Home Coming

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"Aye, let's say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait."
"And you what? Vervained him?"
"No, we vervained him! This guy is an Original. To make it realistic."
"Okay, fine. We vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger."
"Which he planned to use on Rebekah, but instead..."
"We drove it through his heart."
"And what happens when he asks to see Mikael's body?"
"Good point! You my friend have been compelled to do what Klaus says. So the idea is to lure him back here and kill him..."
"Last thing we need is you getting tripped up and tongue-tied."
"Well, don't look at me. I am just in charge of getting him back here."
"Klaus is smart. If we tell him that Mikael is dead, he'll want proof."
"Then I shall be dead."
"What if he wants to see you in person?"
"Well that means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will kill him.""
"With what? Those daggers won't work on him."
"Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree. The one that left these ashes when it burned."
"Where is it?"
Mikael is dipping a dagger in the ashes of the white oak tree.
"Not here. The knowing of its location is my insurance policy."
"Against what?"
"You leaving this in my heart. You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying. So...it falls to you."
Mikael hands over the dagger to Elena which confuses Grace, who is sat on the sofa practicing.
"Y...You want me to actually dagger you?"
"Klaus will leave nothing to chance- especially when it comes to trust."

After Stefan gets of the phone with Klaus and they take the dagger from Mikael Grace leaves to get ready for the prom because Rebekah and Stefan forced her to go.
"Tell me which colour looks better please." Grace asks somebody on the phone.
"Black does go well with your eyes," Eliza starts. "But I'm not too sure."
"Red one goes better with you and looks easier to dance and run away in." Angelica answers.
"See that's an answer." Grace says as Stefan walks in and lays on her bed.
"Also Curl your hair it would look great."
"Thanks girls, I need to go bye."
She hangs up the phone.
"Who was that?" Stefan asks tilting his head.
"My New Orleans friends, other heretics."
"There are more of you?"
"Yeah, they know The Mikaelson  family."
"Did you tell them of the plan?"
"No why would I?"
"Just checking, you seem different."
"How do you mean?" She asks going to do her make-up.
"I'm not sure, but do you have a da-"
"No I don't Stefan and nor do I want one I'll find a guy or girl to dance with."
"Okay well don't say anything to Rebekah or Mikael."
"I won't." And with that Stefan leaves and Grace gets ready.

Damon pours himself and Gracie 2 glasses of blood; Mikael enters the room.
"Did my daughter go to the dance?"
"Yep, you missed the photo op. Did you get the stake?"
"I did."
"I'm not gonna take your word for it. No offense to your honor and all..."
"None taken."
He pulls out the stake from his jacket.
"Fancy. May I?"
"It's the only weapon on this earth that can kill an original. So I think I'll hold on to it. No offense."
"I'd offer you a drink- but Katherine tells me you're more of a 'vampire on the rocks' kind of guy."
"Well, technically you could still offer."
"Why feed on vampires? Don't tell me it's for the smooth after taste."
"I had a hand in creating vampires, but bloodlust was never my intention. Over the centuries I learned to feed from the predator, not the innocent."
Stefan comes in.
"Change of plans. Klaus is back. He is at the Lockwood's and he wants your body delivered to his doorstep."
"I'm afraid he is in for a colossal disappointment."
"Well, he's certainly not gonna come here. I hope your plan didn't depend on that?"
"Didn't depend on that."
"But you do have a plan, right?"
"Oh, yeah. We have a plan, right. Just doesn't involve you, more of us two and Grace thing."
Mikael leaps forward, grabs Stefan and starts to feed on him; Stefan falls to the floor unconscious.
"You couldn't just break his neck?"
"Well that certainly occurred to me."
Damon looks at Stefan then grabs his jacket and a bag and leaves.

Damon walks up to the front door. A hybrid is standing at the bottom of the steps acting as the doorman.
"Invite only, vampires."
"Hey I'm a vamp-witch heretic thank you."
"Here's my RSVP."
Damon rips his heart out.

Grace runs around to find 'Elena' aka Kathrine and make sure she is ready for the plan but sees she is taken by a hybrid and hides until she is needed.
"[smiling] Kaboom."
Katherine has two wolfsbane grenades in her hands and throws them at the hybrids. Meanwhile, Damon is about to stake Klaus, when Stefan knocks him off of Klaus and holds him down. The stake is on the floor. Grace uses her magic on Mikael.
"What are you doing?!"
Klaus takes the stake jumps at Mikael and drives it through Mikael's heart; he bursts into flames and dies.
"What the hell did you do?"
"They earned their freedom."
Stefan stops clutching Damon, gets up and faces Klaus.
"Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free."
Klaus un-compels Stefan. Stefan looks where Damon was, but he has fled.
"And Grace thank you, you saved a ton of vampires."
"I just wanted to keep Stefan and Damon alive and get to meet Caroline."
Grace stayed with Klaus as she was ashamed to show her face to Damon again.
"[Leaving a voicemail message.] Rebekah, where are you? Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy is dead. It's time for a family reunion."
He receives another call and switches to it.
"Stefan! Miss us already?"
"I'm just calling to thank you for my freedom."
"Oh, I like to believe I'm a man of my word, more or less."
"Thing is, it came at too high of a price. You took everything from me, Klaus."
"Let bygones be bygones, trust me. Resentment get's old."
Klaus approaches his truck in which he transports the caskets.
"You know what never get's old? Revenge."
Klaus opens the truck; it's empty; the caskets are all gone.
"What's the matter, Klaus? Missing something?"
"What are you doing?"
"Just enjoying my freedom."
"I will kill you and everyone you've ever met!"
"You do that, and you will never see your family again. I wonder Klaus, as someone who has been one step ahead for a thousand years...are you prepared for this?"


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