S2 Chapter 2: A Chaotic Day

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Chuck: If that's the case, then we better find that little frog quick or it won't survive long.

Chris: Why, Grandpa?

Chuck: Because Dr. Eggman is determined to do anything to seize an emerald. The more emeralds he feeds that Chaos creature, the easier it'll be to take over this world.

Y/n: And if what that frog swallowed was a piece of Chaos, absorbing that may also make it stronger.

Chuck: It's vital we find those emeralds before Eggman uses their power to conquer us all.

Sonic: No sweat! I'll find them.

Chris: You have a plan, Sonic?

Sonic: You know I prefer to think on my feet.

Knuckles: I'll go and look for the broken pieces of the Master Emerald.

Y/n walked to Knuckles and put a piece of paper in his hand.

Y/n: Meet me here in ten minutes.

Y/n ran out of there.

Sonic: Wonder what that was about?

Chris: I guess Big and I can go try to find Froggy together.

Big: Hmmm. That's a good idea.

They all split up.

With Y/n.

Y/n was running with Cream on his back.

Y/n: (Text: Meet me in the park in ten minutes.)

Cream: What are you planning?

Y/n: You'll see, because you and Cheese are a part of this plan.

Cream: Us?

Cheese: Chao, chao?

With Sonic.

Sonic walked into a garage in Mystic Ruins where he saw Tails working on the X Tornado.

Sonic: Tails!

Tails: Huh?

Sonic: Hey!

Tails: Hiya, Sonic!

After some explaining.

Tails: So, we have to track down the Chaos Emeralds all over again.

Sonic: If we fail, Eggman'll win. You think you're up to the challenge?

Tails laughed a bit.

Tails: I already started collecting 'em.

Sonic: Huh?

Tails: Tadah!

Tails opened the cockpit of the X Tornado where the green Chaos Emerald was.

Tails: I just found this emerald yesterday. We can use it to pinpoint where all the other emeralds are. It will make tracking 'em down a lot easier.

Sonic whistled.

Sonic: Now you're starting to think like me.

Tails: You know, if Y/n was here he would probably make a sarcastic comment like, "But you don't think at all, Faker."

Sonic: And now you're starting to think like Y/n.

The garage doors starts open and Tails and Sonic we're pulling out in the X Tornado.

Tails: Hang on. Ready for takeoff!

At the park.

Knuckles was leaning against a tree and Rouge flew down on the tree.

Sonic X x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora