The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You

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Stefan is cooking, Grace gets in.
"I thought we agreed to cancel."
"Yeah, but you've been planning this Christmas Eve dinner forever, so we... are going to do it."
"Well, it's not about my plans, it's about... us and your deal with Cade."
"I think our last day of life as we know it should be a little bit less depressing than that, don't you? So, today, we are gonna do what people do on Christmas. We're gonna eat more than we should and we're gonna drink until our friends and family seem somewhat normal. That's what I want today to be."
Someone is knocking at the door, Grace opens it.
"Hi, girls!"
"Merry Christmas, Gracie!"
"Oh! Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!"
"Oh! Let me help take your jackets off."
"I'm afraid we're not gonna be able to stay very long."
"What? Why? This is my last day with them for awhile."
"Yeah, well, uh, I take it you haven't spoken with Matt."
"Is Seline coming to dinner?"
"No, honey."
Stefan shows up.
"Hey! I thought I heard you two. I have your Christmas present upstairs."
"They're asking for Seline?"
"I know."
"She kidnapped them."
"I guess they didn't register the danger. No, they just keep asking for her ever since I got them back."
"Well, I don't want them thinking that she's safe. I mean, who knows when she's just gonna show up. I, uh... I'll talk to them."
"No, I'll talk to them... once we leave."
"But we're supposed to have Christmas together first. What is it? Did something else happen?"
"Look, I think you'll need to sit down for this."
A very living Damon, accompanied by Sybil, walks through the frond door.
"Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, Paul."
"I killed you."
"You what?!"
"He deserved it."
"Yeah, him, Ric and Matt took a whack at me. They even buried me. I can't tell you how hard it was to get all of that dirt out. I know. I know. Christmas just got merry."

"(to Grace) I'm sorry. I know we're late."
"Thank goodness. Don't come. It's Damon. He's here with that psycho American Idol reject. [Bonnie puts the speakerphone on.] Enzo cannot be around her. And don't even get me started on what Matt, Paul and Ric just tried to pull."
"What do Sybil and Damon want?"
"To ruin Christmas, I don't know. But they promised to leave my kids alone and I don't want a war. I just hope that they leave soon."
"Well, what about the tuning fork?"
"She stole it from us."
"Yeah, well, let's steal it back."
"From where? For all we know it's in the trunk of her car."
"It disrupts her psychic power and it hurts like hell. She won't be carrying it around with her. It's probably stashed where she's staying."
"We have no idea where that is."
"I can try to find out."
"She's not gonna just tell you."
"She might. Let me call you back."

Grace puts alcohol in one's of the drinks she just made.
She offers to Sybil the drink with alcohol. Sybil looks at her suspiciously but still takes it.
"(to Damon) I didn't have time to poison it."
"Well, you already poisoned the bourbon with milk and cinnamon, so..."
Stefan enters.
"(to Grace) Paul's gonna stay with the girls for awhile."
"(to Stefan) You don't have to hide them. I'm honoring the deal. We work for Cade. Munchkins go unharmed."
"Well, Paul's not exactly in a trusting mood right now and, uh... neither am I."
"My sister kidnapped them. I saved them from a life of serving Cade when I cosigned Damon's plan. So, put away your umbrella, Stefan. I don't need your shade. A simple thank you will suffice."
"Thank you. She's right. [Speaking implicitly and looking explicitly to Damon.] You can't fault one sibling for the sins of the other, right?"
"I appreciate that."
"Stefan, why don't you come with me and we'll go get some of the old family tree ornaments, huh? Oh, come on, Stef. I'll tell you why I'm here. (Stefan sighs and relents to follow Damon.)"
"Mmm, this is gonna be a killer dinner. Are the other guests on the way?"
"Let's hope so."
"Goody. I can't wait. I haven't had a Christmas Eve dinner in... ever. Here, here, here. Let me help. Besides, you wouldn't want to get turkey juice on that gigantic rock on your finger. So? When's the wedding?"
"It was supposed to be in June, but..."
"Oh, that's right. Cade. Hmm. Don't worry. A vampire like Stefan will be really good. He can probably kill 12 people in two seconds... and still be home in time to draw you a bath."
"Thrilling. So, what's your favorite part about Mystic Falls so far?"
"Hmm... Huge houses with big pools. You know I love the water, and it's not like I have to pay the mortgage or anything."
"It's hard to find those around here."
"Actually, there's a little neighborhood outside of Grove Hill called the Pond Estates. Weirdly though, there's no pond. I know, right? Anyway, it's filled with rich, sleazy men that'll give up their whole house for a song. Get it?"
"That's hilarious. Hmm. I'll be right back."
Grace phones Bonnie.
"There's a McMansion neighborhood called the Pond Estates. It's somewhere outside of Grove Hill."
"Okay. We'll look it up. Are you guys okay?"
"It is insane around here. Sybil wants to be my bestie. Lilith and Ruby keep asking about Seline. And I'm pretty sure Stefan's just off hiding somewhere."
"It's times like these I really miss Elena. If she were here, Damon wouldn't be doing any of this."
"Yeah, well, she's not here, and..."
"Grace?  Grace?"
"I need another gift box."
Upstairs, Grace fines the corpse of a lifeless Stefan, having completed desiccated.
"Stefan? Stefan! Stefan..."
"Relax. He's not dead. Have you seen Paul? Because if that's what's holding up dinner..."
"What did you do?"
"I killed him. I mean, technically, he is dead. But he'll be back. Your baby daddy staked me and I don't have a scratch. Same dealio. Big man requested a meeting. What was I gonna do? You know... I bet... that if you just wash this off... it might still work."

