm looking a bit uncomfortable

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Star held her forearm looking a bit uncomfortable. Is it okay? Go ahead and laugh! She said blushing. Yuki was at a lost for words as he stared at her. Tres bein! So very "star." all that's missing is a fluffy little dog and a white-laced parasol. Ayame said while star shuffled a bit. Mh-hm! I can see her sipping tea in an elegant drawing room while reading old poetry. Mine said while star stared at the ground blushing. Well, yuki, aren't you going to tell star how lovely she looks? Ayame askes making yuki look at him agape. Uh. yuki says. Nothing? How rude. She got dressed up for you and yet you spinelessly refuse to complement her? Then i suppose it's up to me. Ayame says then gose up to star with his hand under chin making her look up at him while his other hand was entangled in her long blond hair. But i won't use words. Ayame said making star's eyes widen as she blused. Yuki then smacked ayame in the back of his head. Back off! Yuki hisses. Ayame laughs. He struck his own brother! Ayame says with a bump on his head. Honestly, i'm not surprised he didn't hit you harder. Mine said. I should. Yuki says sitting next to star. Nevertheless, i must applaud your efforts, mine. I think you captured star's essence perfectly. Ayame complemented. Thank you! You honor me with your praise. So, boss, were you and your brother able to have a good conversation while we were gone? Mine asked. We did talk, and at some length, too. * sighs* i had fun, but i'm afraid that, once again. I'm the only one who enjoyed our time together. Ayame says making mine smile flter a little. After today, i think i under stand a little more about my brother. Yuki says making star stare at him. Huh? What is it? She asked. He's a caricature of a person. Everything he says and does is overly dramatic. Star blinked a bit sweating. But i'm starting to realize i just need to accept that. There's no other way to deal with him. If i get sucked into his headspace, i'll end up exhausted. Yuki says making star sweat. Where is this going exactly? Star asked in her mind. Yuki then hung his head low. It's kind of depressing now that i say it out loud. Yuki says with his head low. Yeah... heh. Star says nervously smiling at yuki. But... i'm still glad that i came. And... he was right. You do look very cute in that dress. It's a nice change from your usual style.
Me? Oh, nah, i don't, really! This is just-- well i mean. Yuki moves from his spot getting closer. Star starts whimpering as her face turened red. Then she covered her face with her hands. Don't hide your face. Yuki says holding a strand of star's blond hair. Ayame appears intupping there moment. Fantasy. He says placing his hand on yuki's shoulder. Uh? Yuki asked. The feeling that's string in your soul at this very moment. It's your first brush with fantasy! A single garment is all it takes to sway a man's heart into the path of romance. Don't be embarrassed. I understand completely! And i hereby dub this occasion: "yuki's first awakening"! Ayame says. Yuki grabes ayame collar. Cut it out! He says with a blush on his face. Such a joyus moment calls for celebration! I'll make preparatuons immediately. Ayame says. No! No celebrations... yuki says. It looks like they did end up fighting, huh? Shall we watch over them until they're done? Mine asks. Star then looked at the two brothers. Besides yourself for once? Yuki argures. U must report this to gure and tori at once! It is a day to be remembered, after all. I'm sure they wouldn't want to be left out... ayame says holding his phone up to his ear. Put the phone down! You don't... yuki says. Star chuckles and shakes her head. Yeah we should! She says answering mine's question. Especially not something as utterly ridiculous as this! Yuki shouts while ayame smiled at him. It'll be okay. You're a person, not a tool. And you aren't alone. Not anymore. Ayame says in his head. Standing infront of smaller yuki that sat in a conor. Then you know what happened? I'll tell you! Yuki gazed upon star in that cute dress and thus experienced his first awakening! Hold on, tori! Did you imagine star in that dress just now? You mustn't! Stop... ayame said over the phone. While hatori held it away from him. This isn't shigure you're talking to. Hatori says looking at his files. For the sake of yuki's special day!

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