Chapter 32 The Man I Call Father

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Star opened the classroom door and saw yuki. Uh. hey, yuki. What's up? Something the matter. Star asked. Oh, my mom just decided to reschedule our panernt-teacher conference at the last minute. Honestly. Still, i guess it's a miracle that she's coming at all. So there's that. Yuki said making star think back to akito's words
Akito: stop thinking you're special. The zodiac members will come back to me in the end-- every last one. As it should be. Forever unchanging.
Star closed her eyes then stepped towards yuki. Hey. it's not about her, you know? The conference, i mean. It supposed to be a chance to think about your own future. So, um, i guess what i'm saying is... do your best, okay? Star asked.
Akito: mind your own business.
No! I won't mind my own business! Star says in an angry tone. Uh? Yuki asked wondering why star said that. It was finally time for our parent-teacher conferences to begin!
Star's pov sheesh been awhile
Me and shigure were heading to our class as girls talked about how either hot he was, if he was our teachers lover, or there not surprise that my "father" looks like this. I could see shigure's confidant smile. You better lose that smile before i make you. I threatened making shigure sweat drop. You know you could be a little nicer. Miss princess of the school. Don't call me that! It sounds gross when you say it. I say glaring at shigure. Noted. shiugre says. I don't know why but i've been in a bad mood all day. Ive had this feeling that i can't shake. Like something is going to happen. And i mean something really bad. We make it to the class door when it opened making me and shigure stop. A man with blond hair and green eyes walked out of the room stopping and turning to me. I felt my face shift into pure anger. Hello star. My father said with a blank expression. Star you know him? Shiugre asked. No i don't let's go. I said through my teeth. Sorry but i'm here for you and were going to the conference together. My father said. The hell we are! Get lost i don't want you here! I shouted with pure anger. I heard whispers from the students. Woah the princess losing her cool. Never expected that. Maybe shes not all the nice after all. I've been noticing that she's been acting rude lately. Nice very princess like if you ask me. As i heard thoes whispers i started to shake. N-no not again. I've worked way to hard to keep my princess persona when i'm at school. Delinquent star is showing. What do i do? I've already yelled at the man i'm suppose to call father. Fuck what do i do! I felt a tap on my shoulder making me snap out of my thoughts. I turned to see shigure smiling at me. How bout i go in first i have to speak to your teacher anyways. Stay out here and cool off. Maybe talk to your father for a bit. Shigure said softly. My eyes shook in fear. B-but shiugre... don't worry i promise i'm right in the room if you feel like it's too much run and get me and will leave immediately. Shigure reassured me. I gulped and nodded. He smiled patting my head then heading into the class room closing the door. I sat on the chair that was across the hall from the door looking at the floor in a daze. I saw shoes appear infront of my vision. I wouldn't dare look up and face him. Not right now. Star i know me showing up out of the blue is disrespectful. But i wanted to be here. Your the only thing of your mom i have left. My father said as i could hear the sadness in his voice. I still refused to look up. Then... why come now. Why would you leave before you could even get to know me. You left mom as soon as i was born. Star that's not how- you think she didn't tell me! You had your bags packed and ready to go. Mom was holding me and you walked in with bags telling her "you weren't ready". Trust me i heard the story too many times already. Every fucking birthday she would tell me as the days went on i looked more and more like you. I finally rose my head glaring at my father. There was a point where she left for days. She just couldn't stand that i looked like you. It made her leave! I thought she would have abandoned me just like you had. So i cut my hair and had someone dye it black. Hoping that would have changed something. Wanna know what she did she dyed her hair blond so she wouldn't foget you! She said i even talked like you. So i changed the way i spoke. Picked up on how she spoke. Then added a bit of a spin to it. Do you understand how much you hurt her AND ME WITHOUT EVEN BEINGING AROUND! I shouted kicking the chair. At this moment i don't care what people think of me. As long as they see how much of a shit father you are!
Are you done? My father asked softly. When i heard him i taken a step back. Y-yes. I stuttered. Star everything your mother told you is correct. But that doesn't mean I hadn't thought about you or her. I may have walked out on you before i even saw your face. But i loved your mother and you. I just wasn't ready. I was still young. And i wanted to experience my life. I couldn't be like how Katsuya was to kyoko. He was ready to settle down. But i wasn't. Sometimes i used to blame Katsuya for introducing me to akari. If i hadn't been so curious about that white haired delinquent I wouldn't even be in this mess. But i did and i don't regret meeting akari. She was the best thing that happened to me. My world was filled with fake nobodys who treated me well because my dad was a big time ceo. Versus akari who didn't sugar coat anything and treated me like any other person she knew. Then when I found out she was pregnant I was thrilled but when it came to it. I was too scared and ran away. When i heard she was dead i couldn't help but wanted to be by your side and be your father again. But when i went back to the house it was for sale and you were nowhere to be found. Then when i found out you had a phone. I went to katusya's fathers house and they gave me your number. My father kneeled down holding my hand. I may have missed so many precious moments but I'm here now. I wanna be your father. I shouldn't have ran before. I'm sorry i missed so many birthdays. At this point you won't need a father to hound you or help you. But i'll be here for the rest of your months in highschool. I was about to say something when he cut me off. I know about your boyfriend that abused you in middle school. I'm extra sorry i wasn't there to protect you. When i found out from tohru it tore me apart. I couldn't be around to show you what a man is actually supposed to do to the women he loves. If i would have only been around that situation wouldn't have gone on for as long as it did. I'm sorry star. Actually wanna know why your name is star? I nodded my head wanting to know why i got stuck with such a none japanese name. I named you that your mom had no idea what to name you. So i picked one. Because i knew one day you would fit into your name. You shine brighter than most people around you. You brighten anyones day you come across. Look at you! You've grown so beautiful that people can't take there eyes off you. Like a star in the sky. I knew before you even were born that it was the perfect name for you. Has your mom ever acted like you were the star on the christmas tree? My father asked. By now i was in tears. Y-yes she did. I said while sobbing. And i bet you had the biggest smile on your face every time she did that? I nodded. See so when i thought of that i knew you would live up to the name. I hugged my dad crying. He was startled at first but then hugged me back. I'm sorry dad i-i i shouldn't have been so rude to you. I'm so sorry. I wimpered. It's okay you had every right to hate me. Don't aplogize. He said patting my head. The door to the classroom opened. My teacher looked exhausted while shigure held a smile on his face. Please can we start? My homeroom teacher said after pushing shigure out.

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