Chapter 8 - Jasmine

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Waking up tonight I linger in bed, just wishing I had someone to visit me in it. I still feel weird about jumping into a new life right after Fabio died but I was already gone from that relationship anyway. I'm not dwelling on a guy that was bad for me even if his death was really convenient and could even be considered good for me. A whole wave of guilt breaks over me. Annoyed with myself, I kick off the covers, getting out of the bed to go visit the bathroom. Coming out of the bathroom I look at the box of clothes and the bed. Do I want to try on really cute clothes I got as cheaply as possible or go continue my pity party in the bed for a little while longer?

Bed. Definitely a pity party in the bed. I crawl in the bed and just as I pull the covers over me the bedroom door flies open to let a very angry Mikael in the room. I sit up, holding the blanket to my chest as he closes the door behind him.

He turns to face me and through clenched teeth asks, "What in the hell are you doing having sex in the hallway?" He inhales, "And why in the fuck do you smell like two! Two! Different. Vampires."

"I thought I would see how many vampires I had to fuck before I found the one that would turn me." Oh, that made him mad, ha. Good.

He stalks closer as he says, "Maybe I should teach you a lesson about sleeping with vampires and why you shouldn't."

Teach me? Oh motherfucker. I stand up out of the bed and meet him nose to, well, I'm looking up as I tell him, "You don't get to say who I sleep with. Not ever. I am an entire person to myself. You don't get to control my sexuality, even if we were having sex. Do you have more shitty caveman ideas floating around in there that we need to disabuse you of? Something I can clear up for you?"

"I do have control of you. This is my house. My bed. My food. And my protection. While you need those you will do as I say!"

I laugh in his face, "Sure Dad, can I use the car Friday if I'm really good?" I roll my eyes and walk around him, "You have got to be kidding me. That was really the best you could come up with? The crappy dad line? Fuuuuuckk yooooou." I snatch the box open and start pulling out clothing.

"What are you doing?"

"Not that it is any of your business but I am going to get dressed and then I am going to leave here for anywhere else. I don't have to stay here with you, I chose to because I felt like it would be a good thing. But noooo, you had to go fucking that up."

He looks stricken but I choose to ignore it as I try to find the panties I bought. He comes over and grabs my arm, forcing me to turn toward him. I glare up at him, "That is my arm. Release it or I will scream till your sensitive ears bleed."

His eyes widen, "I don't want you to leave. That was not my intention. I, I apologize for what I said. I could smell your climax in the hallway and I was jealous. I want you, I have my own reasons why I can't have you—"

"Oh sir, you can't have me. I am not an object. You could have participated in having sex with me. Whatever sex means to you, I think we are in two different places with that. I do not see sex as some sort of gateway drug to a relationship. I don't want a relationship right now. Not with you or anyone else. I do very much want to have sex and I will not be saving that for a marriage that is not likely to ever happen because I don't want it to happen."

"Don't you even want to hear the rest?"

"Does it end with you telling me what you are going to do to learn how to be better? Are we going to have sex before I go? What is it you want me to hear?"

He belatedly releases my arm and looks down, seeming to realize I am standing naked in front of him. He steps back quickly, "I didn't uh, I didn't realize you hadn't dressed yet today. Maybe I should..."

"Oh no," I say as I close the space between us, "you busted in here wanting to tell me off about my sex life. Let me just tell you all about it so you can get it right when you tell the tale someday. You left me hanging last evening for your reasons, reasons that you don't want to share. Fine. I spent the day talking with the other people here. People that weren't avoiding me." He looks surprised I knew, "Yes, I was aware you were avoiding me. I chose not to seek you out. I cornered Sebastian in the kitchen and nearly had him but he feels like he owes you so he walked away." He looks a little turned on hearing this, obviously he needs more details. "I walked up to him and Put my hands on his chest like this," I place my splayed hands on his chest, "then I put my lips close to his and asked if I could kiss him." I take a step back, letting my hands fall from his chest and come to rest on my hips. "After he left me hanging too, I stomped upstairs and was rude to Chloe. She could tell I was in need of an orgasm. So she put me against the wall with one arm while she slipped her other hand into my pants and fingered me till I came. All. Over. Her. Hand."

I look up just in time to see him lose control. He grabs me and crushes my body to his as he kisses me with a fierceness that has me melting in all the right spots.

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