Chapter 20 - Mikael

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I watch her meet up with him. She smiles for him and I can smell her arousal from the roof I stand on. I hate him. I want to hate her but I can't. She is my love, my wife. The reason why I am cursed to this existence.

She is mine, even if she doesn't want to admit it. I watch them walk off into the night. Her with her hands on her backpack straps and him with hands in pockets. What can she possibly see in his work boot and jeans wearing scruffiness?

He can't give her the life of a princess the way I can, why bother with him?

Wait, that's it! She is using him to make me jealous! I slip my hands into the pockets of my slacks, she could be working to make me jealous but I can't take the chance that she might possibly choose him.

It may be time to take some actions to ensure he is out of the way for a time. Perhaps a baited trap that gets him locked up? Or maybe a shipment that suddenly goes astray. Yes. He'll go handle that himself and if I get the right people working on it I could have him chasing them for days before they let him have the supply.

Making sure no one is watching I hop off the roof and land lightly in the alley. I think I will swing by her place, see if he stayed. If he didn't perhaps I will offer to take her out hunting.

I get as far as the park driveway when I feel her pleasure begin. I turn around and walk quickly the other way, shutting out all her feelings. I just can't allow her emotions to flow through me as she cums for him.

The walk home is fast and I slip into the house, heading straight for my office and the liquor stores I keep in there. I pull a fresh bottle of brandy from the cabinet and grabbing a rocks glass I move to sit at my desk. Pouring a large shot I down it in one go. I can still feel her cumming. I pour another shot and adjust myself, the pressure is painful. Shooting the brandy I lean back in the chair. I pour a full glass this time to sip. The brandy begins to dull the emotions coming through the bond and I sigh in relief. My cock finally begins to relax as I make it through half the glass. Perhaps I will be able to sleep today if she finishes and I have had enough to drink. I slam down the rest of the glass and pour another. Standing up I only wobble a little as I grab the bottle and head upstairs, sipping from the glass as I go.

Turning her in a moment of passion may be the single dumbest thing I have ever done, but gods she presses all my buttons. Having sex with her was the best I have had in a century or more at least. Angry fucking her made it hotter though the consequences were pretty dire. I wasn't sure she would make it for a little bit and then she did and suddenly I have a whole new set of problems as my sweet wife turns into this demanding woman with the morals of a sailor in port.

I knock back the rest of the glass as I see the sun coming up through a crack in the curtains of my bedroom. Setting bottle and cup on my nightstand I wrestle with buttons and finally manage to remove my clothing. Slipping between the sheets is bliss and I close my eyes, Jasmine nothing more than a faint scent left in the room as I drift off to sleep.

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