Shields himself from reason with a kevlar baby blue tuxedo

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"Don't worry, I can do it. I wanted to donate anyway."

The three of them walked up to the man at the doors. "$1.79 for entry"

"Oh that's it?" Basil commented as he pulled 4 ¥100 bills out of his pocket.

"W-Woah, Basil, that's a lot of money! It's only like, 20 yuan to get in, whats all that for?" Aubrey said in shock.

"It's only a few hundred for donation, don't worry about it..." Basil said with a small smile.

The man accepted the money, and let all 3 of them in, Aubrey following with her jaw still wide open.

"How did- how can you just afford to do that?" Aubrey said with shock.

"My parents... are really rich..." Basil winced expecting an insult.

"Ah... well, I guess that's why Polly was always around..." Aubrey said deep in thought.

Basil was surprised. "Y-You don't... think I'm a leech or something..?"

"Pfft, I'd call you a leech if you were being one. You're helping the environment or whatever, that's like, the opposite of a leech." Aubrey said.

They walked a bit farther into the garden. There were beautiful bushes and trees with these red berries on them, Basil was amazed.

Aubrey looked at some unusual looking purple flowers, a plaque next to which identifying them as coneflowers.

"By the way, sorry about... bullying you like that, back then... sorry Basil." Aubrey said, keeping her face pointed away from both Sunny and Basil.

"It's okay, Aubrey. I forgive you... thanks for apologizing though..." Basil was surprised, and happy.

Sunny was standing between them, a bit unsure what to do, so he decided to focus on the flowers.

Aubrey saw knelt down next to some beautiful blue flowers. "Lobelia... wow... I wish we had these around here..."

Basil turned around to look at them, turning away from the woodland irises.

"Wow! They're so pretty, but so little..." Basil knelt next to Aubrey.

Sunny crouched down over them, looking at them. They were alright.

"This is exactly Hero's favourite colour, haha!" Aubrey giggled, then covered her mouth.

"A-Ah, right..."

Hero's reaction to the news was the worst. He immediately left the room, better than Aubrey's initial sobbing. But according to Kel, he said he never wanted to see them ever again.

Emphasis on ever.

"Ah... sorry you guys..."

"I-It's okay, it's my fault anyway." Basil responded.

"Our fault, Basil." Sunny said from over their shoulders.

Aubrey stood up and faced Sunny.

Sunny stood up too.

"God damn it, you're almost the same height as me, now." Aubrey said with a laugh.

"Heh, hey, I guess that's what happens when you start eating again..." Sunny said with a slight smile.

I'll be happy for you...

Sunny looked at Basil's face. "Hey, Basil, I think I saw some flowers you might like."

Sunny grabbed Basil's wrist and brought him slightly ahead on the path.

Basil blushed from Sunny's touch. Aubrey walked behind them with a cool smile.

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