Chapter 13 - Jasmine

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After he moves I lead the way into the trailer. He looks mildly horrified by the place and I am entertained by that even as it pricks at the shame I have held for so long over being trailer trash. I get to the bathroom and start the water going while I strip down. He comes in and leans against the sink while I wait for the water to heat.

"Good grief, you're sexy even when covered in dust. Get in so I can think."

I grin, "I like it better when you don't, but the water is warm enough now so you are in luck." I get in the shower and start soaping up everything. I feel a real need to scrub away the fuck boy.

Mikael is silent for a bit. When he does speak the first thing he says is, "What I meant to lead with is will you please come back? I hate that you are mad at me."

"I hate to break it to you, but me coming back there will not make me less mad at you. It will just mean that you are frequently in my line of fire. And I assure you, I have plenty of things to yell at you about. I need time by myself. Because the shit you did is not all I am dealing with, you know that, right?"

"Erm, admittedly I don't know as much as I would like to know about you. Would you maybe be willing to tell me about you?"

"I might. But it is going to be slowly. You want to get to know me, do it the way any other one night stand would have to, drop by. Take me out. Be my friend. I am damaged goods baby," I say as I turn the water off, "and I refuse to jump into a relationship because you want to be in one. Hand me the towel."

I open the curtain and he is holding the towel out to me while his eyes feast on my body. My lips pick up on one side on a half smile, "Sir, my eyes are up here."

He laughs, "Sorry. I haven't really had sex except you. You are distracting."

"What? Not at all? Seriously?"

"I mean, I have had some one night stands but they were just need, I only did it when I couldn't stand it any longer."

"Good grief my dude, no one can say you aren't dedicated. We can have sex if you like, I know I wouldn't mind being thoroughly railed. But, still going to insist that you go home and I refuse to come back to live at Morhall right now."

"I, uh, I think I would really like that. But um, I think I could spend a day doing dirty things to you, would that be a problem?"

"I have no problem with a day of sex. And, I have been wondering, do vampires exchange blood when they have sex? I haven't had vamp on vamp sex yet, so is that a thing?"

He shrugs, "It depends on the vampires. We can try it out if you like?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I say as I drop my towel and step out of the shower.

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