Chapter 36 I'll wish for them...

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A/N: this chapter is also long sorry.😅
Really? I don't think very many people come here to visit him. So what did you want to talk to him about? Momiji asked. Star opened her mouth to speak but hesitated and chose her words. Somebody i know– a good friend– has been missing a man named kureno. And i thought there was a chance it could be kureno soma. I wanted to find out. Star said talking about uotani. So you're doing this for someone else? Momiji asked star clenched her skirt with her fist. No. not like that. I'm not doing something noble or selfless. It's for me I decided to come because i needed to know. Star said. Momiji softly smiled at star. The problem is, kureno lives in the inner estate, and nobody out here sees very much of him. So getting to him could be difficult. Hm. now that i think of it, that may only be true for zodiac members. Akito told us we couldn't see him, so we just assumed no one else could, either. I'll go with you. Momiji said looking down at star since he stood up. Star gasped in shock. What? Star asked confused on why momiji would come with. I'm worried. What will you do if somebody sees you in here? Someone like... akito. You may be strong but... you remember... last time? Momiji said remembering how akito scratched her cheek drawing blood. His fist clenched in anger.
Momiji. Star stood up looking at momiji who was looking off not looking at her. Thanks for worrying, but i'll go by myself. Momiji looked up at star with shock. I've already interrupted your day by coming here, and i don't wanna make it worse. Star grabbed momiji's hand and smiling at him. You stay. I'll be all right. You said it yourself. Kureno isn't supposed to see any of the other zodiac members. Star said making momiji look away from her with a very worried look on his face. Star kissed momiji on the forehead. Thanks for worrying. I'll see you later momiji. Star said then left momiji's house. Right. Here we go. No turing back now. According to the map momiji drew for me, it looks like...
Momiji: okay. Take this.  And remember, if anyone finds you, tell them you're there because of me, all right? You have to blame me.
Star held the map clost to her chest. Momiji... thank you so much for understanding. Star then continued on her way to kureno. For worrying about me instead of being annoyed by my selfishness. Star gasped seeing someone. She ducked and hid in the bushes. She sighed in relief then continued on her way. Star then pulled out her of her pruse backpack grabbing the pocket book with her mom's photo in it to keep her strength up. Mom, if you're not mad at me for being so selfish and reckless... she tied her hair in a bun to keep her hair from getting in the way. Then please give me strength. Send me some of your strength! Star continued on her way. She crawled on the ground so she wouldn't be seen. Okay. looking at the map, i should be getting close. Uhhh i think. Star saw out the conor of her eye a white curtain blow a bit making her turn and look and see kureno sitting at his desk on his computer. Star shot up from her spot kureno. Huh? She noticed two people walking down the way on the opposite side of her. Damn! I gotta hide! Star then ran off. Kureno turned a bit seeing her. God damnit i can not believe this! I was so close. So freakin close! Star skidded to a stop seeing a gardener. Damn it there's someone over here, too! Star then ran another way. She saw another maid walking. You got to be freaking kidding me! The hell there's nowhere to run! This is the wrong freakin direction. I'm getting farther and father away from kureno! Star dropped to her knees. Her outfit was all dirty. God, what am i doing? This aint never gonna work. No! I am star freaking takashi! galaxy the most fear gang boss in japan. I can not go down like this. Not now. I have to keep trying! Which would be easier said then done if i had any idea of where i was. Star looked around to see anything familiar. Who's that? Is someone out here? Someone asked opening the door and stepping outside where star was. But she hid behind a bush so none could see her. hat voice. No. what should i do? I can't run. Star said in her mind panicking with her eyes closed she felt someone pat her head. She looked up and saw kureno. It's only me. I'm sorry. I was just passing by. Kureno said coviering for star. She looked up at him. Kureno? Star asked in her mind. Kureno walked up to the person. Why not come join me for some tea? They asked then rose there hands up to the sides of kureno's face. No, i really ought to get back. Akito will be worried. So... if you'll excuse me. Kureno said walking back to star then grabbed her wrist dragging her off. Star turned to look back to see who he was talking to but the person was already gone. I thought i heard someone call me And went after you. What were you doing there? Kureno asked as he stopped walking making star stop. Uh, i'm sorry. Star aplogized. How did you get in in the first place? If you snuck in, that means you're trespassing, and i have every right to call the police. Kurneo said making star's eyes widen. The hell. No don't do that! At least, not yet. Please at least listen to what i have to say first. I think maybe you know my friend. Her name is arisa uotani. Star said making kureno's eyes widen and he let go of star's wrist. It is him. He's uo-chan's kureno, like i thought. The thing is, uo-chan wants to see you. She tough, and it takes a lot to get her to talk about her feelings, but i know she quit her old jobs. And, um... when she thinks about the fact that she won't get to see you anymore, she looks sad... and lonely. Star said waiting on kureno's reasposn. I don't plan to see her again. Ever. kureno says. You mean... because you have a zodiac spirit? Is that the reason? Star asked. No. it's not that. Star tilted her head in confusion. I... kureno looked at the sky and a bird flew pass. It really isn't any of your business. Kureno says. Oh yeah. Of course. But please, just one more thing. Uo-chan's my friend, and it's hard to see her hurting, so at least take this. Here. it's has her contact information. Accepting it doens't mean you have to get in touch with her right away, or ever, for that matter. But i mean who knows? You might feel different about it tomorrow. Maybe... maybe you'll wake up and suddenly decide you want to see her again. It might not be tomorrow. It could be the day after that. Or a year from now. Or ten years. But as long as you're alive, things will keep changing in ways you can't predict. As long as you're alive, you'll find new things to wish for! Um. i'll hide this here, alright? So no one but us will know it's there. Star hid uotani's number between a bush. Star then held her wrist up to kureno. Uh. okay, i'm done now. Go ahead. Do it. Star said with her head down. Oh. i, uh... kureno chuckles. I don't have handcuffs on me, sorry. Star looked up at kurno. It';s okay. I'll give you a pass. There's someone here who's worried about you. Kureno said as momiji walked from his hiding spot. Momiji. Star called. Now, go on back. Kureno said then pushed her toward momiji. Uh, kureno? Star's eyes widen. You shouldn't be here. It's not the place for someone like you. Kureno said with a soft smile on his face. Momjij grabbed star's hand then pulled her away. Star counited to stare even while walking away. Goodbye. Kureno said as she left. My heart is breaking.
Back at momiji's house
I'm sorry. Really. I caused so much trouble for you by coming over here today. Star said not looking momiji in the eyes. What? No. i don't think that at all. You told me how momo feels about me, remember? It made me so happy! I want to thank you somehow. I know! Yes! Someday i'll put on a special concert just for you and nobody else! I'll even play a song you made. Momiji said making star shoot up. Huh? Um, that sounds amazaing, but i write more of pop songs i don't know much about classical music much less how to write it. Star said with her hands up. Momiji chuckles. No big deal. For now just tell me a song you like, and i'll play it. Momiji said with a closed eye smile. A song? Um. star thought of a song that her and tohru liked. Wishes. Star said softly. Huh? Momiji asked. "Birth of wishes." star said saying the full title. Is that one your favorite? Momiji said. Hm. i don't know. It just kinda popped into my head. But if that's too hard on the violin, a different one's totally fine. Star said. It's okay. I can learn it. Momiji said. I'll wish for them...
That night at shigure house
Star's pjs

