We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

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"This is a disaster!"
"Look, we don't know anything for sure."
"Yes we do! Elena is sired to Damon! Which means her one singular burning desire is to make him happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids!"
"No it's not."
"A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million."
"Maybe it won't affect her the same way.""We already know it's affecting her. She's become Damon's lapdog. [They look at her.] It's true! Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do...she does."
"We need to do something."

Caroline pulls her phone out and is ready to call Elena.
"Wait, no, hold on Caroline. [He stops her from calling her.]-"
"This isn't gossip."
"You can't just drop this on her before we know what's happening for sure."
"I need to talk to Tyler, okay? Maybe he'll know what to do."
"All right talk to Tyler but please don't tell anyone else. If this is true, then it may have influence on Elena's every action and emotion since she became a vampire."

Elena and Damon open the front door to find Stefan and Grace walking up. They stop, the tension clear in the air.
There is a very awkward moment of silence between the two of them.
"See you in history?"
Elena nods and walks past Stefan, avoding his gaze. Stefan and Grace walk in the house.
Damon closes the door. He stands there, waiting to hear what Stefan has to say.
"Listen, we need to talk."
Sometime later, Stefan has told Damon everything about what him, Grace and Caroline have discovered about the sire bond. They sit down on the couch facing each other.
"Sired? Really Stefan? That is the most pathetic nonsense I've ever heard come out of your mouth, and you've said some crap in your day. And Grace your with him on this."
"It was your blood that turned her, right?"
"I mean, she's been different from day one because of you. You can't deny that."
"Sure I can. I finally got Elena to a good place about being a vampire. You three idiots can't stand that she's happy because of me."
"All right. You know what? Prove me wrong. Tell her it's OK to drink from a blood bag."
"She can't. Her weird doppelgänger body rejected the blood from the bag."
"Right, because you told her to."
"You said she had to drink warm human blood straight from the vein. She almost died to make you happy. [From the look on Damon's face, he clearly doesn't believe in what his brother is saying.]"
"Look, just ask her to drink from a blood bag."
"Make sure you'll tell her how happy you'll be if it works, and if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize."
"When her body rejects this blood, which it will, your apology better be epic."
Damon gets up and walks away.
"This is an amazing birthday."
"Sired Elena and to an ignorant Damon, the best present I have given you."
"The best ever."

Stefan is talking over the phone to Caroline, who's at school. Grace is sat listening.
"I talked to Tyler."
"The sire bond exists because the hybrids are grateful to Klaus for relieving them from the pain of having to wolf out every full moon, and that's why they have to turn until they're not ruled by the pain anymore."
"Right, but Elena's not a werewolf so what's the vampire equivalent?"
"Well, that's the problem. There isn't one."
Stefan doesn't respond, he seems upset that there is no way to fix the woman he loves. He hangs up without saying goodbye. Meanwhile, Damon is in the library, rummaging through old papers. Stefan enters the room. Grace follows him like a lost puppy.
"What are you doing?"
"Elena is sired. You were right, I was wrong. Happy?"
"No, I'm not happy. But what are we gonna do about it?"
"Well, I'm working on it. Here."
He holds a picture up for Stefan to see.
"Remember that?"
Stefan takes the picture from Damon and looks at it.
"New Orleans."
Grace takes it from Stefan.
"1942, to be exact."
"[He takes a seat.] What was in New Orleans in 1942?"
"Other than bourbon and beads...[He turns to his brother.] Us, Stefan."
"Oh yeah. [Stefan looks at a hat.] What was the name of that girl you used to hang out with?"
"That was no ordinary girl. That was Charlotte. She was crazy about me from the minute we met. So, of course, when she asked me to turn her, I did. She killed a sailor who spilled my drink. That was my first clue."
"She was sired to you, and I can only assume you took full advantage of that until you got bored of her, right?"
"More like when she went all "Fatal Attraction" on me, then I had to make a clean break."
"How'd you do that?"
"[He suddenly finds the square card he's been looking for.] Ah, phew, here. [He hands it to Stefan and he takes it, flips it over, and seed written on it "Valerie LaMarche, 920 Dauphine St."]"
"Who's Valerie LaMarche?"
"The witch that I found to help me break little Charlotte's sire bond. [Damon takes a swig of his drink. Stefan looks at him curiously and Damon stands up.] Pack your bags, baby bro and little witch. We're going back to Bourbon Street. [Damon walks away.]"

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