I am the ....

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Ya ya whatever floats your boat, lol.

Time to meet Mason!

Grace POV

Sawyer was always the eldest and odd one among our group of friends.
He was always stuck up until he and Alina became a thing. I would always ask Alina what she saw in him.
But she would only blush and become bashful as if I asked her something embarrassing.

Girl! at least give me a good reason...

Whatever... Sawyer and I always love a good argument and proving each other wrong not that he won any argument except one time when that incident happened.


"Grace, Grace down to earth. I know you are not excited to meet Mason. But delaying the conversation certainly won't help. And now with the situation already deadly, I hope whatever you planned works, and you make the right decision to tell him... so everyone is prepared and no one is harmed," Sawyer told me.

I know he is also somehow attached to the family after staying here for a long time.

Trying Tring...

The sound of his phone paused whatever I was going to reply.
He saw the Caller and was somehow perplexed.

I thought it was Mason or Elijah but looking at his expression I was confused.

He signed that I should leave and he left without any word.

Weird Right?

Ignoring his actions, I left for Mason's office dreading each step. It was just a matter of seconds before I reached his office.

Before I could take a breath and knock, I heard 'Come In'.

Of course, he knows I am here.
No Mental Speech preparation time.
Just Great!!

I opened the door and entered the office. The entire room looked eerily silent.

More than it ever was...

Mason and Elijah sat on the Chairs on the other side of the table. Mason was looking like he normally did coldly...
But what surprised me was Elijah's reaction.

He looked emotionless.
I would actually...like literally flinch at his stare if I wasn't used to this look from training in Mafia for so long.

This look means they are very serious and something has happened.
And it's going to end badly for either of us.

And Of course, it's going to me not the other way round.


''So Grace, what are your Intentions?
I won't beat around the bush. What is your motive to come and live here? Mason asked me straightforward.

I stood there dumbfounded unable to answer.

"Wh... What do you mean?" I asked unable to say anything else.

"Grace or whatever your name is... I am asking patiently, so don't pressure me to use force on you. Just answer my question. What is your motive to come here?" Mason asked again a bit louder this time.

Give me some time to process bro...

What does he know, I thought going through all the incidents?

I came here to find out about the mole and Alessandro's truth but should I tell him that... I calculated and collected my thoughts to answer him.

"My name is Grace and I came here as a Nanny to Bella and Edward. I...," I started but he cut me in the middle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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