Chapter 21 - Jasmine

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I turn around in the circle of Mikael's arms and we kiss. He is being very agreeable and I am not sure what to make of it beyond suspicion. But I am suspicious of most people so I don't know that it actually means anything.

He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks to the bedroom. We make love and it is good, but I feel like something is off or missing. I'm on edge and I don't know why.

He is laying with his head on my chest, fingers idly drawing circles on my hip when he says, "Are you set on us taking a break? You're sure it's what you want to do?"

Sighing I say, "It isn't what I want to do Mikael. It is necessary until you can learn to respect my boundaries. You don't own me and I will not be your possession."

He sits up and gets off the bed, fishing his pants from off the floor. He slips his shirt on, leaving it hanging open. I sit up and look around for something to throw on. I see Mikael moving out of the corner of my eye but I think nothing of it till I am slammed back on the bed, pain exploding in the right side of my chest. My eyes open again to see Mikael over me, his face contorted in a way I have never seen. He twists the knife and I scream, my eyes screwed shut as I reach for the power deep inside of me. I get to that core and the power is straining, pushing, trying to get out. I just open the door and let it go. I feel the reverberations of whatever my magic did that caused Mikael to fly off of me. His weight gone I sit up and feel the tug of muscles and skin trying to knit up around the knife. I look away as I grasp the handle and rip it out before I lose my nerve, teeth gritted, trying not to scream again as I snatch the knife from my body and throw it at the wall.

I can see Mikael laying on the ground outside, he hit a tree. Pretty hard if the condition of the tree is anything to go by. I throw on a shirt and pants, cursing every time the still healing wound twinges. Blade twisting bastard.

I jump lightly to the ground through the giant hole in my bedroom wall. I definitely need to move now. I stalk over to Mikael who is twitching as his spinal cord heals. Looking around for possible witnesses and seeing none I snatch him up by the shoulders and sink my teeth into his neck. I drink deep and I bite down hard, making sure he isn't enjoying this. When I have drank my fill he is withered, the healing has stopped or slowed dramatically for now. I walk back to the trailer, holding him out at arms length. "You son of a motherfucker. How dare you." I toss him on my bed while I slip on some shoes. "You couldn't just give me some space could you? Noooo. You were all mad because your possession was out of pocket. Had to go trying to kill me. Fucker."

I look at my now bloodstained coverlet and I want to kick the crap out of him. Instead I roll him up in the damn thing so the bloodstains aren't showing. I grab my backpack and throw him over my shoulder. "Sure is nice how quiet you are right now." I say as I head toward his place. "I guess that since I have you as a captive audience I can tell you some things. You are an insufferable ass. Your high handed attitude had me wishing I could leave you back then but it wasn't an option. I remembered everything Mikael. Like the fact that you went after me because I was part of the royal family. You were just a greedy son of a bitch. The only reason you had anything was that you married into it and then your wife died in childbirth. Oddly enough, your child died with the nanny days later." I give him a shake, "But you surely wouldn't know anything about that, would you Mikael?" I have made it to the gate, it is early morning. The sun will come up soon. Looking around and scenting the air I am sure no one is about as I hop the fence and take my burden to the front door. Opening it I walk in and shout, "Hello! A little help here!"

Everyone runs into the entry and stops eyeing my pink, ruffled coverlet. I set Mikael down and grab an edge. One swift yank and he rolls out; looking a bit like a desiccated corpse. I hear gasps all around and Scarlett says, "Oh Jasmine, are you all right?"

"I am, no thanks to this asshole. He tried to kill me but thankfully his grasp of the anatomy of the body is poor and he stabbed me in the right side of my chest." They all gasp and look at me, I move the collar of my shirt to one side so they can see the dried blood. "I don't want to kill him, I loved him once. But," I look at Chloe and Scarlett, "I am going to move to a more secure location. It would be great if you could just let him heal as slowly as possible. If he comes after me like this again..." I sigh, "I don't know what I will do." My shoulders slump because the thought of killing him hurts my heart. Even if he did try to kill me just a little while ago. He is the oldest part of my history. From my first lifetime here on earth. I loved him once, even when I knew he was using me. I think he loved me, maybe in some strange way he still does. "I have to go explain the missing wall to the property manager now. Chloe, could I talk to you outside a moment?"

She walks out with me, shutting the door behind us. I hand her my phone and raise my brows at her. She enters her number and hits send. She lets her phone begin to ring and then hangs up, handing it back to me. She grabs me in a fierce hug. Then she releases me, opening the door she walks inside. I shrug an arm out of my backpack and bring it around front to open it and take out my sunglasses. The sun will be up before I get home if I don't hurry and I have no hurry in me for going to deal with this.

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