Chapter 14 I've never been this excited about summer vacation!

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After the haunted house in the manager's office
Honestly, i should call your parents. Make them pay for the damage. (they've got such angelice faces, thought. Are these kids models or something? ). Stay here. I'll be back in a minute. The manager says about to leave. Wait, sir! We'll pay whatever you want, but please promise us you won't separate them again! Momiji pleaded. Hm? The manager asked. Momjij's right! They belong together! Star says also pleading. You wouldn't keep a young man from his long lost mothers side, would you? Momiji asked. You moron. Haru was just making up a stupid story. He's gonna laugh in your faces. Kyo said while momiji explained haru's story. His mom left him, even thoughts she really didn't want to. But then...
A few moment's later
Tragic. Yet touching. Ah! I don't know the last time i was so moved. The manager said covering his eyes as tears ran down his cheeks as he smiled. Him, too?! Is everyone around here an idiot? Kyo shouted.
At the house
Ginger pork. Yay. haru said staring at his plate then took a bite. Leave already. Kyo said as his head rested in the palm of his hand. I'm next, right? Meat! Yum! Momiji said as star handed him his plate. We should have enough for seconds, too. Star says ruffling momiji's hair. So, what'd you do for the first afternoon off? Shigure asked. We went to a hunted house! Momjij said. But, star, weren't you scared? Shigure asked. Star slammed her hands on the table. Ha me! Galaxy! Formor leader of a gang! Scared ha don't make me laugh! Star shouted nervsly. But anyways it was kinda moving. Star said screeching her cheek with her pointer finger. It really was! Momiji said. Moving? A haunted house? Shigure asked. More like exhausting. Yuki and kyo said in unison as they had tired looks on there faces. I know! I'm already tearing up just thinking about it. Star says with her eyes closed facing momiji. Wow. it must've have been quite an unusual haunted house. Anyway, it sounds like the break is off to a promising start. Shigure said. Star clapped her hands together. Yep! And i'm for sure it's only going to get better! I've never been this excited about summer vacation before! Star said smiling. On a stormy day
Dang it's raining pretty hard out there. Star says as looked over at yuki. Uh-huh. It's only getting worse, too. Yuki says. And you know, on days like today... they appear. Shigure says catching star's attention. Huh? "They" who? Star asks. Durning the summer, they're very common around this area. Very. shigure says with a smirk. Lightnig flashed causing a bit of thunder startling star a bit. Um. wait. What? Not that you're scaring me. But please elaborate further. Wh-who's common? Star stuttered keeping a nerves smile on her face. Momiji bursted open the door causging star to start screaming. Hallo,everyone! You ready? 'Cause tomorrow, we're getting outta here! Momiji cheers.

Star layed her head on the table while's holding her heart. That... was terrifying. Star says as her body shook. So, where are we going? Yuki asked handing momiji a towl to dry off with. We all agreed we were gonna hang out together this summer, remember? So... i reserved one of the soma vacation houses for us. Our ultimate summer getaway officially begins tomorrow! Momiji said making star startled. What? Hold up! A getaway? Vacation house? Star asked in shock. Well, at least it's not a haunted house this time. Yuki says. A fancy getaway, huh? With attendants, perhaps? Shigure asks as he imagined two women. I don't want to know what he's picturing. Yuki says. Momiji then turned to star. Star, you're taking some time off work, right? You have to come. This is our big chance! Momiji said smiling at star. Oh, uh, do you think i'd be welcome there, though? Star asked. Ja! I invited... haru, harry, aya, ritchan, kisa, hiro, and kagura, too, so the more the merrier! Momiji says naming off the people. Could we uninvite someone? Specifically, my brother. Yuki asked. Yeah, could we uninvite kagura too. Star asked. So? You'tr going to come with us, aren't you? Momiji asked. Uh, maybe. Star says scatching her head. If you want to go, then you should go, star. There's no need to be shy. Shigure says making star smirk and cross her arms. Okay! I would love to go! Star said making momiji drop down next to her. Stag beetles and hercules beetles, too! We've gotta catch 'em all. Momiji says. Alright! Star says giving momiji a closed eye cheeky grin. And we'll set off fireworks! Momiji says. Absolutely! Star says. Well, it does sound like fun. Perhaps i'll go. Shigure says putting his newspaper on the table. Star turned and looked at him with her eyebrow raised. Oh, yeah! You should totally come. You don't have work to do? Yuki asked. Nah. shigure said with a closed eye smile. Please stop smiling. It's both unconvincing and unpleasant to look at. Yuki says. My obligations aside, though, weren't you all assigned homework over the break? Shigure asked star looked down at her lap. Don't worry about me. I'm mostly finished. Yuki said standing up. Same here! I got an early start. Momiji said. Star stayed quite causing them to all look at her. Star staired at the table not moving as lighting flashed behind her. Stop staring at me! She shouted.
In star's room
I'm sorry about this. Usually i'm on top of it. But it sorta slipped my mind. I'm such a screw up sometimes. I make more work for you guys it seems like all the time. Star said bowing her head a bit while yuki and momiji smiled at her in chibi form. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's fine. Yuki says. Just keep trying! You can do it! Momiji said making star smile at him. Yeah you're right! *ruffles momiji's hair* this summer getaway should be plenty to motivate me. Star said. Do it for the beetles! Momiji says. And for the fireworks! Star cheers as she grabes her pencil. Or we could just delay the thing instead of going tomorrow. Yuki says in his mind. Hey. hold on. Where's kyo? Momiji asked. Oh, he's been i his room for a while, resting. Star says. Then i'm off! He needs to know about our big plans. Good luck, star! Momiji says waving. Thanks! Star says. Then momiji closes her door leaving yuki and her alone. All right, time to really focus and get this homework done. Star says then looks at her paper. Yuki noticed the hat she had sitting on her dresser. Kyo! Hey, what's up? You sick? Momiji asked worried going into kyo's room. Just tired, that's all. I definitely don't have enough energy to talk to you. Okay, rabbit? Kyo asked. I get it. Hey! *kyo gets startled* Get packed! We're going to the beach house tomorrow! Momiji shouts. You don't get it at all! Wait, the beach? Tomorrow? Kyo asks. Mh-hm! Momiji says. Kyo punches momiji's head. That's for the short notice. Kyo says with an irk mark on his cheek. Momiji cries. Kyo, you big meanie! I know you're tired, but you'll still come, won't you? You won't miss out on our big summer trip, right? Momiji asks. Stop bugging me, will ya? Kyo asks turning away from momiji. Star will be really sad if you don't come. We've got big plans. Swimming and fireworks. Momiji says tring to convince kyo. I said stop bugging me. That means i want ya to leave, not that i won't go. Now scram. I'm tired and i need to pack. Kyo says kneeling to the floor in front of his dresser. Momiji softly smiles at kyo. You're nicer than you i used to be. Momiji says. Huh? Kyo asked. Oh, nothing! It'll be fun. Know the best part? I'm going to catch some stag beetles! Momiji says sitting close to kyo. You know, you're a really weird kid. Kyo says.

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