After School Special

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It's daytime. A memorial service for Carol Lockwood is underway in the gym of the high school. The students are lighting candles in glass cups as part of the service. Liz is speaking at a podium in front of the stand.
"Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness in times of tragedy leads to healing, that one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than a leader; she was an open-minded friend and a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a terrible accident."
Tyler stands up and leaves the gym. Liz sees him leave.
"Please join me in observing a minute silence in her memory."
Everyone puts their heads down for the minute of silence.
"Thank you so much. In the wake of this tragedy, the town has selected an interim mayor. Many of you may already know him. Please welcome Mr. Rudy Hopkins."
Rudy stands up and walks behind the podium.
"Thank you so much, Sheriff. Carol Lockwood put this town first. That's why I'm here to talk to you guys. You folks are the future of Mystic Falls..."
After the service, all the students are coming out of the gym. Caroline and Grace are walking through the crowd talking on her phone. The shots alternate between the girls at the school and Stefan at the Grill.
"Hey, you just missed the mandatory school assembly."
"Well, that's because I'm at a mandatory all-day drinking party."
"You decided to go on a ripper bender now?"
"My brother slept with Elena. It kinda puts a damper on things."
"First of all, you weren't supposed to know that, and second of all, Tyler is already spiraling, and he gets top priority."
"His mother just died. What do you expect?"
"I'm his girlfriend. I expect him to talk to me. Instead, he's all angry, and it doesn't help that everyone keeps referring to his mother's death as an accident, which is just a really polite way of saying she was drunk."
"You think Klaus killed her?"
"Hmm, I don't think she drowned in her martini glass."
"Just, get it together. We can't do it alone."
Caroline hangs up. 

Stefan downs what's left of his drink and calls Caroline and Grace.
"I'm only ready to talk to you if you're ready to rejoin civilization."
"How would you like to drive the white oak stake through Rebekah's heart?"
"If it means that you're not drinking your way through the Mystic Grill, sure."

Caroline and Grace are walking down the hallway with the white oak stake in  hand. Caroline looks in a classroom for Rebekah. She texts Stefan "2nd floor clear..." Grace hears a noise and turns around. Stefan is walking along another hallway and gets her text. He looks in another classroom. He hears a noise and looks towards the end of the hallway and texts Caroline "1st floor. I'll distract her. You stake her." but is interrupted when Rebekah shows up. A few moments later, Rebekah walks into the library with Stefan.
Elena gets up.
"Did I say you could move?"
Elena sits back down.
"Grace why are you hear you can't be compelled."
"Threatened to kill my sire."
"Class is in session. You've all been compelled or threatened; you know the rules. Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves. April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town. Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114, my brother learnt, thanks to yours truly, about a brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. These tattoos revealed what, Elena?"
"A map."
"Which led to...? Caroline?"
"A cure for vampirism."
"Perfect, so we're all caught up. Stefan Salvatore and Grace Branson, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter, but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunter's sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks. Assuming you found the sword, you also found the cure, and yet, you're all still vampires, which means something went wrong."
Rebekah looks at April.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh, you asked me to take notes."
"I wasn't being literal, darling. But now that you mention it...a flow chart would be nice, which means index cards and push-pins. Go, fetch."
April leaves the room.
"You're wasting your time. We don't know anything."
"So, you just gave up? I thought you would do anything to save Elena? Even if it meant taking the cure yourself, so you could grow old and die with her?"
Elena looks at Stefan with a shocked look on her face.
"Why do you look so surprised?"
No one answers.
"I'm missing something. What is it?"
"They broke up, okay?"
Rebekah smiles.
"Now let us go."
"Broke up? Wait, I'm confused. I thought Elena was your epic love, Stefan?"
Rebekah sits down in April's chair and she looks at Stefan.
"I asked you what happened. You have to tell me."
"She slept with Damon."
Elena looks at Stefan, surprised, and then she looks at Caroline who looks remorseful.

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