Chapter 40 What Is Your Reason.

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Time skip a couple days later after school at shigure's house

Star was setting down the cups of tea she made as she remembered something. Oh, I totally forgot to ask. There's a rumor going around about this year's culture festival. Since I haven't attended the last meeting due to some issues. Is it true were having a bonfire and fireworks? Star asked as she leaned on the table putting her chin in the palm of her hand looking at yuki. No, that really is just a rumor. Yuki said, shaking his hand. Okay thanks for telling me. Star said, sitting up with her arms on the table. I mean, those were a couple of suggestions that people made, but they're not feasible. Sorry. Yuki said. Oh, no, dude it's okay. I just wanted to know so when people would have asked me I knew what to say to them. Star said, waving her hands. Would it really be so hard? In his day, Aya lit up the entire school.

Aya: observe in wonder as i illuminate our school!

You know that's just another reason not to do it, right? Yuki asked as they all imagined aya. The cost alone. Kyo said. You've got to shell out sometimes to be a true romantic. Shigure says. Oh yeah. Star mumbled while shigure was talking. She got up with the tray and went to the kitchen. Yeah? Just sounds like a waste of money to me. Kyo said as star left. So the culture festivals coming up soon, is it? Shigure asked yuki. Oh, no. it won't be for a little while yet. We've got time. I'm just planning ahead because of exams. Yuki says. You can do it, mr. president. Shigure said tilting his head to the side and a little pink heart beside him. Ugh. it's that smile again. Yuki grumbled in his mind as he stared at shigure. So... anyone want dessert? I made jello if you've still got room. Star said holding two in her hand and the rest on the tray. Ooh, i do, thank you. Shigure said as star kneeled down. You made it? Yuki asked. Yeah. i have orange, apple and grapefruit flavor, so pick what you'd like. Star said smiling at them. That's a lot. What's the occasion? Yuki asked smiling at star as she smiled back at him. Hey. star and yuki turned to kyo. You went to see rin at the hospital. I'm right, aren't i? Kyo asked. Yeah, i did. I'm surprised you were able to figure that out. Star said smirking at kyo basically calling him dumb. He had a irk mark on his forehead as he turned away from star smirking. Lucky guess. Kyo said in an irritated voice. Star started messing with him as kyo shouted back telling her to knock it off. That's been happening a lot lately. Every guess that you make seems to be right when it comes to me. Are you a stalker. Star teases. I'm not a stalker! You're just pretty easy to read, you know? Kyo said as yuki stared at the two. Uh. I don't think I really am for everyone, am i? Star asked as a question mark appeared beside her head. Not exactly sounding very sure of yourself. Kyo said making star eye twitch. Uhh. heh. Star chuckled nervously about hitting Kyo but Yuki's voice stopped her. Miss takashi? Yuki called making star turn. Yeah? Star asked. When you went to visit Rin, how did she seem? She didn't maybe... throw an IV stand at you, for example? Yuki asked casually making kyo and star grunt, shocked by what he said. Uh. no, she didn't throw anything at me. Star said in a confused voice. Why are you even asking such a dumb question? No one would do that. Kyo said. Don't be so sure. Yuki said in his mind. She seemed fine. She's starting to get some of her energy back. Star said. Oh, by the way, star. I've been meaning to apologize about the whole rin situation. We shouldn't have dragged you into our little drama. I'm sorry you had to get involved. Shigure said, bowing his head a bit. Kyo noticed shiure had three cups of jello in front of him. You better not be planning to eat all of those. Kyo said. Star slammed her hands on the table causing the boys to go quiet and look at her. It's no trouble at all! Really. It's not. Never! Star said realizing what she said she turned her head away from them.

 Never! Star said realizing what she said she turned her head away from them

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