Chapter 1 - Jasmine

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Putting the key in the ignition I wish, for the thousandth time, that I had a car new enough to have a keyless ignition and that I didn't have to pray to the old gods would start. Muttering, "Here goes nothing," I turn the key. I immediately worry that I used up the end of my luck for today when it fires right up. Easing her into drive I pull out of my spot in the Southern House parking lot and immediately stop when I remember I haven't sorted the money yet. Reversing back into that same spot I put her in park and pull the wad of money from my apron. Three hundred dollars tonight. I did great, much better than I thought I had. I quickly count out a hundred in the smallest bills so it stays a larger wad that he won't suspect has been skimmed. The other two hundred I stuff in my purse. I'll swing by the atm and deposit that tonight, best if it stays in the bank where there's no chance he'll see it.

The bank is near to my job, thankfully. Waiting tables is not the easiest or most fun job, but it pays the bills if you work it right and gives you some to save for running away if you work it better. I get to the ATM and slip my card out of the secret pocket in the red bag in my purse, looking around because I am always worried he has gotten a ride to come follow me around. The last time he did I spotted them before I ever got out of the restaurant. I never trust that he hasn't gotten sneakier since then because he said he knew I had seen him and that I would never see him coming next time he decided to check up on me.

I finish my deposit, still scanning the area around me for cars or people out of place. Thank fuck he is more brawn than brains or I would be in trouble. I don't even begin to relax my vigilance until I am far from the bank. I have five thousand squirreled away in that account, but I know if he beat me hard enough I would get it out for him or write him a check like I did last time. This is not the first time I have tried to save up enough to get away from him. It is the last time.

This time he won't find my bank statement and come beat me till I give him the money so he can try making another investment. Everything being electronic means I have everything connected to an email hidden deep in my phone. By investment, he means buy a bunch of drugs to sell. Which, admittedly, could make money. If he didn't do the drugs with his stupid friends. I hate him, but he is vicious and getting away from him is going to be expensive. So here I am, two thousand from my goal, and on my way home to another night of the worst sex I have ever had and whatever he decides to berate me for today.

The lights of the city zip by as I head for the trailer park on the outskirts. I would never have gone with him all those years ago if he hadn't been so damn charming. And if I hadn't been living in my aunt's place. That place was even worse than how he is now. She kept trying to sell me, but I am vicious when I fight and I refused to be her whore. Then Fabio came into my life. He was hot back then, and so charming. I was swept off my feet; stupid, young, naive me. His charm didn't last half as long as our marriage has and now I have been trying to leave him for the past five years, without success.

Turning into the shared driveway of the trailer park I see some strange people milling about in small groups but whatever, probably another party. Maybe he will be at the party and I can get some sleep while he's gone. Fingers crossed I pull up to our trailer. The sun should be coming up in another twenty minutes or so. Maybe I can watch the sun rise from the kitchen if he is still partying.

I tuck my purse away in the trunk by opening the middle console of the back seat. Closing it I turn around and take a deep breath. I lock my door as I get out, knowing that I keep the rest of them locked always I don't even need to check them. I hear some guys catcalling me, but I ignore them and head for the steps to get to the trailer. We have a small wooden porch attached to the front door of the trailer, the trailer being raised to avoid possible flooding. I get up the stairs and I hear my cat caller yell, "Lady, you don't wanna go in there. Much nicer here, I'll keep you safe!" Probably would have been more reassuring if he hadn't ended that on a maniacal laugh. It appears he met Fabio though, and is just as impressed with him as I am. I open the door with a twist and a snatch, it always sticks. I hear maniacal laughter guy shouting again, "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

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