 That night at shigure houseStar's pjs

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

...and the onese they long to see. Star sat on the roof top crisscross holding her aklnes while staring at the night sky lost in her thougts. What's wrong? Star looked over and saw kyo climbing up the latter. There's gotta be something. You don't come up on the roof very often. Kyo walked toward star as she hadn't said anything but just stared. You gon on some kinda adventure today? Star humed. Come on. You came home covered in dirt, so... kyo said sitting down next to star. Well, yeah i guess it was kind of an adventure, but it didn't go well like i wanted it to. Star said turning away from kyo. Huh? Kyo asked.  trust me i didn't go to my gang i'm done with that. I promise. But when there's someone in your life, someone you care about, you want... to be near them. Star said picking her fingers as she stared at the roof. So that's it. You got a crush on somebody, huh? Kyo asked looking down not facing star. She took a minute to possess what kyo said till her face turned red and she hit kyo on the head. Ow! Kyo shouted. Ah! No, that's not it! Or, at least, it's not myself i'm talking about. Star shouted about to hit kyo again but he grabbed her wrist making her get taken back. It's all right, don't worry. Star calm down staring at kyo. I know how hard it is for you to get trust back into a boy again after what happened. But when you do fall in love with someone, i promise... kyo stopped the finished his sentence.
...I'll be rooting for you, okay? Kyo said not looking at star. She stared at him with a look even she couldn't explain. Right, uh, thanks. That's good to– star felt tears come from her eyes. Kyo looked over and saw her crying. He gasped. Seriously, what's wrong with you? Kyo asked. They came out of nowhere, all these tears. I just started crying. I... seriously have no idea what's going on. Star said wiping her tears but they kept flowing. Kyo scooted closer to star to comfort her. My heart aches like it's being torn apart. Is it because i know my wish might be close to impossible? Because i'm too with familiar wishes... that never come true? Even so... i'll keep wishing. Star looked up at kyo with tears in her eyes. Hey, kyo, what do you wish for? Star asked whimpering. Well, right now, for someone to quit crying. Kyo said softly making star chuckle. Alright. Star said. I'll keep wishing.

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