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This is Elle Martin.

What is the meaning of love? A question that has so many different types of answers to. Depending on the person you ask. But to Google, there are three types of love. Let me explain.

1. Love is a complete acceptance. When we allow someone to be exactly as they are, without any belief that they aren't good enough, without any belief that they would be better if they were different, this is love.

2. Love is completely unconditional: 'Love has no conditions. When we truly love someone, we can't stop loving them, regardless of what they do or say. If our love is dependent upon the other person acting and speaking how we want, then this love is completely conditional. We often confuse this to be love, but this is just positive thoughts about someone. This is just loving what a person says or does, not loving 'them'. Positive thoughts or the thought 'I love you' Isn't necessary to love. Sometimes it even gets in the way.

3. Love is selfless: True love doesn't want anything in return, because there is nothing it needs. We just love for the sake of love. When we love someone, we don't look for them to fill our needs, love us back and all those types of things. If that is what we are looking for, then we are just using the other person/ What is the meaning of love? Love is completely selfless.

Love to me, was a very sharp knife that held promise of pain, never one that satisfied, never a theory you could nestle in, warm and safe, forever. Love was a dangerous terrain. It was where you met your enemy and gutted them before you sacked their belongings, hitting the road before the ink dried on the divorce papers. That's what my mother taught me.

I didn't want to love. I guarded my heart. I froze it and buried it deep within, therefore none, no matter who they were could melt it. Ever.

Sex on the other hand was different. The feeling of a heated body pressed against mine. Sex manifested itself in all things. It was all around me. It was everywhere, every corner I turned there was some kind of sexual tense. Every bar I went into, every job I took. It was everywhere. I was jealous, greedy to experience the gnashing of hips, the interlacing of hands, knees tucked against mine. I wanted it.

I held onto my virginity and reason long enough, staved off the enemy far too long. I wanted to keep it for someone special, and even after my last heart break, I knew I needed to lose it to whoever came in contact with me first. I didn't want anything to come of it though. I just wanted to find some loser or some hot sexy bastard who was willing to fuck me. Pleasure me until he couldn't pleasure me no more.

And now, here I am, standing in front of the god of 'Liberty College' in the exact amount of clothing I was born in.


"Are you back again, miss Elle Lively" He has this wicked grin on his face. He knew what I wanted, he knew what I came for, and I was going to get it.

"Are you going to fuck me?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

He tilts his head to the side "Do you want to be fucked?" He asks

"Hard" I nod my head

"Down" he instructs.

I get on my knees, and he pulls my head back. I knew this was going to hurt and for some reason, I wanted it to. I want to feel everything Jimin has to offer and that he is willing to thrust my way.

"I have wanted you for so long Princess" He hums "You know you turn me on, your virgin ass, your sweet, sweet lips, and not the ones on your face"

Why the fuck was I blushing? I never blush, good thing he couldn't see me.

"Your dress is far too short. Its teasing me" He steps into me and unbuttons his jeans. He flicks at his zipper and gives the impression of a wicked grin.

"With your teeth" he commands

And I do

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