Postcards from the Edge

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Just then, Stefan and Grace walk through the door with a paper bag in their hands, and Caroline stops writing and sets down her journal so she can greet them.
Hey, sorry, I was trying to track down my brother."
Caroline smiles happily at them.
"Curly fries or waffle? I brought both."
"[gleefully] All of them. Everything. Gimme, gimme, gimme!"
Stefan hands her the bag, and she reaches into it, pulling out a smaller bag of waffle fries that she immediately starts eating. She moans in pleasure as she enjoys her snack.
"Mmm, oh, my God! I love you!"
Grace gives her a knowing smile.
"Are you talking to us, or are you talking to the fries?"
Caroline gives her a mischievous smile in return.
"Do you want me to lie to you?"
"[amused] Hmmm."
"Hi. I love you, too."
Caroline's face becomes concerned.
"Did you find him?"
"[sighs] No."
"Okay. Let me just chow down on this cheeseburger, and then I will help you track him down."
"Right I need to go, and help Nora bye." Grace walks off.

Grace and Nora are in Alaric's office at Whitmore, where they're kneeling on the floor, each holding one end of the Phoenix Sword. They're surrounded by lit candles, and below the sword is a map of the United States for their locator spell, upon which they've placed the postcard Nora received from the Huntress.
[both chant] Phesmatos invenira venatrixos isto gladulla onyx. Phesmatos invenira venatrixos isto gladulla onyx."
They look down and find that the black sand on the map has made a line from Virginia to Cincinnati, Ohio. Grace looks at Nora with a skeptical look.
"Ohio? Are you sure this isn't a prank or something?"
"[nervously] It's not a prank. A ruthless killing machine is on her way to hunt us all down."
"But why announce herself with a cryptic postcard? Isn't the element of surprise a basic principle of good vampire hunting?"
Just then, Mary Louise appears in the doorway, looking worried.
"Not for Rayna Cruz. Rayna has a taste for taunting her victims. Like a cat nibbling the legs off a spider."
Nora, who is clearly shocked to see her ex, stands to her feet, and after a moment, Grace joins her.
"What are you doing here?"
Mary Louise sees the postcard on the floor and looks even more concerned.
"You got one, too."
"[sarcastically] And what about Julian?"
"[sighs] No. But I said we'd take care of the problem. For all our sakes."
"Your vampire huntress is currently residing somewhere in Cincinnati."
Mary Louise ignores Bonnie and continues to stare at Nora.
"Let's get going, Nora. The sooner she's dead, the better."
Mary Louise turns to leave, but Nora stays where she is, and Grace scoffs loudly.
Do you think I just did that locator spell for a tune-up? I'm going with you."
Mary Louise sneers at her patronizingly.
"We're good, thanks."
"Uh, I wasn't asking. The last thing I need is a so-called ruthless killing machine going after any of my friends. I need to protect them, and it's not like I can trust either one of you to take her down."
"[irritably] And what makes you think we trust you?"
Nora glares at Mary Louise.
"I trust her. She actually cares about the well-being of others. Unlike you, who only cares about pleasing Julian."
Grace looks pleased by Nora's support and gives Mary Louise, who looks jealous and hurt, a smug look.
"I call shotgun!"

Nora, Grace, and Mary Louise are on their way to Ohio to find the Huntress. Nora is driving the car, while Grace sits in the passenger seat, and a very jealous and miserable Mary Louise sits in the back. Grace is eating a small bag of cheese puffs, which she shares with Nora. Mary Louise scowls at the sight of it.
Since when do you eat disgusting garbage food?"
"[annoyed] Since I stopped caring about getting that exact reaction."
Seeing the tension, Grace changes the subject and turns back to look at Mary Louise.
"I have a question-- if Rayna was chasing you through Europe in the 19th century, how exactly is she still alive?"
"She was spelled to be a vampire huntress by shamans. They created that sword for her and imbued her with extraordinary strength. Why shouldn't they give her a very long life to go with it?"
Nora smiles and giggles as she reaches over and grabs another handful of cheese puffs from the bag while Mary Louise scowls at them from the back seat.
"Hey, do you remember that reading from class last week? You know, the one about those fragments of Native American myths? Uh, the Everlastings?"
"[nods] Ah, the Everlastings."
The girls giggle as though they have an inside joke, and Mary Louise is unable to bite her tongue any longer.
"[irritably] Am I meant to be impressed you're study buddies at a second-rate college?"
"No. But, feel free to try and be civil. Otherwise, we will be more than happy to drop you off at the side of the road, and you can hitch a ride back to whatever rock you've been living under."
Grace continues to munch on her cheese puffs as she and Nora giggle.

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