Chapter 2 - Mikael

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She is sleeping almost as soon as she closes her eyes. She is the strangest human I have met in a very long time. I don't know exactly what to do with her. I feel like I need to protect her, there is a wildness to her that seems familiar but I don't know why. She is nothing like my wife has ever been in any of her lives. I don't even remember the name she was married to me by anymore. She has had a dozen more names since then. I haven't been able to find her this time though. It's almost like she hid herself from me.

Now I have this woman, she is taller than the average woman and her skin is the color of fine porcelain. Her curly hair flows over a sumptuous body, but her eyes. Her eyes remind me of my wife, she always has those gray green eyes that remind me of haunted moors. She doesn't feel like her though, she doesn't feel like... Emma! That was her name in the last life, Emma. She doesn't feel like Emma.

I don't understand why I had such a powerful reaction to her after she crawled over me. All the pent up sex and rage within me tried to come out right then, I wanted to fuck her while I killed him. I couldn't risk touching her on the way to her car, I would have killed every one of the younglings surrounding her car if I had. She nearly got a few with her car, they thought to play games and she was unaware. Or maybe she knew. I can't read her at all. I know she was horny when I got between her legs but her hormones betrayed her there, I certainly couldn't get a read on her. I should probably keep her around for a while, just to study. I should have no problems keeping my hands off her. Even if she does smell really good.

My exit comes up and I steer to the correct lane, slowing the car. Getting off the interstate and into the city, I am minutes from home. She doesn't wake as I make the turns to get home. If she is sleeping still when I get there then I will just carry her in. Where the hell should I put her? My bed. That is the only place no one will enter if I am not in there. They probably won't do anything to her if they find her wandering the halls but I think I need to tell them anyway. I pull up to the house and shut the car off after putting it in park. I can't believe she drove this thing anywhere before I worked my magic on it. The head gasket was mostly shot, the oil so burnt she may as well have been running water through the system, the spark plugs... And none of that even touches on the rods that were knocking or the filth in the transmission.

I get out of the car and stretch. It was not the most luxurious ride. I open the back door of the car and take out her purse. She had it hidden in her car, I doubt she wants it far from her. She sleeps like the dead, how is she not awake? I walk around to her door and open it. She reaches down like she is looking for a blanket to pull over her.

Fuck. I didn't really want to carry her up. I set her purse on the hood of her car and lean in to pick her up, she snuggles into my chest as I straighten up with her. I scowl down at her but her eyes never open and she has a little smile playing on her lips. I kick the door closed and step over to grab her purse.

I focus a moment on the front door of the house and it swings open before me, closing as I head up the stairs to my bedroom. I pass Quinn on my way down the hall. He raises an eyebrow when I growl at him but keeps on moving. Why am I growling at him? Oh, shit. I claimed her. And when I claimed her, I really claimed her. Fuck me. No wonder I want her so damn much. I focus on my bedroom door and it opens in front of me. I step through and swing it closed with a foot. I walk over to my bed, looking down to nudge the sheets out of the way with my magic. Dropping her purse on the floor I set her gently on the bed and I slip my arms from under her. While I am still leaning over her I breathe in deeply of her scent. She smells like wild roses and earth and rain. The scents are stronger on her neck and it is there I find myself hovering. I open my eyes to find that my teeth are just about to pierce her neck. I fly back from her and nearly break my dick trying to straighten up. I crumple to the floor as it is smashed a little by my jeans. I shove a hand into my pants and rearrange it so I can stand without immense pain.

When did it get hard? Maybe I fucked up bringing her here. I don't know if I can keep my hands off her. She is just sleeping on the bed fully clothed and I want to bury my face between those glorious thighs to see if she tastes as good as she smells. Get it together Mikael. You are stronger than a base reaction. Go cover her up and walk away. I walk over slowly, one careful step at a time. Looking down at her face, she looks so innocent in her sleep. I don't think I can make her life worse by keeping her a part of mine when she would only be a diversion until I find Emma. I pull the sheets over her and she snuggles into the pillow. I run from the room, closing the door behind me with magic and sealing it against all others as I head for the kitchen and the sustenance I crave almost as much as I crave her.

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