You Decided That I Was Worth Saving

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"(chuckles softly) Surprise!"
"(alarmed at first) Bonnie, Caroline, what the... (laughing)"
"You are engaged, and we are celebrating. (giggles)"
"First, we're gonna drink too much champagne."
"And then, we are taking you wedding dress shopping. I know it's a little early, but you're gonna try on thousands of dresses before you find the perfect one, so we may as well start now."
"(still processing the environment around her) Bonnie, look, I love you, and this is amazing, but you don't have to put on a happy face for me right now."
"(genuine) I'm not putting it on. I'm not, I'm happy for you. I promise. Gracie, you asked me to be your bridesmaid when we were eighteen years old. You've been waiting for this your whole life. I'm happy for you. I swear."
Bonnie pops open the champagne bottle. The cork hits wall, all yell and laugh.
"Okay, but I promise we are going to find Enzo and you two are gonna be happy and you're gonna get married on the top of the Eiffel Tower..."
"First things first, planning your June wedding."
"(becoming excited) Oh, my God. Yes! The June wedding!"
"The June wedding. (all laugh)"
"You snuck into Care's old house and found her old wedding book?"
"How else was I gonna out-Caroline-Forbes Caroline Forbes to plan a wedding?"
"Bonnie, this is amazing. You're amazing. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I'm getting married!"
"Yay! (laughter)"
"Okay, now that I have a drink in you, I have to ask. Mm-hmm? How did Paul take the news?"
"Let's talk silhouettes. Focus on A-lines and sheaths. I'm open to trumpets, but easy on the volume."
"Less dress, more bride."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. I'll be right back."
"Now, let's get to work finding you the perfect maid of honor dress."
"Aw, I'd be honored to be your... maid of honor. And not just because my main competition is in a coma till I die, the other is already dead and Caroline has to look after her kids."
"Good. Because I'm going to do everything within my bridal power to make sure you and Enzo live happily ever after. I've got killer aim... and no qualms about rigging the bouquet toss. (chuckles) You ready?"
Damon vamp speeds end and catches the bouquet in one hand and the now dead Bridal Clerk in the other.
"Damon, what are you... Bonnie, run."
"Oh, looks like little brother's getting married, huh? Consider this my RSVP. Bonnie? I can hear your broken little heart beating, Bonnie. Oh, poor Bon-bon. Literally always the bridesmaid. Never the bride."
Bonnie and Damon scuffle as she attempts to stab him. Grace recovers and vamp speeds over to Damon, pulling a hanger railing off a rack and impaling Damon into a cabinet behind him.

Bonnie is talking to Stefan on her phone.
"Stefan, if Damon wants me dead, then I'm dead."
"Why is he coming after you? It makes no sense."
"None of it makes sense. But we're gonna need weapons, lots of them. (sighs) The throne is empty."
"Right. Yeah, sorry, I was child-proofing. But the crossbows are still in the library. Listen, I'm gonna try to track Damon, and with any luck, the drone will lead us back to the queen."
"And when you find her?"
"Paul's still working on that part. Your deadline just got moved up. You don't have days. You have hours."
"Do you think we can get away with not inviting Damon to the wedding? I mean, even if we do save him?"
"He's gonna be your brother-in-law. And, likely, Stefan's best man. Sorry."
"(sighs) Fine, fine. But he is not sitting at the head table. Where is all the ammo?"

"I'm starting to consider a destination wedding. Try finding a Mystic Falls venue that hasn't been the site of a horrible atrocity."
Sybil is sitting in the Den.
"Hi, Bonnie. I'm Sybil. So glad to finally meet you. This is really nice work. Caroline, is it? I'm not sure about riding in on the unicorn, but I love this charmeuse and the tiara design is exquisite. And Grace right?"
"Yeah well, I made that in the sixth grade, so congratulations. You have the fashion sense of an 11-year-old."
"I just want to know where Bonnie's is."
"Scrapbooking's not really my thing. What do you want?"
"Simple. I want to know what makes you so special. What is it about you that has Enzo and Damon wrapped around those flawlessly manicured little fingers? I mean, I get Enzo. The accent, the star-crossed witch-vampire thing. No... it's the Damon of it all that has me so stumped. Did you guys ever... you know..."
"All that time, alone in a prison world. Same day on repeat. You must've done something to break up the brain-numbing monotony."
"Seriously? Look, you are gorgeous. I can admit that, I'm not blind. And neither is Damon. Who, in case you haven't noticed, ladies, is scorching. I mean... (scoffs) can't spell Damon without "damn." Strictly platonic? Really? Wow. Good for you. That doesn't explain how you inspire so much devotion in two men who are supposed to be completely devoted to me. So why don't you sit down and we'll have a little heart-to-heart? I can make you. But it's excruciatingly painful. And it'll mess up your hair."

