Chapter 48

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Chapter 48:

I didn't look behind me as I climbed out the window and closed the glass door behind me. If there were protests coming from them, we were already far away enough that I couldn't hear them. Surprisingly, after hopping through a few other dorm balconies, it wasn't hard to get around the outside part of the school. Chase stayed close to me every step of the way, holding my hand through and making sure I didn't fall. He was quiet most of the time as we made it our secret destination which I was curious to see what it would be.

"Are you going to tell me, now, where you're taking me?" I asked, as we reached a fire escape staircase.

"You'll see soon. We are almost there," Chase smiled over his shoulder. I let out a sigh but went along with him. We were climbing all the way to the top and the only thing at the top was the roof.

The roof?

The creaking metal staircase began to feel less sturdy the higher we got but we had finally reached the top. There was a ledge a little higher that Chase already was on top of. I, however, was too short to just jump and get up there like him. Propping my foot on one of the metal bars, I pushed myself off it and grabbed onto the arm Chase had ready for me.

"Thanks," I huffed, finally making it on top of the ledge.

"Sorry about that, but that is the hardest part," he said, taking my hand. He seemed really excited now as he led me around the empty roof. In the middle was the door that led to the inside staircase which was hiding what Chase was surprising me with.

"Here," he said revealing his surprise. I was speechless from what I saw. A blanket covered the ground with a few snacks and drinks laid out. There was a soft music playing and some soft dimly lit lights surrounding the area.

"Chase? What is this?" I asked, barely getting the words out of me. Turning to him, he had a boyish grin on his face with a little hit of embarrassment.

He walked past me and took a seat on the blanket and patted next to him for me to join him. "I was in the office the other day and I overheard one of the admins saying that you had been in some accident with Pogue and were going to be out of school to recover. I thought that I would surprise you with something when you got back," he told, not looking at me.

Ah, so that's how they covered for us with the school.

"This is very nice of you," I said, still surprised that he would do something like this.

"Are you okay? You seem okay," he said with a hint of guilt in his voice, looking at me up and down. There was a part of me that wanted to tell him the truth. That I was still in pain and I felt like literal shit but I didn't want to get into it or answer questions about what happened in the "accident".

So I opted for the half, loose truth, telling him, "yeah, I am okay. Just sore," as I took a seat next to him.

"I'm glad you're okay. And Pogue, is okay as well?" he asked.

"Yeah he's okay. He'll live," I quickly said. "You didn't have to do this," I added.

"I know. I wanted to," he answered sincerely.

I gave him a smile, not know what to say. A silence fell between us as he continued to look at me. My heart started to race and I couldn't look at Chase anymore, so I looked up at the stars. They sparkled in the dark sky and helped me gain my composure again.

"So what have I missed since I've been out?" I asked still looking up at the sky. I could feel his eyes still on me, but I couldn't muster up the courage to look back at him.

Finding Out Secrets (The Covenant Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora