She's come Undone

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Damon is in the cellar at the boarding house, concentrating. He returns to the here and now when Stefan and Grace arrive behind him.
"You still have her locked in the safe?"
" You've been in her head for an hour. What, still nothing?"
Damon says nothing, but instead approaches the safe.
"How you doing in there?"
He unlocks the safe and opens the door. Elena is inside, weak and apparently barely conscious. Damon pulls her out.
"Come on."
Elena falls to the ground and Damon crouches down in front of her.
"Is the old you ready to come out and play?"
"Go to hell."
Damon makes a face, smiling tightly.
"Okay. Back you go."
Damon puts Elena back into the safe and locks it.
"[to Elena] We can do this the nice way, or we can do it the other way...but either way, we're not stopping until you turn your humanity switch back on. So I'm gonna let you think about that, and I'm gonna come back for you in a couple hours, or a couple years...because all we have is time."
Damon pats the safe twice. Stefan, silently observing this entire sequence, looks troubled.
Later in the day, Caroline storms into the house, talking to Stefan and Grace while she looks around for Elena.
"Where is she? I wanna see her."
"We're not letting anyone see her, that's the whole point."
"Isolation leads to misery leads to emotion."
"She's been here for days. She hasn't improved at all?"
"Look, she doesn't want to, Caroline, not yet. She's devastated; she lost her brother, she-she attacked her friend, she killed an innocent woman."
"You said that you knew how to help her."
"I did say that. We are."
"What, how? By torturing her?"
"It's not torture, it's an intervention."
"The only chance we have with her is to provoke her, to trigger something. Fear, anger, self-pity, anything."
"Let me talk to her. Before any more interventioning. If she's weak, she can't hurt me. Please, just let me try."
Stefan still looks reluctant but they go down to the cellar.
"Good luck."
Stefan and Grace leave. 

Grace is sat inside drinking a blood bag when Rebekah, Caroline and Matt walking.
"Come in?"
"Hi. I don't mean to interfere. It's just, I happen to know all they keep in this house is blood and booze, so I brought a peace offering. Burgers?"
Matt approaches her and takes the box, smiling slightly.
"Yeah, we can't really entertain right now, but thanks for stopping by."
"I think I might stay. Matt mentioned that he was failing classes and needed a study buddy."
"You're failing?"
"Failing? Wh-why didn't you ask me to help you study?"
"Well, I didn't exactly ask her."
"Well, what classes are you failing?"
"I'm not failing, I'm just...really, really behind in history...and Italian, and math..."
"This year's been a little distracting."
"We could all help. All hands on deck-- that's the motto around here, right?"
"We don't have a motto."
"[to Matt] Look, if you need to study, we're gonna study. I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna get my flash cards, and my study guides, and some energy bars. This is gonna be good. Grace your also studding so you have knowledge before the test."
Caroline gives them two thumbs up and leaves.
"You dated that?"
"She likes projects."

It's night-time. Matt is sitting on a couch, using a translator app on his phone while Rebekah pours herself a drink. He speaks clearly into the phone. Grace is opening another blood bag and bourbon.
"What time will Caroline return from the train station?"
He taps a button and the phone repeats his sentence back to him in Italian.
"Well, that's handy. Sort of a cheat, though, isn't it?"
"Not everyone's had a thousand years to learn everything about everything."
Rebekah takes his phone to look at it.
"Not sure how good I am at modern Italian. I was fluent in the 12th century, but languages have a way of evolving."
Matt takes his phone back.
"So can you help, or not?"
"[smiling] Of course I can. Don't be cranky, I was just teasing."
"I'm sorry, I just don't wanna get left behind while all my friends go to college and I'm the only repeat-senior."
"The only reason that you are failing is because you're preoccupied with training doomed hunters and dealing with Elena's drama. You need better me. I could compel you good grades and a scholarship."
"I don't wanna do that."
Matt lies down on the couch.
"Why not? Everyone needs an advantage in life. I could be yours. When you convinced me to save April Young's life at the prom...I realized that I could be a better person, and I'm grateful for that. So, let me give you some advice: take advantage of what I'm offering you. Make something of yourself. And for the record, anyone who leaves you behind is a fool. I wouldn't."
Suddenly the front door opens and Katherine walks in.
"What a beautiful sentiment."
Damon enters the room.
"None of you can knock?"
"Sorry. I didn't realize we were standing on formalities."
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"You didn't get the memo? I'm here to talk some sense into poor, emotionless Elena."
"[to Damon] Are you out of your mind?"
"You got a better idea, prom king? Unless you want me to lock you up in there with her, I suggest you shut up. Let the adults handle this."
Katherine and Damon leave the room. Matt gets up to go outside.
"Well, looks like the lunatics have taken over the asylum."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm calling Caroline. There's no way we're letting that psycho in there with Elena."

"She focused on an emotion?"
"Yeah she hasn't told us which one yet."
"Let me know when you know."

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