Break on Though

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Grace is laid in the corner of the parlour aguing with Stefan about the time of WWII while he pores a blood bag when Elena passes by.
Stefan puts the blood bag down and Grace rolls her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Damon told Alaric that there was no one home, otherwise I would have...."
"I just got home and Grace didn't want to talk to us."
Grace waves to Elena.
"I just came by to pick up this book that you found, on my ancestor, Samantha."
"That's fine."
Elena walks over to Stefan.
"How are you doing? Damon said that you were..."
"Yeah, I'm – I'm okay. Did you get everything you need?"
"Yeah. Well, if there's anything I can do to help."
Elena starts to leave.
"You don't have to read that, you know."
Elena turns around.
"I can just tell you what happened. Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum, she tried to give herself a lobotomy with a knitting needle, and bled to death on the floor of her cell. If the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing you can do."
"Okay, well, I'm gonna let you get back to...whatever it was you were doing."
Elena leaves. Stefan picks up the blood bag.
"Wow flirt much."
"Hey, at least I'm flirting with somebody I'm technically dating."
"Eliza's my ex and Angelica is my sire I can't do anything about it."
"Well I have a question."
"What is it?"
"What are you doing for your birthday?"
"Idk, it is a few days away I don't care I haven't done anything since I turned, or do you not remember because of the blood." She says walking out and to her room.

"Hey when are you two coming home?" Grace asks as the camera pans to her on the phone with Caroline and Bonnie
"Soon why Grace?" Bonnie asks.
"Well it's my birthday in a few days and I heard Caroline is amazing at throwing parties."
"I am and will throw you an amazing party what do you want to happen?"
"I want drinks that are alcohol and blood, lots of humans but I will have two other heretics, hot boys and hot girls, decorations, karaoke  and you two, the Salvatore's and Elena."
"Okay got it anything else."
"Well I think I told you about the Stefan thing that only you two, Kol, Damon and the More sisters well things to cause him to be jealous."
"You got it, I've got to go now bye."

Grace walks down into the basement, Damon after he and they see Stefan drinking a blood bag from the freezer. They also sees that there are multiple blood bags scattered on the floor.
"Oh, come on. Slow down, brother."
Damon walks over to Stefan and takes the blood bag out of his hand.
"Whoa. Control, remember? Doesn't matter whether it's blondes or blood bags, same principles apply."
"What did you say to Elena this morning?"
"Oh, you're stress eating. Sublimating. You two deserve each other with all your pining and moping."
Stefan moves toward Damon.
"I asked you a question, Damon."
"I told her what she already knows. You're a vampire and you drink human blood and to get over it."
Damon closes the freezer.
"Which is the same thing I'm telling you. Own it, live it, love it. Stop being ashamed of who you are."
Damon starts to leave, but Stefan grabs his arm and pulls him back around.
"Do me a favor, Damon. Next time you talk to Elena, keep me out of it, okay?"
"Gladly. Now, unless you're interested in a Sage-Rebekah sex sandwich, I suggest you make yourself scarce."
"I didn't expect this at all and to think after our talk I was going to change tradition."
"What, your birthday tradition?"
"Yes I am changing it, Caroline is arranging it for when she gets back here."
"You said it was going to be a normal day."
"I lied, I always lie Stef, to you, to Damon, to myself, to Eliza and Angelica, to everyone."
"You lie to me?"
"To some levels yes but the big lie you know, kind of, some of it, unlike Stefan and the girls. I even try saying it's not true to myself." She leaves quickly after realising what she has said.
"Grace wait."

Stefan is in the library, drinking. Damon enters holding something wrapped in brown Kraft paper. Grace walks in and Grabs a book.
"Little early in the day for you, isn't it?"
"Just having a little toast."
"To what?"
"If you're happy, I'm happy."
"Why are you in such a good mood? Sage double-crossed you, tree's a pile of ash, Alaric's got a psychopathic alter ego."
"You know, Stefan, I'm a philanthropist, I make the world a better place. Restoring bridges, landmarks, and..."
Damon rips the paper off what he carried into the room. It's the Wickery Bridge sign.
"Historical signs made of the same white oak as the Wickery Bridge."
Stefan gets up and looks at the sign.
"They think all the wood burned."
"I sold my rage. Whew! You should have seen me."
"We have a weapon."
"Game's back on, brother. Let's go kill some Originals."
"They are all linked I would no do it if I were you."
"And why not Gracie?"
"Ask Stefan, I told him."
"She thinks,"
"That if we kill our sire line creator then we die too."

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