Our Town

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"Grace come on we are going now." Damon yells.
"I'm not going not after yesterday." She yells back.
"What happened yesterday?" Bonnie asks.
"We had a fight and she doesn't want to talk to me." Stefan answers,
"Her magic is having after effects." Damon answers at the same time and they give each other funny looks as Grace enters.
"What happened with your magic?" Bonnie and Stefan ask.
"Bonnie I will tell you every detail of what happened on the way that caused it." Grace answers while grabbing her own keys and her and Bonnie heading to her car.

In the car, (Damon and Stefan have a similar conversation.) 
"So tell me about yesterday."
"Well I explained to Stefan the same things I told you and Caroline about how they both could have died and he accused me of trying to flip his switch back which was a lie I know how he feels, he needs time and after I to see you two and you know that bit."
"Of course."
"Then the voices kept chanting to me the same thing over and over again."
"What was it?"
"Well I'll tell you with names."
"Julia said 'She Knows.' that was all at first."
"Then Tessa told me *Bad things happen to the people you love.*"
"Julia then Tessa anything else."
"Yeah then Olivia told me ^And you find yourself praying up to heaven above^ the  Julia again 'But honestly I've never had much sympathy.'"
"Oh any more?"
"Yeah, um all of  them said '*^ Cause those bad things always saw them^*' and I finished as this has happened before with their phrase of Coming For Me."
"Oh wow."
They arrive at the Old Witch house first.

Bonnie is casting a spell, and chanting in Latin. She tries to open the coffin, but it's still locked shut. Grace is trying to focus out the voices to help Bonnie
"[yelling] Why won't you open?!"
The coffins disappear. She hears the floorboards squeaking, there's someone else in the house. 
"Hello? Someone there?"
Damon and Stefan are walking up to the house.
"You didn't say anything to Elena about the coffins, right?"
"No, I said I wouldn't."
"I know what you said."
"Why are you asking?"
"Because protecting the location of Klaus's family is my number one priority right now. And the fewer people who know, the better. Also Why did Grace tell you about her voices and not me?"
"Because she no longer trusts you."
Damon stops walking. Stefan stops too.
Bonnie walks slowly to the staircase; when she turns to walk up the stairs, she sees Damon there. He puts his finger to his lips to quiet her and listens intently. A hybrid walks out of the house and runs into Stefan. The hybrid vamps out, but before he can bite Stefan, Damon rips his heart out from behind him.
"These hybrids, really bringing the neighbourhood down."
Damon throws the heart on the ground.
"Really Damon?"
"Sorry Gracie, I just had to."
"Good point, my main vampire friend." She says to spite Stefan.
"Main Vampire Friend?" Bonnie asks as they walk back to the coffins.
"Spite, my fellow witch it was for spite."

Damon is fiercely hitting the coffin with a shovel. While Stefan is watching and Grace is listen to the voices.
"You're wasting your time. It won't open. Did you bury the body?"
"Yeah. Any sign of our little hybrid buddies?"
"Nope, just the dead one."
"Alright, Klaus has 6 siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one dead kid in the old world, one dead kid in the new world, which leaves Elijah and two others. Three sleeping originals, four coffins. So, who is in the locked box?"
"No idea. But whatever is in here, Bonnie seems to think will help us kill Klaus. So, the sooner she can get this open, the sooner we will know if she's right."
"Oh, you think the spirits of a bunch of dead witches that can make the coffins invisible would have figured out how to open one. [Tilts head towards ceiling towards the spirits expectantly.] Fine, don't help."
"You know, none of this is gonna do us any good if Klaus's hybrid friends find our hiding place, right? They need to go away."
"Oh yeah, that's a great idea Stefan. Why don't you just ask them to pack their bags and take a long rest while we are at it. How about try to keep the peace? Don't attract attention to the real thing we are trying to hide."
"Well, I'm not gonna play defense when I have what Klaus wants. He does what I say, or I dump his family to the bottom of the ocean."
"And then he kills you and everyone you know like, I don't know...us!"
"I wouldn't die Damon."
"Oh yeah good point he doesn't have the stake for you, right?"
"I'm sure he doesn't."
'I hear a sound.'-Julia
*It's probably just a mouse.*- Tessa
^See them in the dark^- Olivia
<Only saw a Spark>- Grace
'I know there's someone there'- Julia
<Not as far as we are aware>- Grace
^Why don't you believe us?^- Olivia
*Maybe she's right*- Tessa
<It's just another day.>- Grace
'But we heard a creak.'-Julia
<Just go back to sleep>- Grace
*We're always quick to rage.*- Tessa
<So just go back to your stage>- Grace
^Wait..^- Olivia
<Now I hear it.>- Grace
"No, he's bluffing. His family means more to him than anything else."
"You sure about that?"
"Well I don't know Damon. I mean, I guess there's only one way to find out, right? Call his bluff."
"The only way to call someones bluff, Stefan, is to be willing to lose everything if you're wrong."
Stefan smiles at Damon and leaves, ignoring his words.
"Damon I think something else is here."
"Other than us and the sprites?"
"The voices think so."
"What is it?"
"Another being that does magic."
She leaves giving up.

Grace was walking around the council meeting before this.
"What are you doing?"
"What are you doing? No dead hybrids at the Founders' party!"
"No, I told Klaus to get his hybrids out of town, he didn't listen, so I'm gonna say it louder."
"You don't think there's ten more where that came from? And if you kill them, Klaus won't make 20 more? Have you forgotten about Elena's part in all of this? Or do you not care if she is a human blood bag for the rest of her life?"
"Protecting Elena is your problem now. See, I'm not compelled by Klaus to do that anymore. Gracie also should talk to me then I will try stopping."
"Don't give me that no-humanity crap, you can't just flip your switch! Your switch is fried, Stefan, just like your brain! You wanna take Klaus? You wannao beat the villain? You've gotta be smarter."
"To beat the villain, Damon, you have to be the better villain."
Stefan claps Damon on the shoulder and leaves.
"Gracie talk to him, make him stop it Lexi could do it so can you."
"No Damon I can't the voices will not let me."
"Please, for me and to protect everybody including Stefan because I know you fell for him even before we Broke up."
"Damon I'm sorry I don't have the emotional energy to do that, I'm sorry my friend.""It's fine Gracie."
They leave the room

Damon, Grace and Klaus enter an empty room.
"What now? You just pulled me away from a fascinating conversation about landscaping the Town Square."
"Stefan just grabbed Elena."
"Well, he's getting desperate."
"He's gonna try and use her against you. Do what he says, get rid of your hybrids."
"Or what? Stefan would never dream of killing her."
"You sure about that?"
"He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a Council party. He's operating on crazy right now."
"Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He's bluffing."
Grace looks sadly at the ground.
"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but if you don't want to believe him, believe me. I know my brother better than anyone, and right now, I don't have a clue how far he is willing to take this. So if he says blink, I suggest you blink."
"Why can't Glum over there do anything about it?"
"Grace isn't talking to him."
"Why not?"
"He tried manipulating me to joining him and I left after that and not spoke to him since."
She walks out of the room.

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