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Start from the beginning

"Give me that noona," Suho said, demanding her coffee cup, "I'll get you something much better." 

Nabi complied and handed over her half drunken coffee cup to Suho, waiting to see what Suho was making for her. 

A couple of minutes later Suho returned with two mugs filled with coffee and Nabi took a sip of the sweet yet bitter drink Suho had created for her. 

"So. . .how are your holidays going?" Nabi asked Suho, breaking the small silence between them. 

"Fine. Nothing much is going on. I mostly either just sleep or go to work," Suho said," But since we only have two more weeks of break left, me and some of the boys are thinking of going on a two or three day trip."

"Really?" Nabi asked, taking a sip of her beverage, "Where are you guys thinking?"

"Either Gyeongju or maybe Paju," Suho said, "I don't know. We want to go somewhere where we can hike during the day but then chill during the night."

"To get wasted?" Nabi guessed, after all what do boys his age want to do in their break other than party and get drunk. That is the height of youth. 

Suho only gave her a mischievous smile and added, "I met mom a few times too." 

Nabi tensed at the familiar name and said, "Really? What did you two do?"

"We mostly only had lunch together. She likes eating out much more than you'd think," Suho said nonchalantly, "But she said that next time she'll take me out to buy me a new jacket." 

"Really? She said that," Nabi tried her best to sound interested. 

"Yeah. You know what noona, you should try to reconnect with her too," Suho suggested, "She's so much more fun and interesting than you would think. And she really has changed now." 

Nabi hummed, trying to do her best avoiding while Suho continued. 

"After all, she is family. You never know when we'll need each other. If either of us ever get married, then don't you think you'll like it if one of our parent is there," Suho casually said. 

Nabi only nodded, half heartedly listening to what Suho is saying. As Suho's words begin to replay in Nabi's head like some sort of echo, a particular word begins to highlight itself over and over. 





Nabi sharply looked at Suho as she realized something. 

"Suho," Nabi called out slowly, blinking as a sudden thought came over to her. 

"Hmm," Suho said, humming, not really realizing the tone Nabi is using, 

"You know, don't you?" Nabi asked. 

"Know what?" Suho asked for her to clarify. 

"Mom's marriage," Nabi said. 

"What?" Suho repeated, suddenly becoming aware. 

"You know of mom's marriage. Don't you. She told you before," Nabi stated. 

Suho looked a bit uncomfortable and said, "When did you find out?" 

"Two weeks ago. Her step-daughter invited me to the bridal shower," Nabi pointed out. 

"Oh. . ."

"How long did you know?" Nabi asked. 

Suho paused, almost as if he his contemplating what to say and finally spoke up, "For around two months I guess."

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