The Reckoning

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Stefan wakes up. Grace and Rebekah are standing near the open back door.
"Oh, he lives."
"What happened?"
"You took a beating. My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper."
"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?"
"You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding."
"I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to."
"No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive."
"Where is Klaus now?"
"With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off."
He rushes at them and they all fly out of the truck and onto the ground, him on top of Grace.
"Where is she?"
"You really do love her, don't you?"
Rebekah gets up and pushes him against the truck, punches him and takes a crowbar. She puts the hook of the crowbar behind his neck and pulls him toward her.
"Consider me jealous."
She drives the crowbar through his stomach.

Rebekah and Grace walk towards Tyler and Caroline in the hallway.
"You two are adorable."
They look at them.
"Uh, do we know you?"
"She's Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes him Tyler. The werewolf."
Caroline walks between Tyler and Rebekah.
"And who are you?"
"We're the new girls."
They vamp out.
Rebekah rushes over to Caroline.

Rebekah and Grace enter with Tyler.
"Get off of me!"
"Hush now."
"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning...She can be quite mean. And Grace my dearest follower and new best friend. Word of warning with her... She can be sour about your dear boyfriend."
"Don't be an ass."
"Yeah I agree Klaus that's kind of rude telling your sisters and followers secrets,"
They throw Tyler into Klaus's arms.
"Leave him alone!"
"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually."
He bites his wrist and makes Tyler drink his blood.
"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry."
He twists his head and kills him. Elena, Matt and Bonnie are shocked. Klaus smiles. Dana and Chad are sitting on the floor. Matt is next to Tyler's body.
"He killed him."
"He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire."
"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping."
He grabs Elena's arm and looks at her. Elena makes a sign to Bonnie and she leaves with Matt. Rebekah looks at Elena.
"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier."
"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?"
Rebekah drags Tyler behind her by his arm and leaves. Grace leaves too.

Caroline wakes up on the floor. Rebekah has her phone. And Grace is reading and practicing magic.
"We didn't have mobile telephones in my day. Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose."
She takes a picture of herself.
"Where's Tyler?"
"He's dead. Ish."
Caroline sees him lying behind her.
"What did you do to him?"
"Think of it as he's having a nap. When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid."
Caroline puts her ear to Tyler's chest to check for a heartbeat. Rebekah is swiping through pictures on the phone and sees a picture of Stefan and Elena and shows Grace.
"Ugh. Vomit."
"Vomit central."
Suddenly she zooms in and sees the necklace around Elena's neck.
"Is that my neck..."
She gets up and speaks down at Caroline.
"Why is that doppelgänger bitch wearing my necklace?!"
Rebekah and Grace get up and march in Grace to Klaus and Rebekah to Elena
"Where is it?! Where's my necklace?"
"What are you talking about?"
"She has my necklace. Look."
She gives him the phone so he can see the picture.
"Well, well. More lies."
" it?"
"I don't have it anymore."
"You're lying!"
She vamps out and bites Elena's neck but Klaus stops her and takes her aside.
"Knock it off!"
"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!"
Klaus looks at Elena. She has her hand on her neck.
"Where's the necklace, sweetheart?"
"Be honest."
"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it."
"Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?"
He puts on the clock. There's a buzzer sound when the clock appears on the board. He goes over to Stefan and compels him.
"Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to."
"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!"
 "No one leaves."
" If she tries to run, fracture her spine."
Rebekah looks at them and leaves with Klaus and Grace.

Caroline, Tyler, Grace and Rebekah are in a classroom. Rebekah and Grace check how much time is remaining on Caroline's phone and sees there's three minutes remaining. Suddenly Tyler wakes up.
"Where am I? What happened?"
"Don't be shy about it."
"What's going on?"
"Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition."
"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets. You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not...You're pretty much dead."
"You're going to be okay. Okay? It's going to be okay."
"I wonder how she's doing."
She looks at the clock on the phone and turns it round to show them. There's two minutes remaining.
"Tick tock goes the gym clock."

Klaus enters the classroom Rebekah, Grace, Tyler and Caroline are in.
"Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead."
Rebekah gets up and seems happy and Grace tilts her head confused.
"Does that mean we can kill her?"
"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite."
She puts her arms around Caroline from behind and pulls her back, restraining her.
"Call it a hunch..."
He shows a test tube containing blood to Tyler. Rebekah holds Caroline so she can't move. Grace realises what he meant.
"Elena's blood. Drink it."
"No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!"
"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment. It's okay."
Tyler struggles but he finally drinks it.
"There we go. Good boy."
Tyler coughs, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming and groaning and writhing. He holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes.
"Well, that's a good sign."

Klaus, Grace and Rebekah in front of the hospital.
£So the doppelgänger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution."
"Seems so."
"How did you know?"
"Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?"
"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you."
"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..."
"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species."
"Leaving me alone for all time."
"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone?"
"What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid the hell out of this one-pony town. You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena."
She leaves. Damon arrives and make eye contact with Grace who looks down gulity.
"Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party."
"Where is she?"
"Elena? Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause."
Damon goes toward the hospital but Klaus stops him.
"I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate."
"You'll have to kill me."
"Oh, I would love to kill you, but I made a pledge to Grace and your brother , and unlike him, I keep my word. Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't care that much anymore."
He pushes Damon against the hood of a car and is about to kill him. Damon also looks at Grace surprised she wanted to keep himself.
"Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?"
"What do you know about Mikael?"
"Just that he knows you're here."
"You're bluffing."
"Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage."
"She was there 1920's after you compelled Stefan, she tried taking Bex's necklace before Stefan." 
Klaus throws him against another car, and Damon falls on the ground. When Damon gets up, Klaus and Grace have disappeared.

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