Chapter 3 - Jasmine

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I open my eyes to a strange room and my heart starts racing until I remember I was with Mikael and we were heading to his house. I reach out, checking to see if there are any other bodies in the bed with me. Seems clear so I sit up and look for a night stand or something with a lamp on it. I find it and feel around the whole damn thing before I find the button on the base. Fucking rich people with their fancy shit. I hit the button and get a look at the lamp, it really is nice. I can't blame him, it looks like a good lamp. Fuck, do vampires drink coffee? Is that a thing I can possibly get here? I'll have to go get some if these heathens don't have any. These sheets are really nice too. Are these silk sheets? Who cares. They feel great. This room is huge. I see curtains on the far wall, they are pretty heavy so I get up and wander over to see if it is evening or I woke up early. Pulling the curtain to the side I see humongous windows that look out onto some very nicely manicured grounds. The moon is out and I blow her a kiss. I always feel like she is watching out for me.

Turning away from the window I check out the rest of the room. No dressers but I see three doors so probably one is a closet. He has a seating area over here, with two really fluffy chairs. I want to sit but I still feel gritty from earlier and I cannot afford to pay for a cushion off this chair. With a sigh I head back to the bed to see how dirty the sheets are from my sleeping in them.

They look good, but I swipe across them to get any dust off them anyway. One of those doors has to be a bathroom. I need a shower something fierce. Stripping down I leave my clothing on the floor next to the bed. I spot my purse on the floor too. Walking across the room, this floor feels amazing on my feet, I try the door to the right. Holy shit. This bathroom is bigger than my kitchen at the trailer. Oh Jasmine, you fell in shit and are coming up smelling roses. I wonder if this guy needs a girlfriend? No. No way do I want to be someone's girlfriend. Not even for this bathroom. The shower is across the marble room. Why does it have so many shower heads? What kind of freaky guy is he? Maybe I should check into whether he needs a temporary girlfriend. The shower is operated by buttons on the wall and it is officially the fanciest thing I have ever had my bare ass in. I figure out getting the water to turn on and it starts raining out of the big piece in the middle. I stick my hand under the flow and it feels like soft rain. This is a crying setting. What could he possibly have to cry about with this life? I am sure he has his reasons but I just can't see them. I need to check these other settings. Playing with it I get a set going that will hit my back and come down from above at a good pressure. I moan as I step into the water. It is just shy of blistering and I feel the muscles in my back easing. I stand there just letting the water hit me for a minute. I have never been in a shower this nice and I want to enjoy it while I can. I want to live like this. Have a ridiculously luxurious shower in a bathroom bigger than my old kitchen. I didn't even realize till today that this is the kind of place I want to live in. But how? Even without Fabio in the picture I will be old before I get anywhere near this level of lux.

Unless... what if one of these people turn me? That's possible, right? I mean, the other guy was saying I had to join them or die. If they are all vamps then it stands to reason that they can turn people. That hottie Mikael said he was around 5000 years old. That's a long time to acquire the funds to this level of lux. So I just need to get someone to turn me. That should be easy and maybe I can get railed properly while I am at it. I feel my pussy clench at the thought of great sex and I moan. I need to get bit and get laid. I don't even care which order those happen in. My decision made I use his shampoo and conditioner on my hair, knowing good and well that it will be frizzy without some leave-in for after the shower.

Maybe I have something in my purse? I let the conditioner soak into my hair while I soap up the rest of me. The temptation to stay and rub myself to contentment is strong but I hold off for the bigger payoff of sex with a person I don't despise. Someone here is bound to be willing and able. Hell, I like being bit so if that is a kink they have, we could kill two birds with one stone.

Sin on a Dark KnightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora