ch1 empty space

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"Where am i?" He asked himself, so many questions formed in his head but he pushed them aside and continued walking.

walking along the what seemed to be never ending path, he couldnt help but notice that there didnt seem to be anything in this weird space hes in, not a single thing, it was empty, another thing he noticed was that it didnt seem to end, hes been walking for hours or maybe days? He couldnt tell.

The thing that was disturbing to him was that the whole place was white, not a single thing was off color, the floor was white, the walls that seemed close but were actually far away ware also white but the weirdest thing of all was that he was white, it felt wrong to him, he didnt know why but he had a feeling that he wasnt supposed to be white.

"I need to get out of here" he whispered, he was desparate, since he got there it was the only thing he could thingk about, something was telling him that he needed to leave, he didnt know why or what it was that was telling him to leave but he assumed that it was himself starting to get sick of all the white colors.

Finally, at last after who knows how long, there was something different, something he hadnt seen in so long, a door.

His eyes widdend, relief and joy written all over his face as he ran for it, not stopping to thingk if it was safe, it was very out of character for him and he knew that, but something was telling him to just go for it, to open that door and walk to the other side.

Alas he made it, there he was standing in front of the door that had just mysteriously appeard out of thin air, he smiled, placed his hand on the knob and without any hesitation walked to the other side.

Black, it was all black, he panicked thingking that he was trapped in some kind of bag and was kidnapped, but he calmed down when he realized that his eyes were just closed, slowly he opened his eyes only to close them again blinded by the sudden light, he let a groan and sat up, again he opened his eyes and looked around, assesing his sorrundings, he was in yet another white room, but this time it wasnt empty, he was sitting in a bed next to a noisy machine that was strapped to him, it was heartbeat monitor.

He was confused by all of the unfamiliar objects around him, questions forming in his head, but one stood out the most.

"where am i ? "

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