A View to a Kill

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Damon is still in the cellar, looking weak. He hears footsteps and sees Stefan and Grace.
"You coming to snap my neck again? Because I woke up feeling completely un-murderous, and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free."
Stefan throws a vial of blood towards Damon.
"Oh man, really? You practically bled me dry. At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty."
Stefan sets a water bottle between the bars of the door.
"Not exactly what I had in mind."
Damon gets up, groaning, and walks over to grab the water bottle. He sees Klaus standing on the other side.
"Hello, mate."
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Klaus smiles.
"Babysitting, with Grace."
"Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours, so he doesn't desiccate. If he gets too much strength back, or if he just annoys you, bleed him out again."
"Silent treatment, huh? Is that your best shot? [to Klaus] He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena."
"You sure about that? 'Cause I saw him trying to sneak out of Rebekah's bed this morning, which would suggest to me that he's moved on."
"You did what?"
Stefan sighs.
"Well, well. Looks like my brother ripped out a page of my revenge-sex handbook."
"Well, why don't you two enjoy your little, uh, villain bonding time? I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah."
Stefan leaves.
"Feeling sad?"
"You read all of my diary?"
"Can I?"
"Sure, what ever. Not like everybody else has read it."
"Who else?"
"Rebekah before sleeping with Stefan, Damon to keep himself safe, I found it near Elena." 
Grace leaves and grabs her diary.

Klaus is walking around reading Grace's diary while Damon is lying down on the bed, tossing an object up in the air. Grace is sat on the stairs
"You know, none of this would be an issue if you'd have just done your job properly. I was perfectly willing to let you train Jeremy."
"No, you weren't. Are you kidding? You got there day two. Do you know how hard it is to get these Xbox brains to focus?"
"And then when I turned a room full of barflies into vampires for him to slaughter, you let Kol kill them."
"Your brother problem, not mine, buddy."
"And whose bright idea was it to saddle Jeremy with a conscience, hmm?"
"Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena in her sleep, now, could we?"
"Ah, yes, for the love of Elena. How is it that she manages to overlook every horrific thing you've ever done? Is it willful ignorance, or perhaps something more pathological?"
"Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. Bet you score about a negative 500 in that realm."
"[smiling] Come on. There must be a secret. It can't just be the sire bond. What is it? Compulsion? Manipulation? [Damon doesn't reply.] What is it you say to her?"
Damon catches what he's throwing and sits up.
"I think this has something to do with a certain blonde vampire. I think you murdered Carol Lockwood, and I think you're worried that Caroline's never going to forgive you."
"You've done worse."
"Debatable. See, I don't mind being the bad guy, because somebody has to fill that role and get things done. You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a dick."
Damon shrugs.
"If you're gonna be bad, be bad with a purpose. Otherwise, you're just not worth forgiving."
Damon lies back down and sighs. He goes back to throwing the object in the air.

Klaus has his phone out in the cellar. Grace stood just outside the door.
"Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating."
"It's one of his trademarks, like his brooding and his hair."
"I don't understand what's taking so long. I mean, how hard is it to steal a dagger?"
"From a vampire who's been stabbed as many times as your sister, I'd say difficult."
Klaus sighs and tosses Damon a vial of blood.
"You disappoint me, Damon. You're not trying very hard to get out of here. I expected more the daring escape artist, less the cell potato."
"Well, I am compelled to kill Jeremy, so I figured it's probably smarter to sit here and chit-chat with you than bust out of here like the Hulk."
"How do you think Elena felt about that, by the way? Your inability to overcome Kol's compulsion for a single moment even though it meant saving the person she loves most in the world?"
"She's met me. She knows impulse control's not my strong suit."
"Still, must be hard trying to live up to Stefan. I remember when I compelled him to feed off Elena. He fought it so hard, he actually managed to resist. Now, that's love."
"What do you know about love?"
"I know that you're in love with Elena. But I think you're afraid of what might happen when we find the cure at the end of the rainbow. Personally, I don't see a fairytale ending for you. All I see is Stefan and Elena. I think you see the same thing."
Damon doesn't reply, and Klaus' phone rings. He sees it's Kol and answers it. 

Angry, Klaus grabs Damon by the neck and shoves him against the wall.
"What the hell's going on?"
"I don't know."
"What are Stefan and Elena planning?"
"I don't know. I've been stuck in the penalty box with you since yesterday. Stefan won't talk to me, and Elena won't come to see me, so maybe you're right. Maybe she's written me off."
Klaus uses compulsion.
"Tell me what you know."
"I don't know anything about a plan."
"Stay here till I return."
Klaus releases Damon and leaves, slamming the door. Damon coughs.
"I will stay here until you return..."
Damon and Grace look down at the bottle of vervain-tainted water.
"...or not."
He leaves.
"Okay then?"

Jeremy is pacing, staring at his bare arm. Elena, Grace and Bonnie are on the sofa.
"It didn't work."
"It took time for Finn's line to die off, remember? It'll work."
"What if it doesn't?"
"We killed his line?"
"We had to Grace."
"Where's that Gilbert and Brandson optimism?"
Damon walks over to Elena.
Smiling, Elena hugs him.
"Sorry I missed all the excitement."
"I'm just happy to see you."
The front door opens and Stefan walks in carrying Silas' tombstone. He closes the door.
"Looks like I didn't miss much. Got the Silas headstone."
"We're just waiting for Jeremy's mark to grow."
Stefan sets the stone down on a table while Damon watches him warily.
"Klaus is trapped in our living room."
"Temporarily. I drew on the new moon to bind the spell. We've got three days to find that cure – four, max."
"If we don't, we might as well look up Katherine Pierce and see if she wants some company in hiding, 'cause he will come after us."
"We'll find it. Now that we've got Rebekah taken care of, all we need is professor Shane, and then we'll have everything we need."
"Yeah, I didn't, uh...I didn't dagger her."
"What? Why not?"
"I didn't need to. She's on our side."
"On our side? Did you really just say that?"
"Yeah, she handed over the headstone. I mean, she wants to find this cure more than any of us."
"Why would you possibly think that we could trust her?"
"Let me guess, she pledged her allegiance to you while you were naked in the sack?"
Everyone reacts silently. Elena looks shocked. Grace looks at the floor.
"I bet you were just dying to get that out, weren't you, Damon?"
"Oh, was that supposed to be a secret? Maybe you should have made that a little clear while you were bleeding me dry in our cellar."
"Yeah, to keep you from killing Jeremy."
"Stop it, both of you."
"Now, why don't you tell her to calm down, Damon? You've managed to use that sire bond pretty well so far, haven't you?"
Damon punches Stefan in the face, knocking him down. Stefan gets back up and is about to hit Damon back when Jeremy starts screaming. Jeremy rips off his shirt, and the mark is growing.
"It's happening."
Elena is shocked because she can see the mark.
"Oh, my god..."
"You can see it?"
Elena nods as they watch the mark grow up his arm and across his chest.
"Here we go."

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