"Do you like these ornaments?"
"Nope. Not even a little bit.""Hey. Surprise, surprise."
"Matt! I thought you said that you weren't coming."
"Uh. apparently, the Mystic Grill wasn't good enough for this guy."
"Holidays are special. I convinced him he should stick around for the people he loves."
"Which is a hell of a lot more than he can say for you, Peter Maxwell."
"(gasps) Ooh! We've been waiting for you."
"Well, Damon's alive, as you can see. Bonnie and Enzo are late. Caroline and Ric aren't coming. And Stefan's dead! Merry Christmas. I've got gifts."

"Let's make sure we all get back to the spirit of Christmas. At the heart of it is forgiveness. So, Matt. Peter."
"And my adoptive mother taught me to always be prepared for anything."
"Thank you."
"Now, this one... is for Damon. Even though we've had our moments, I know that there is a future you that is going to ask for my forgiveness one day. This is for that guy."
"Anyway... (clears throat) I'm sure you're all asking yourselves why I barged in tonight. Relax. I come bearing a gift. Now, unfortunately, I'm only gonna be able to give it to the most despicably evil person in the room, and that's gonna be a tough decision. But tonight, one lucky little elf is gonna get an all-expense paid, one-way trip, straight to hell. Meaning, I'm gonna kill one of you. Let's eat."
"It's really quite simple. I assess the evil in people, so if they are wicked, immoral, corrupt, foul, nefarious, et cetera, I kill them."
"These are the au gratin potatoes. Stefan made them. They're a Salvatore recipe."
"Hey, where the hell is Paul? What was he, reading the dictionary to those girls?"
"You are not going to kill Paul... or anybody else. We are just going to sit here and enjoy this nice dinner just like Stefan wanted."
"What? Was just breaking some bread."
"Why are you doing this?"
"It's kind of his job."
"To murder innocent people?"
"Look who's talking about murder."
"I never killed..."
"Oh, yeah? Your old flame Penny is pretty dead as a door..."
"(he stands and slams the table) I never murdered anyone."
"Matt. Please."
"You know, at least Paul and Ric looked a little torn up when that stake went in my heart. And you looked pretty psyched. But I forgive you, Matty. You've had a lot of tragedy in your life. Here's the deal. Ric and Paul were just doing the parental thing, much like what Paul's doing upstairs right now. Do I want to kill him? Yes, but that's personal. This should be principle."
"It's all personal, Damon."
"What about this... Peter fellow? I've heard so so much about you."
"Back off."
"Or what?"

"I told you. I gambled away lots of money. I cheated on my taxes for sure. I don't know what else you want to know."
"Well, look who decided to join us. I was just asking Peter what's the worst thing he's ever done."
"Oh, well, mine was not making sure you that you were permanently dead. I see you're wreaking havoc as usual."
"Damon, drop this stupid game."
"Oh, but humiliating public confession is so fun."
"You left your son. You abandoned your family. And your answer to the question what's the worst thing you've ever done is... (imitating Peter) 'Uh, I guess I gambled and cheated on account of my dishonesty.'"
"I was a kid."
"Well, unless your last name is Pan, you haven't been a kid for a long time. So, explain to me the last 20-plus years."
"None of your business, Damon."
"Enough! Enough. This has gone way too far. You do not need to answer him."
"Yes you do. And quick. Next cut goes a couple inches lower. What are you gonna do, Donovan? Kill me again? Let's hear Papa's story while he still has some vocal cords. Last chance. What kept you away for more than 20 years?"
"It was shame, okay? Just look, I was... I was ashamed. Kelly was pregnant again and I... I couldn't come back and be another toilet scrubber in this town, I had... I had to get out. [He is still breathing heavily.]"
"Wow. It's worse than I thought. He didn't have a reason at all. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner."

Back at the dining table, they others hear his screams.
"I wouldn't."
Damon, using his super hearing, hears a door open and closes. Someone enters the house.

Stefan wakes up; Cade's deal having resurrected him after Damon killed him.
"Hey. Oh, thank God!"
"Where's Damon?"
"He's gone. Everybody's gone."
"Come with me."
"Where are we going? What happened with Cade?"
"I'll tell you. It's good. But first..."
Stefan kisses Grace under the mistletoe.
" You could have kissed me anywhere."
"I needed at least one thing I planned for today to actually work. I love you."
"I love you, too. Now stop stalling."
"We made a deal. I serve him for a year, and then I'm done."
"Why would you agree to that?"
"Because what I'm going to do and how I'm gonna do it makes it worth it to him."
"What are you going to do?"
"Grace, please don't, don't... don't make me say it right now. Just let me have this moment. 'Cause in seven minutes, Christmas is over, and everything changes so... let me be here, right now... with you."

"Thank you, Gracie, thank you, Paul."
"You're very welcome. (to Grace) We need to get going soon."
"I know. I know. (The girls are giggling on the floor as they open up presents.)"

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