Chapter 14 - Jasmine

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The club is kicking tonight, but Club Amnesia is kicking most nights. Especially now that there are two vampires working here. Surreal performances are a thing and these humans are eating it up. Maybe I should buy this place? If I can save and invest just right... This could be really lucrative and I could turn it into a haven for the supernatural. I have to put that thought in the back of my mind as Mila finishes her set. I watch as she collects her money, the guys love her. She is pretty fantastic and, I like her. Which is causing me some conflict, because she works for the guy that has been trying to catch me. His name is Leonidas, which I only know because she told me. Mikael has not given up any information yet, beyond that he wants me. And wants me to come home. Ugh. No chance.

She told me the first night I met her that she works for him and that she came here to get a job because he told her to for information on me. She also repeated a message he sent to me, telling me that he has ordered everyone to protect me as opposed to killing me, and that he was very happy to see I had become one of them. I still don't know what to think about that but Mila just walked past and my intro music is on. I strut out on to the stage and they start hooting and hollering. Halfway through my set I feel eyes on me, more than the usual from the patrons. I scan the crowd as I move in a slow circle on the pole, Leonidas! He is in a dark corner of the club, his eyes reflect the light back at me as he watches me dance. He meets my eyes and tips his head to me. Fuck. He still looks like danger. He is the definition of the kind of guy momma told me to stay away from. Did momma know trouble would come wrapped in such a sexy package with a voice to make people beg for his bidding? If she did, why didn't she tell me how to stay away when they won't leave you alone?

I finish my set while trying to keep my eyes from seeking out the corner Leonidas is squatting in, he doesn't need to know I want to see more of him. I loiter in the dressing room after I finish changing into my street clothes. I watched Mila leave earlier, laughing. I asked what she was laughing at and she said, "You, chickenshit."

I rolled my eyes at her but she isn't wrong. The house mom is starting to eyeball me. If I don't get my ass gone she is going to ask questions. Sigh. I get up and sling my backpack over my shoulders, deep breath and I head for the outside world. I get half a block away and he steps out of the shadows.

Leonidas. His dark skin gleams in the street lights, but his eyes catch me. Hold me hostage. Deep pools of secrets that I want to unravel.

He breaks the spell, "I watched you the other night."

"The same way you watched me tonight? Enjoy the show?"

A growl comes from him that sends a shiver over my skin and directly to my core. "No, though the show tonight... I would love a private showing. No, I watched you when my guy Brent found you."

"Oh. You saw that."

"Mmm, I did. It was stunning. I love dangerous creatures. May I walk you home?"

"You love dangerous creatures? Is that why you called off your goons and sent Mila to get information?"

"Partly. Mostly, as a vampire you stand to lose as much as I do if you were to play witness to the authorities. I would have continued had I not seen you in action last night."

"Ah. I see. So my life matters when your cock is doing the thinking. Well, color me surprised. Walk me home if you want. I can't stop you from walking the same direction. I will knock the stupid out of you if you try anything.'

He chuckles and I think my panties are wet now. "I promise I will keep my hands to myself until you ask me to put them on you. You will eventually ask, but I have time."

"Really? Morals in a guy that fancies himself the leader of a vampire gang? How did that happen?"

"Make no mistake, my morals as you call them, extend only so far. I have no problem killing, and stealing is not an issue for me. I protect what is mine and I take what I need."

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