Chapter 4 - Jasmine

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His possessiveness is annoying and only makes me want to see exactly what Sebastian could do for me. If only to spite Mikael and show him that I am not a thing to be owned. Railed, yes. Owned, no. We follow Sebastian down the stairs but where he leaves the house we head for a room to the right of the stairs. Opening a door he leads me into a library and I am in love. There are books everywhere. I could stay here for a year or three and read them all. I step further in staring up at the second floor of books, stopping only when I hear a woman's voice.

"You brought home a woman?" I look for the speaker and I find two women staring at me in amazement. One has flaming red hair in a pixie cut with cat-like golden eyes and tawny skin while the other has oak-brown skin, deep brown eyes you could lose your soul in, and shoulder length dark brown hair. They are both hot as sin and remind me of how much I love women. I tune in as I realize Mikael is introducing me.

"Yes, I brought her home. There is a gang that wants to kill her. She is going to stay with us for a while. Jasmine, the one with the normal hair is Scarlett. The lit candle is Chloe."

"It's very nice to meet you," I say as I stride over to them to shake hands.

They watch in amazement and as they shake hands with me Scarlett says, "She isn't afraid of us at all?"

"Do not get her started. She has already asked me to turn her. Twice. I. do. Not. Need the headache."

I pipe in right then, "I would not mind at all if Chloe or Scarlett wanted to bite me."

Scarlett looks me up and down then says to Mikael with a smile, "Bold isn't she? I like it. Let's see how insane you make him, then we can talk about biting. In the meantime, what are you going to feed her? We have alcohol and blood in this house, you know that is not going to keep a human alive, right?"

"Shit. Yes. I do. But I haven't had time to get anything, I'll order in for her tonight." I watch all this conversation about me with some amusement and Chloe winks at me when she notices.

Chloe tells me, "He is going to forget to get you food. Don't let him and make sure he knows you need more than one meal a night. Vampires forget being human, especially when they are as ancient as he is."

Mikael's jaw drops, "Are you calling me old?"

Scarlett raises an expertly sculpted brow at him, "If the shoe fits I guess you better lace that bitch up and own it."

I am struggling at this point not to laugh at him. He shakes his head, "Ok. I brought her in to introduce you to her so you wouldn't eat her—"

"I would be ok with being eaten. Especially if I get to return the favor."

Chloe and Scarlett bust out laughing while Mikael just puts his hands to his head and rubs his temples before he says, "Come on. I need to introduce you to the guys. Fuck me, what have I gotten myself into?"

I laugh as he heads for the door, "It was really nice meeting you both. I hope to spend some quality time with you very soon."

Chloe calls out as I turn to leave, "Quality time with who?"

I pause and look over my shoulder, "Either one. Or both. I'm game."

I find Mikael out in the hall and as he leads me toward the back of the house he asks, "Is there anyone you won't flirt with?"

"Probably, but I haven't found them yet. Although, I would like to point out that I didn't flirt with any of the guys that were surrounding my car this morning. So you don't have coffee here either, do you?"

He pulls out his phone, "No. I don't drink it. I'll get some stuff ordered from a delivery service. Are you particular about what coffee you drink?"

"It has to be caffeinated. I will murder you over decaf. I need cream and sugar to go with it. And food. I am hungry. I need food soon."

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