80| Home Again... Not

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"Just stay away from him, alright?" Sam told Kevin.

"So now what?" the Prophet asked.

"I gotta make some calls," Dean said. "You need to hit the angel tablet, see if you can find anything on the spell that Metatron used to empty out Heaven."

"Yeah, maybe we can reverse it before the God Squad does too much damage."

"Yeah, if we're lucky. Alright, check the net for anything angel-y."

"Or demon-y."

"Or monster-y. Or ghost-y, or... it's gonna be a busy year..."

Dean sighed, pulling out his phone and accepting a bowl of soup from me. I gave Kevin and Sam each bowls as well, the former disappearing briefly to grab his supplies to work on translating while the latter got out his laptop to do research.

"Yeah, Irv, fallen angels," my husband spoke into his phone. "Well, trust me, they're just monsters with good PR."

Maddie ran off to play with Zep once they both decided that they were done with their dinner.

"So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil," Dean continued. "Oh, and if they drop, uh, like, a silver sword, grab it. Those pigstickers come in handy. Hey, look, I know this is weird, but-"

He chuckled as Irv cut him off.

"Werewolf Siamese twins," he grinned into the phone. "Every time he drank Labatt's. So, if you run into any problems, give a call, okay? The more hunters that know the better."

He hung up the phone and finally picked up his spoon to eat his dinner.

I chewed my lip as the Impala pulled up outside the crime scene. Maddie and Zep had both thrown a fit when they found out Dean and I were leaving with Sam again. Maddie had actually asked why we had to be the ones to run off and kill the monsters all the time instead of letting other hunters do it. Zeppelin obviously didn't quite understand why Mommy and Daddy were leaving again, but he did understand we were leaving.

"Hey," Dean's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "It'll be okay."

"They're not stupid, Dean," I pointed out. "You heard Maddie. She's picked up on what we actually do over the years, and it won't be long before Zep starts to figure it out, too."

I was stopped from continuing as Dean grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips, lightly brushing them over my knuckles.

"We'll figure it out," he assured me. "I promise."

Nodding, I allowed him to drag me from the car to join Sam and then we were approaching the yellow tape separating us from the bus where multiple officers and military personnel were gathered.

"Oh, God," Sam muttered. "This place reeks of sulfur."

"Between the stink, with the freak thunderstorms, and every cow dead within three miles, I'll take demons for $1,000, Alex," Dean quipped, squeezing my hand before letting it go to grab his badge. "Hey. Agents Stark, Banner, and Romanoff, FBI. We just need to look around."

"Why?" the sergeant we'd just flashed our badges to asked. "This is a military case, not a federal one."

"Well, that's not what our supervisor said," I countered.

"That so? Then maybe him and I oughta have a chat."

"Okay," Dean nodded, pulling out his phone, dialing. "Hey, boss, uh... we got a little problem here. Yeah, just a local badge needs confirmation we're supposed to be here. How the word came down from FBI headquarters in DC. Yeah."

He handed his phone to the sergeant, who took it skeptically.

"This is Sergeant Miranda Bates," she spoke into it. "Who am I talking to?"

I swallowed, glancing at Sam and Dean then looking at the sergeant.

"How old are you?" she demanded, listening for a moment. "Listen, kid, I don't have to do anything. And I don't take orders from the Feebs. So unless you can give me one good reason you got a couple of idiot agents poking around my crime scene, I'm gonna put them in cuffs and spank your ass raw, understand?"

We all tensed up on the other side of the tape, but then the sergeant froze up.


She glanced back worriedly at us.

"How did you find that?"

Swallowing, she nodded her head.

"Yes... Yes, sir."

Handing the phone back to Dean, she stalked off uncomfortably. Sam and I turned to stare at Dean as he put the phone back to his ear.

"Kevin? What the hell did you just do?" he asked.

Sam made an 'Are we good?' gesture with his hands to Dean, who nodded and the younger Winchester walked off toward the bus while I hung back just a moment longer.

"And?" Dean continued into the phone. "Hey, Kevin? Good job, buddy."

Hanging up, he and I headed off to join Sam at the bus.

Saints or Sinners | {BOOK 3}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن