Chapter 22 I love you...

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Kyo! Star giggled. My name. Kyo turned around to see her hands behind her head m smile on her face as she walked up to him.

The camera panned from her feet up to her face as she walked to him

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The camera panned from her feet up to her face as she walked to him. It sounds special somehow... if you're the one saying it. Star put her hands down and jogged up to kyo playfully punching his arm. When did that happen?
this is just so much fun! Star says with a closed eye smile. Kyo stared at her.
If something'll make you smile, i'd be willing to do it over and over again. When did i start thinking stupid, sappy things like that? And why? Kyo thought back on the time he helped her dress her wounds when she came back from fighting with her gang. He thought about how she hugged him and he didnt transform. It's almost like... i'm...

I met isuzu, the soma who's possessed by the horse spirit. And i realized there's only one left. Star squented her eye. Which means, the rooster must be...
star, how are things going here? Shigure asked walking to star as she stood there lost in her thoughts. They're great. Star hoisted the basket. But, uh, i thought you were out at the annex today. Star said turning to shigure. I was, but i forgot something. Kyo, you're up. Shigure said. What? Kyo asked. Akito has requested the dubious pleasure of your presence. I'm sorry, but i'm afraid i'll have to steal him for a little while. Shigure says. Star shrugged. Okay. wait...
Huh? Kyo and star say in unison with her dropping the basket. Wow, did you two coordinate that? Shigure asked. Star eyes sparkled as tears came to her eyes as she gasped smiling. Hey. hold on. If i go, then she'll be--
i can't believe it! Kyo you've been finally invited! This is so amazing! Star hugged him making kyo blush a bit.
Wait hold on--
right, kyo? Star asked cutting him off pulling back from the hug looking up at kyo. Kyo stared at star with an unreadable expression.
I'm really happy for you. Star says smiling. Kyo face soften then he softly bonked her on the head with his fist.
Uh. she said looking at kyo. I won't be too long. Stay outta trouble. Kyo says with a small smile.
Right! I'll see you in a bit. Star says ruffling his hair.
Heh. kyo chuckles softly smiling. He then started to head out.
See? She's happy. Shigure says.
Well, i'm not. At all. You know it's a trap, too, so shut up. Kyo says not looking at shigure.
Ooh, so scary. Are you ever nice to anyone besides star? Shigure asks making kyo glance over at star. Who was smiling at him.
Once kyo and shigure left star was left alone. She walked onto the balcony leaning against the rail. He should be there by now. I wonder what they're all doing and if kyo's having fun. He better not be causing trouble while i'm not around. He probably is. Lucky bastard without me around he'd be let loose. Star sighed leaning backwards looking at the sky. She then sighed as the wind blew her hair a bit. Maybe everybody will sit down for a banquet together.
Kyo: i won't be long. Stay outta trouble
Star rolled her eyes playfully then put her face in her palm staring at the scerny.
I'm actually really happy for him, and i hope he comes back at least a little happy, too. Star says as the wind blew her hair.
With kyo and akito
I've been wondering. How are things going with that wager we made? Go on, admit it. You can't beat him. And you never will. It's impossible. You should know by now-- you were made to be inferior. The cat was never meant to defeat the rat. And you will never defeat yuki. Kyo glared at akito with hatred at he spoke. That's how it's aways been. How it always will be. Accept it. Thoes who are born witht he spirit are tied to that spirit's destiny, as i've told you before. This is the fate of your lineage. Kyo. you can't escape it. Kyo fist tightend as he remembered them talking before.
Kyo: no! I want nothing to do with that fate! Do you hear me? I'll prove that you're wrong. I'll prove that i'm better than him. I'll beat yuki. Then you'll see!
Akito: okay fine. Let's make a bet. Before you graduate from high school, prove you can defeat yuki. Wil and i'll stop calling you a monster. I'll even welcome you as a zodiac member. But if you can't beat him... then i'll lock you up until the day you die.
Kyo gasps letting go of akito's collar. Akito stood up.
Akito: if you can't beat him, you really are just a piece of filth. As i've always know you to be.
End of flash back
Anyway, looks like i'm going to win our little bet. Akito said playing with something. What? You can't just assume that! I still have plenty of time left. You don't know anything! Kyo said making akito rip the thing off the window. I know exactly what's coming kyo. And so should you. Akito said. Kyo gasps. Then akito threw the thing at kyo causing a bruise on his cheek. How can you still not understand? Or have you forgotten? Is that it? You've deluded yourself so long you can't remember the truth. Let's fix that, shall we? Akito walked towards kyo. Remember, you're a monster, kyo. A freak. Kyo flenched. And because of your twisted nature, your mother is dead. Kyo's eyes widen. You're wrong. Kyo said stepping back a bit. I'm not. Akito said. Stop. it wasn't... my fault. Kyo defend. Akito looked up with a dark smile. It most certainly was. Akito grabbed kyo's wrist with the bracelet on it. You killed you own mother. He said raising his arm. Stop it. Let go! Don't touch me! Kyo says trying to shake akito's grip off his wrist. I don't take orders from you. Akito said making kyo's eyes widen in fear. Your poor, unfortunate mother. She gave birth to a monster in human skin. And she tried to raise it, to protect it. But in the end, she just couldn't bear the pain. And now, her son won't even mourn her death. Kyo stared at akito with pure fear as he spoke.
Kyo's father: kyo, do you understand what your mom did? It wasn't an accident. She's dead because she took her own life. Do you realize how much grief you've caused her? Do you know what you've done? Or are you too much of a monster to see the truth?
Kyo gasps. Honestly? The one who should've died was you. Think how much happier everyone would've been if you had. Purple rope wrapped around kyo's wrist. Especially your mother. Akito said with a meaning look as he stared at kyo. Kyo stared petrified. I killed her. I-- flash backs of his mother. No, please stop! Please just stop. Please. Kyo fell to his knees. I can't. Kyo whimpered. Now then, there's something i've been thinking about. Star takashi appears to be encouraging these delusions of yours. So, maybe, this is all her fault. Nothing seems to scare her off, not even seeing your true form. Akito said making kyo look up at him. You know? But how? Kyo asked. An impressive girl, isn't she? She practically a saint. Or an angel. Or it could be... she's a monster. Akito said with a smirk making kyo gasp at his comment. Come on, she's just a little too perfect, and that kind of perfection seems wrong. In fact, one might even say it's monstrous. Star takashi. Most people would run screaming after seeing you in that form, but she didn't even flinch. Akito said. Kyo clenched his fist. No. you're wrong. Kyo stood up. How can you even say that? You don't know what happened. You couldn't. Because you weren't there to see it. So i don't care what you've heard. Nothing about her is monstrous. Nothing. You... you don't know how scared she was that night. So don't try and tell me she wasn't! Her hands were shaking. Her voice was trembling. All of which i've never seen from her not once before. Her skin was cold to the touch, and her face pale with fear. Evan so, she stood her ground and refused to run away from me! Kyo says. Akito covered his ears. Stop talking. He said. That's right! She was terrified, but she didn't run. She stayed! She held onto me the whole time! Kyo shouted but then gasped. She must have known that if she let go... i would never return. If i slipped through her hands, i'd be gone. And no one would be able to bring me back. She didn't erase all my pain or offer to solve all my problems. She didn't fix everything that was broken. But that's not what i needed, anyway. Not really. What matter most was that... she stayed.
Pretend this is kyo and star.

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