Chapter 11 - Chloe

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Scarlett drags me directly to the kitchen as soon as we clear the library door. Soon as we walk through the swinging door she pulls out her phone and taps the screen. Music starts blaring from her phone as she sets it down on the counter and walks across the kitchen to the side farthest away from the doorway to the rest of the house. I follow her because obviously she wants to talk in private. She settles herself with her back to the wall where she can see the door to the kitchen while lean against the countertop and ask quietly, "So what's on your mind?"

"I think you should go check on Jasmine. You, wisely, didn't say anything back there so if you take off out the back door here he will never notice. I need to stick around and be angry, mouthy. Seen and distracting."

I jump when Eason agrees. "Sorry Chloe. I thought you saw me when Scarlett did. You are the only one that was silent and I can cover for you saying you are in my bed. I am going up there shortly anyway. I'll leave my window open and you can come in that way."

I look between the two of them, "Makes it a lot easier having you guys behind what I was planning to do. The only different thing I want to do is go out your window as well. Be easier for you to say I am up there if I go up there with you."

Scarlett nods, "Excellent. Go. Both of you. I'll bring a couple glasses of wine up and drop them off with you in a few Eason. Chloe, make sure she knows we are there for her, even if he is not part of her life. I like her little scrappy attitude."

"Me too. Come on E, let's walk sexy up the stairs."

He grins at me, "Walk sexy? Should I give my hips that extra sway or shall I use a fireman's carry to get you up their smacking that ass the whole way?"

"Go for the sway lover boy, we'll talk about the spanking when I get back."

* * *

Ten minutes later I am out the window and walking around to the driveway, I check on her car and it is still here so she took off walking. Excellent, so much easier to track her that way. I hop the fence and I smell the direction she went but I smell someone else on her trail. I follow her and her stalker to a less occupied area of downtown and I see the pipe she put through her assailant still sticking out of the ground. I can't tell if she was that mad or just accidentally pushed harder than she meant to push. I kick it over and follow her scent out of the area. I come to a trailer park and she seems to have gone there. Looks like a party happening in that first trailer, maybe I could grab a snack. No, focus. Find Jasmine, not snackies. I follow her trail, and I am led to a trailer a few back. I can smell her in there so I knock. I hear her walk to the door and see her peer out at me before she opens the door, "Chloe! How did you find me so fast?"

"Well, you have a distinctive scent and vampires have a great sense of smell. Are you going to invite me in?"

"Oh, yes! Sorry, I was just so surprised to see you. Come in, come in." She backs up and I come up the stairs, closing the door behind me.

"No furniture yet so you'll have to deal with floor if you want to sit." She sits then and leans against a wall so I do the same.

"I followed your whole trail, who was the vampire that followed you from the house?"

"It was one of the guys that murdered everyone in the last trailer park I lived in. They were kind of the spark that started all this."

"Oh. So they know you are with Mikael."

"It looks like it. But unless they had backup that didn't get close enough for me to smell them or hear them, they don't know I'm not there just yet. I was horrified when he turned into a puff of fuck boy dust, got it up my nose. Yuck."

I laugh at the picture of her stabbing him and getting the dust in her nose. "So what are you planning to do, beyond not come back to the house for now? Because I am not here to talk you back, we were all concerned for you."


"Yeah, Scarlett, Eason, and Sebastian. Me too of course, I just figured that was obvious since I am here."

"Thanks, I didn't expect that. I mean, you all have known him a lot longer. So far, I have to find a job soon and I need to buy some things to get by here. Thinking I might try dancing."

"Girl, that is a great idea. Plus, as long as you are careful, you can feed from the ones that pay for private dances. Little from this one, little from that one, and by the end of the night you have had plenty to go home happily sated. Plus, being a vampire you don't have to worry that you will will out your knees or your back. Live cheap and invest, you are in a great position to raise your circumstances drastically. Financial independence will never go out of style."

"That is along the lines of what I was thinking, I just wasn't sure about it. I don't have the confidence yet that comes with being a vampire for so long. I could only wish for the confidence of a mediocre white man. But I am working on it, getting my crown on straight so to speak."

"Good. Now, you know Mikael is going to find you, right?"

"Yeah, I know." She rolls her eyes, "He is so frustrating! And maddening. Why would he leave me there all those times? Fucking asshole. Who is he to decide what is best for me? Without even talking to me or getting to know my situation? I may still have sex with him, sometimes, because that was good. But I am not committing to him and I am very likely to sleep around with some other people too. He is just going to have to get right with that. And if he wants something more far in the future, I'll think about it. Far in the future when that time comes."

"Ha! Good. Make him work for it. He's played martyred-know-it-all for entirely too long and it will be glorious to watch you wake him up. We all tried but we aren't the one he has been chasing all this time and didn't have half the effect you have. Not to say we expect you to fix him, my opinion there is based on what you said, nothing more."

We talk a little longer till I feel sunrise on its way. We say our goodbyes and I head for Morhall.

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