Who Informed Emma ?

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I sat down on the grass placing the basket beside me. Finally, I can enjoy this moment without any disturbance.

Suddenly my phone rang breaking the motion of my thought.

Mason Calling...

Oopsie spoke too soon I guess!

Grace POV

With tremendous courage and a fearless voice, I spoke, "Hello Mason".
" Grace is there anything that you need to tell me or inform me?" he questioned which sounded more like an order.
Of course, he'll know everything.

What should I do know?

All the courage and confidence in my voice drained down leaving just words behind with lots of turmoil.

"I... I no... I mean, yes. I actually am out. I mean not alone but with the twins. You know Bella... and Edward?" I muttered trying to form a proper sentence.

"Of course I know Edward and Bella, they are my siblings," he stated the fact with a straight emotionless voice.

I was never so scared of anyone but being in this situation with Mason, I feel it is difficult to lie to him, to my family. But I need to protect them from the enemies. If I tell them the truth now, then they will act emotionally and attack the enemies without caring for anything else.

And also, I already have my backup ready. I just need some more time to uncover all the hidden moles. I feel there are still some people who are yet to come to light. This unknown foe can cause more harm than the powerful ones we already know.

"Grace, Grace are you there, ?", I heard Mason shout on the phone with concern.

" Si, yes I am here only. I just... wanted to have a change of air after last night, so I took them with me outside. I know I need to ask your permission before doing it. But I did inform Sara about this, as Elijah mentioned to me before," I replied hastily.

"I understand Grace, but after the attack, I didn't want to take any risk, cause the attackers are not caught yet," he replied making my heart sink. I don't want to go back. It will devastate my plan.

"I promise I'll take care of them. I know your guards must have informed you about it. Knowing you, they must also be present here to protect them. I just want the twins to enjoy their childhood when they can," I justified.

I know the "childhood enjoy thing" will give my argument an edge over his concern.

In Mafia, children tend to lose their innocence early.

"Ok, I'll allow you, must I must be updated on an hourly basis about your location and also always be in the sight of the guards. One mistake and you come back with the twins at the mansion. Understood?" he spoke straight to the point.

I agreed to all his conditions and just before ending the call he informed me, "And by the way, it was not the guards. It was Andrew who informed me," he spoke and cut the call.

I was left perplexed thinking why did Andrew rant me out. Maybe after last night, he doesn't trust me or maybe he is worried for me that he called Mason. That might be a possibility.

Whatever he thinks is not my concern at this moment.

Forgetting about everything that happened, I concentrated on the twins who were playing on the slide in the park. I started walking towards them with the basket in my hand only to be stopped by a glimpse of a shadow behind me.

'Maybe it's just a guard that Mason sent', I thought a stopped walking.

But when the shadow didn't come out from the hiding place for a long time, I became alert. I walked on the right side of the footpath trying to prove my theory.

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