Chapter 6 Knew about the shop, but not what kind.

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I don't see why it matters. So what if you are a tool? It doesn't change anything. Yuki's mother says looking at him.
Yuki then wakes up from his dream. He then got dressed and made his way to the bathroom. Splashing his face with water. It's been a while since i had that dream. This is the worst. Yuki says in his mind as he grabbed the towel drying his face. He then looked at him self in the mirror with a shadow casted over his eyes. Ayame opened the door. Ah! Good moring! Mon petiti chou-chou! Though, to be fair, i don't honestly know how accurate that sentiment is when you've stayed abed until the sun is high in the sky. Yuki grows in anger. So, you're a late riser. I can't rightly say if i'm surprised or not. As for me, i keep my own hours...
This is the worst. Yuki says in his mind as the towel slips from his hands. Ah! And so it goes. Thus shall we continue to learn about each other, one small step at a time. How beautiful! I promise to spend every waking moment today by your side. I swear it! Bye! Ayame says then leaves yuki. You just said you were going to stay with me all day! Yuki says making ayame stop. I see. You dear boy! I didn't know you were so bereft in my absence. Ayame grabs yuki's shoulders. Now, let us go! We shall celebrate our brotherly love. A mea of barbeque short ribs should do nicely! Ayame says happily. Get off of me! Yuki shouts pushing ayame's hand off his shoulder. But ayame had a grip on his shoulder ripping yuki's shirt. They both sit in silence. Hey, if you're done yelling, can we eat the peaches? Shigure asks from the living room.
I thought a gift of peaches would be a suitable follow-up for the crab i brought previously. Eat! Savor its juicy sweetness whilst i toil away. Feel free to express your gratitude. Ayame says sewing yuki's shirt. Oh, right! Thank you so much! Star says then smiling at ayame. Good girl. While you're at it, peel one for me as well? Ayame asks smiling at star still sewing. Yeah no problem! Star says gripping the knife in her hand with a force smile. Don't talk to her like she's some kind of servant! Yuki says angrily. Well, i can't do it myself. Heavens, no! Just think of how sticky that would make my poor fingers. Ayame says still sewing. Do you even listen to the words that come out of your mouth? Yuki asks. Worry not, aya, my sweet. If you but ask, my peach is yours for the taking. Shigure says touching hands with ayame. Thank you, gure. But i don't need it. Your love is more than enough to satisfy my heart. Ayame says softly smiling at shigure touching his hand. Leave! Now! Yuki says with a tik mark on his head. Honestly. Just calm down. You let every little thing get to you. Sounds tiring. Shigure says. Yeah, it is. You have no idea how much. Yuki says sighing puting his hand on his head. There! All finished. Now try it on. I wanna see how it looks. Ayame says holding and opening his shirt showing the words he sewed in. which spells "brotherly love" what did you do to my shirt? Yuki asks. Shigure took the shirt and started laughing. Oh, wow! It's perfect for you! Shigure says then continues laughing. It's a representation of the solemn oath that i swore to yuki. Never to leave his side. Ayame says while shigure countied to laugh. How 'bout you swear an oath never to touch my clothing again? Yuki asked. Shigure countied to laugh then stopped. Your brother did this as an expression of his love. You should treasure it. Shigure says. Says the guy who was dying of laughter a seconded ago. Yuki says. Just two people in the world can embroider so well, so quickly. It's a very rare talent. Should yu not believe me, brother of mine, i suggest you vist my shop. Ayame says with his pointer finger pointed to the roof while his other hand rested on his hip. All right. Yuki says. Ayame gasps turing to yuki. Eh? Star asks rasing her eyebrow and looking at yuki not expecting him to agree. I'll do it. Visit your shop, i mean. I've never seen it before, and i should... sometime. Yuki says not looking at ayame. Star stared at yuki in shock. I was thinking that, maybe, if i saw your work, i'd understand you a little better. Yuki says with a tiny blush on his face. He's trying. He wants to change his relationship with ayame. Star smiles at yuki tiltin her head a little. Even though it's not always easy. Star says in her mind smiling at yuki. Did you just hear that. Gure? Ayame says to shigure. Yeah! Shigure says smiling at ayame. Yuki, my most beloved brother, is tearfully begging for a glimpse of the shrine that houses my marvelous creations. Okay he wasn't begging star mumbles leaning her face on her palm staring at ayame. Um, there was no crying involved. Yuki says making star chuckle. Today is the best of all days! None can compare! Ayame cheers. Will you please sit down? Yuki says holding out his hand. I must share the news at once! You'll never believe it, tori. Yuki, my bloved brother-- that's enough! Yuki says snatching ayame's phone. I would be honored to grant your humble request, of course. And i'm sure you'd love to visit as soon as possible; let's make it sunday. Ayame says. Uh... yuki trails off. Naturally, you must come as well, star. Ayame says making star raise and eyebrow at him. Yeah and why is that? She asks crossing her arms. Because a princess should always remain by her prince's side. Ayame says making star blush. I mean i guess your right. Star says blushing and scratching her face. Ayame rushes to kyo's room opening the door. He was lifting weights. However, your presences won't be required. Sorry. Ayame says happily. I don't know what you're talking about, and i don't want to, either. Get outta here, you freak. Kyo says still lifting the weights. And now i must hasten to prepare for your arrival! Farewell to all! Ayame says laughing and taking his leave. Yuki was left shooken till he sat down next to star holding his head while she ate a peach she cut. I'm sorry about him. You don't have to come if you don't want to. Yuki says. Actually, i'd really like to tag along if that's okay with you? Star asks eating somemore of the peach. No, of course you can come. Yuki says smiling at star. Cool! I kinda wanted to check out his shop since i first heard him talk about it. A boutique that sells nurse uniforms and maid outfits.i i've never been any place like that, have you? She asks smiling back at him. Nurse? Maid? What in the world? Yuki asks with a blank face. "Knew about the shop, but not what kind."

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