Chapter 11 - Jasmine

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I wake up the third night after being changed and I remember everything. The past two nights bits and pieces of my memory would come in and I was seeing Mikael a lot, but very little was good.

Suspicions have been crawling in my mind about why I see him in my memories so much without him being an active participant in those lives. It was a sneaking, shady suspicion that I didn't like and I definitely don't want to be true.

The memories tonight are slamming into place with the ferocity of a woman betrayed and I have no choice but to realize that I am that woman. I get out of the bed I am sharing with Mikael. Oh this motherfucker. Does he know? Does he know who I am? How could he? How could he all those times? I grab my clothing and throw on a pair of jeans with a crop top, it is too hot outside for more. Throwing on the wide-heeled boots I pick up my clothing and start shoving it in the backpack we took from the kid. With the money still in the backpack I should be able to find a cheap place. My needs are drastically reduced at this point.

Mikael wakes up as I walk out the bedroom door. I head for the kitchen, to get some blood bags because I don't know that I will have time to hunt tonight. Mikael makes it into the kitchen before I can open the refrigerator. I stop with my hand on the refrigerator and ask him, "Did you know?"

"Did I know that you were her?"

I mock him, "Did I know you were her? Yes! Did you know before you turned me or realize at any point since then that I was her? Did you?"

He looks away, "I realized the day of the night I turned you that it was maybe a possibility."


"How is it possible?" He looks genuinely confused but I don't have sympathy in me right now. I grab two bags of blood out of the fridge and stuff them in the pack.

"How did you realize I might be her, me, that she is me."

He runs a hand across the back of his neck, "I had a dream. She, you, came to me telling me off. I haven't dreamed of her in the form I met her in for a very long time"

"Do you remember what she was telling you off about? Because I bet I know."

"I believe she might have been a little upset that I didn't find her in all this time."

I slip the backpack on my shoulders, "Might be and a little are a very polite way to attempt to diminish the absolute rage. I am so beyond angry at you. All that time," I step up close to him so I can yell up at him, "you watched me. Showed up and let me feel you near and then stayed hidden. You chose for me without ever letting me know the choice was there to be made and you made me utterly miserable while you were at it. I could feel you there! I knew you were watching over me. And I was angry, so angry every time I died and remembered everything. I told the powers that be I don't give a single damn if you find me this time, I better not know it. So of course they meddle, they put you in the right place at the exact right time for you to save me from the big bad wolf."

I walk around him and head out of the kitchen saying, "You can be the big bad protector from a damn distance this time too. I am not staying here and if you hover around my place too much I will," I stop and turn around to find him directly behind me and just barely stopping in time to avoid running me down, "set some really nasty traps. Just because I don't go around people doesn't mean I don't know people. Don't fucking try me Mikael. You had your chance to call the shots and you didn't. You left me there. Every time. I am going to go find myself a place to live and work on my shit. You are on thin fucking ice, don't try your high-handed bullshit."

"You wait just a moment!" He grabs my arm as I turn and I stop, turning toward him and glaring at him.

He takes his hand off me, "My apologies. You can't just leave. You are under my protection. I can't protect you if you aren't here."

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