Chapter 6 - Jasmine

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Later that night Chloe and Scarlett have found me in the library and they have questions. I tell them the story of how I found Mikael by accident running from tall, dark, and deadly. They are fascinated by Mikael's response to me because he has never brought a woman home. They chose to live here and requested to be part of his clan since it seemed the safest.

Chloe says, "We actually kind of thought he might just not be interested in women at all after the first fifty or so years."

I grin, "Nope. I can assure you, he is very much interested in women. I almost had him today but Eason knocked on the door and brought him to his senses."

Scarlett laughs, "You're trying to bed him? Even after his pronouncements?"

My smile gets wider, "Yes, yes I am. The hope is that he will have sex with me, which I really need and after or during, he will turn me. I want to be a vampire and I think it will solve a lot of problems for me."

Chloe nods, "It really does in so many ways. I mean, there are still problems with being a vampire but they don't really compare with the problems of being a human woman."

"Exactly. So, I plan to convince him one way or another. I am focusing on him because he forbade all of you. Is there anything I should know about the process? About what happens after I am turned?"

Scarlett shrugs at Chloe and says, "There are things you need to know and since you plan to convince him to turn you in the heat of the moment, you should know these things before hand." Chloe nods and Scarlett continues, "The process, that's pretty cut and dried. You get drained, then you get fed the vampire blood. It's really very straight forward. After that, most of us just try to sleep while our bodies change. It isn't the most pleasant thing ever but it isn't the worst thing ever either."

Chloe laughs, "A few days later when the memories come in is when it really gets interesting. Most people run into certain others again and again as they move through different incarnations. We very often have not finished something with them. Normal stuff. But when the memories from those lives come in they feel very now. All the emotions from those memories are overwhelming. Like finding out the woman that is your mother this time was the judge at your hanging trial a couple lifetimes ago. Or your shitty neighbor was your beloved at some point. That has occasionally caused some problems. Most of what we remember can just be let go. It is very rare that we need to act on the memories that emerge."

"Rare? Meaning some of the memories need to be taken care of? Can I get an example?"

Scarlett chuckles softly, "Well, for instance if you happen to run into the man that owned you in another life and he was just as repulsive a person in this one, you might be justified in checking to see if the evil was in his blood or if it was just his soul. Of course, you would have to drink every last drop to be sure." She smiles, "Turns out it was definitely the soul."

I laugh with Chloe and it occurs to me that I should be more afraid of the people I am so casually conversing with but I can't find any fear of these people. These people, the ones the rest of the world refer to as monsters, have been kinder to me than any of the fine, upstanding citizens I have ever been associated with, starting with my aunt. She went to church three times a week and was considered a godly woman. Some of those same people that she attended church with were the ones trying to buy me or time with me when I was still a kid. My husband was considered a good guy by everyone that knew him, even the ones that saw him hit me. One of them told me I should try to be more agreeable.

But these monsters as people would have them labeled, they kill on a regular basis to survive. The same as everyone else does. I am going to need to think about this more, because I don't mind becoming a monster. Everyone thinks I am a degenerate already, it looks like monster might be a step up.

Chloe says, "We have a running theory that we get all the memories back because we are out of the loop as vampires. The soul journey has taken a sharp left turn and now must go about things differently."

"I like that idea. So what is Mikael's big reason for not turning me? If you know that is."

Chloe laughs, "Well, what had happened was, he thinks he is damned for becoming a vampire. That we all are really. He feels that people cannot possibly understand what they are getting into and therefore must not even be given the decision to make."

"Wait, what? He just decided that he knows best for everyone? Really?"

Scarlett nods, "He really did. He has never let go of the audacity he was born into so it has just gotten worse with time. He means well but could honestly stand to learn. A lot."

"Wow, he is so much less hot knowing about all that audacity on him. Oh well, it should be fun for a time to 'help' him learn how to act right."

Chloe and Scarlett laugh long and loud at that, Chloe saying, "Oh girl, this is going to be the best telenovela I have seen in a long time. Get him. And if he doesn't turn you soon, we will. We stay here for convenience. Not because we have to and we don't mind leaving with a new sister of the blood."

"You two are the best. I feel like I need to push him into changing me but if we have sex and somehow he still avoids turning me, I will be coming to find you. For now, I need food. The human condition requires multiple feedings daily. I will see you both soon, thanks for helping me get informed. You are both appreciated so much."

They wave me off, looking uncomfortable with the thanks so I just get myself out of there because I don't want to make them uncomfortable.

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