Chapter 12 - Jasmine

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It has been a week since I left Mikael's Morhall house. Tonight was night two of my new job as an exotic dancer. Being a vampire is a huge benefit in this, I was able to pick up the moves and practice for a few days without injuring myself. Getting access to a pole was the most difficult part. Trailers aren't built for that. I make plenty to make it worth being there four nights a week. The girls are mostly nice though there appears to be a couple Karens in the mix.

Mostly I love it because I am free. Free of anyone else's wants or needs. The lap dances really are a buffet for me. Hypnotize them a little with my tits and if they notice me biting them they don't care. I never leave a mark and I feed sparingly from any one patron. If they turn into stalkers, hmm, I will get a full meal all at once. I almost hope for a couple of stalkers. In the meantime though, I hear the pitter-patter of a vampire following me. A clumsy, idiot vampire with less sense than his boss gave him credit for. Of course, his boss can't have that much sense if he really sent another flunky to die.

Happily, I don't even have to hunt for a broken pipe this time. I have a bowie knife strapped to my thigh. It does mean I have to lure this idiot somewhere... Ugh. Ok, there is a reasonably quiet area about two blocks from here, I head for that. Walking just a little faster so he realizes I know he is back there, but will likely think I am just afraid. I love it when I can surprise them. Wish they would make it more difficult though.

I get to the area and slow down to search the shadows like I am seeking a door. He catches up and grabs my upper arms, shoving me against a wall as he says, "Hello little bunny, let's you and me take a little walk."

I smile up at him, the knife in my hand already, "Oh, but I thought we were going to play a much more fun game now?" I slip my arms up around him and I press my body against his. He freezes as I rub my body against him and then starts to melt, putty in my hands. I kiss my way up his chest and right to the artery pulsing so sweetly in his neck. I bite him and he tries to jerk away but my arms are locked around him. I feed, pulling hard from the vein. He is quickly weakened and I lower him gently to the ground as I drain nearly everything from him. I release him and lick my lips, tasty. I lick the two little piercing holes and watch them heal, just in case this one doesn't poof. I grab the neckline of my shirt and put it over my mouth and nose before I stab him in case he does go poof.

I plunge the blade through his chest and poof. No more than a cloud of ashes left of him. Wiping my blade clean and noticing that I broke the tip. I need to gauge the stab better. Oh well, I will keep using this for now. I don't want to waste money on replacing knives until I am better at not burying them in the pavement below.

Pulling my shirt back in place I dust myself off. I need to carry a lint roller or something. These dusty fuckers cling. Why does the dust always go up my nose? Yuck!

The walk home is going to take longer but that's fine. I found out while I was practicing, the sunlight doesn't affect me any more than it does Mikael. I haven't checked yet to see if I can do any magic tricks, I don't know if Mikael will be willing to teach me any of what he does know. At some point I will need to ask him but things have been so quiet and just nice, I haven't wanted to upset the balance. And if I am really honest I just haven't wanted to show any sign of weakness to a man that wants to own me. I feel like letting him have any kind of upper hand would be a mistake at this point.

Walking up the drive of the trailer park I see a familiar someone sitting at the door of my trailer. Well, I guess this works out to some extent, He came to find me and that tips the balance in my favor by his reckoning. Maybe I can ask him about the magic.

He stands as I draw closer, "What the hell are you doing out so late? You know sunrise is in just a little while! You are a newborn vamp, much more sensitive to the effects of the sun!"

"That is the first thing you want to say when you see me after I have been gone for over a week? That's what you want to lead with?"

"Shit. I'm sorry. No, it isn't. I was worried for you."

"Well, fortunately for me. I inherited your ability to be out in the bright sunlight without any ill effects."

"May I ask what is the dust all over you?"

I look down at my shirt and hands, "Ugh, it's fuck boy dust. Some vampire was following me and planning to take me to that guy. I didn't want to go so I took him out. Did you know vampires poof into a disgusting cloud of dust? Because they certainly fucking do. And it sticks. I hate it. FYI, don't ever get fuck boy dust up your nose, it takes forever to get that out. Even with a neti pot."

"I... What? Fuck boy? Have you killed more than one? Why didn't you come to me?"

"If you want to continue to question me you are going to have to do it while I shower. I am covered in fuck boy dust. Move so I can get in the trailer. You can talk to me while I shower, it isn't like you've never seen me naked."

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