Chapter 19 - Chloe

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I put on some long wear lip stain as the last of my preparations before I meet Scarlett and we head out for the night. We decided to visit one of the local clubs for our meal tonight, because bagged is great for the convenience but fresh and hot tastes so much better. Leaving my bedroom I can hear faint mutterings from downstairs. It sounds like Mikael but whatever it is I am not interested right now. I kind of get the feeling that maybe I should find my own place or at least a place not Mikael's to live. Soon. He is on a weird bend ever since he came home that first night with Jasmine.

Scarlett exits her room just as I turn the corner so I stop and wait for her to reach me, "It sounds like issues downstairs. Let's try not to be noticed as we leave."

She rolls her eyes and nods, "Agreed. I got to find a place without so much damn drama. This is not going to work for me."

"You know, I was thinking the same thing. Want to get a place together? Maybe we could get Jasmine in on it too. Have our own little bachelor pad."

Scarlett tips her head to one side, "That isn't the worst idea you ever had. Maybe we check in with her after the club tonight?"

I nod, we are on the landing and I put my finger to my lips and then point toward Mikael's office. I know she can hear him too, but we tune so many things out that she may not have noticed it. We step quietly on our way down, about halfway Mikael's mutterings grow suddenly louder and we freeze.

"...and why would she say it like that? Is that her plan? Maybe she wants to destroy my way of life. Or maybe she is already halfway to choosing Leonidas. What if she does choose him? I can't let it stand. I can't. She just has to choose me."

I look at Scarlett to find her shaking her head in disgust. I nod and we get moving again. Still quieter than mice as we pick up the pace to get out before anyone sees us.

Outside we pick up the pace with less concern about noise. Not smelling anyone near we clear the fence in a leap and hit the ground running. Our plans for tonight are changing.

Once we get a mile or so away from the house we slow to a walk. Scarlett looks at me, "What the hell was that?"

I shrug, "The reason why we are going to move out very soon? I mean, he just keeps getting weirder and I don't know what is going on with him. I'm not sure I want to. For now, maybe we should just go visit a club, have a quick feed and go find Jasmine. I think maybe she needs the warning. They just went out last night, I think."

She nods, "And we start the house hunt when we get home. Maybe we can find something with a little less old white guy personality than Morhall has."

"I like it. Oh look, there's Club Five." She grins at me as we angle across the parking lot toward the doors for a little bite.

Inside we wander over to the bar and order drinks while we wait. Scarlett nudges me as the bartender sets our drinks on the bar. I turn and follow her gaze, I see the group she is watching. They look like the kind of guys that we want to take a bite out of, and they are looking at us. How convenient. Scarlett starts things by smiling at them. One of them saunters over, "Hello ladies, we couldn't help but notice you noticing us. Would you like to come party with us?" He puts a slight emphasis on the word party and we smile pretty for the man. Cooing at him and telling him how strong he looks, but we aren't sure that we should. We let him talk us into coming over. Drinks in hand we sit at the table with them. One guy looks really upset and he stands, "Ladies, it is very nice to meet you. I am leaving and I suggest you do the same," he glares at the other men, "for your own safety."

He turns and walks away, Scarlett catches my eye with a grin, she knows how to pick them.

Twenty minutes later we go visit the ladies room, careful to leave our drinks on the table with them. We've played out this scene a hundred times and it is always the same. They always drug our drinks while we visit the bathroom, and they are always surprised in the alley when we are suddenly not affected.

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