 "So, Bonnie, what's your secret? What did Damon and Enzo see in you?"
"I have no idea."
"Oh, come on, Bonnie. Surely you can think of something."
"You know, whatever you're trying to do here, it's not going to work. You're not going to get what you want. Something you should know about Bonnie is that she is fiercely loyal and she would do anything for the people she loves."
"Really? Now that is something we can work with. So you would do anything for Damon and Enzo? Like, anything anything? I mean, how far would you really go? What if you had to choose between them? (chuckles) Here's the thing, ladies. I need two loyal soldiers, and these two can't seem to cut loose from their ties to the past. It's working my last nerve. So, I realized, I really only need one of them. The other will die and live an eternity of darkness and pain. (chuckles) So... Bonnie gets to choose."
"You're crazy."
"No. I'm just very old, very set in my ways and very annoyed. Choose."
"I get it. You're jealous. You see a love that you didn't have to siren someone into. A love that isn't all about you. You're threatened. So, naturally you have to destroy it in the most sadistic game you can imagine. Forget it. Not playing."
"You're no fun. You know what was fun? Ancient Rome. (chuckles) The Coliseum. Gladiators. Sweaty, oiled-up men hurling themselves at each other. So hot. You'll see what I mean soon enough. In exactly 12 minutes, Damon and Enzo will fight to the death. They don't have a choice. I've willed it so. One of them will lose. So, if you're not gonna choose, then I guess we'll just let the boys settle it amongst themselves."

"Why does the car keep making that infernal noise?"
"Oh, it's reminding you to put your seatbelt on."
"Well, you can remind it that I'm immortal."
"And this is how you choose to spend that gift. You just escaped over 200 years of captivity. Why aren't you on a beach in Saint-Tropez sirening Channing Tatum to give you foot massages?"
"No offense, but you got to admit that seems a little small for a mythological creature of your stature."
"That's only 'cause you don't know what awesomeness awaits you. Now step on it. We don't want to miss round one."
 "Five minutes. This is so exciting. Oh, come on, what happened to all that sassy backtalk? Oh, right. It's probably easier to talk tough when you had your magic to back it up. What's wrong? Somebody feeling powerless right now? But here's the ray of sunshine. You actually have all the power. Just say the word, and you can decide who gets to live and who gets to spend the rest of eternity in never-ending emotional torment. Oh, you guys know about that, right? They're homicidal monsters. They have done the worst things imaginable. Where do you think they're gonna end up? Some cloud-filled afterlife? (laughs) No. They're going to the other place, where all they will know is loneliness and despair forever and ever and ever."

"What about you, Grace? What do you think Bonnie should do?"
Sybil grabs ahold of Grace's head, using her telepathy to see into her thoughts.
"Oh, you think Stefan is gonna swoop in and save Bonnie from having to make such an untenable choice. That's putting a lot of faith in your fiancé. When Damon and Enzo start tearing each other apart, do you really think Stefan is gonna let Enzo kill his brother? No. He's gonna choose Damon. Aw. Poor Enzo. Nobody's choosing him. You're not even choosing him, Bonnie. Are you just gonna sit there and allow Enzo to die?"
Bonnie slams on the brakes, tires screech and Sybil goes flying through the front windshield.
"You okay"
"Oh yeah.
"She's not dead."
"Guess now she has to walk."

Bonnie and Grace are still heading towards the High School.
"We'll make it in time."
"No, Sybil's right. Stefan's gonna protect Damon no matter what. I can't help him. I have no power. She's right. There is no one who can fight for him."

Grace intervenes at the last moment.
"I can't let you do that."
"Grace, stay out of this."
"I promised Bonnie."
Damon vamp speeds behind her and snaps her neck, her body thuds against the floor.

Grace also arrives and knocks Sybil out. 

Grace coming to comfort Stefan.
"She doesn't mean that. She's just upset. I'm gonna go stay with Bonnie tonight. She needs me. This has all been a lot for her."
"I hated us being on the opposite side of the fight today."
"I had to."
"I know. I know what you had to do. But I hated it. I hate all this."
"(sighs) I hate it, too."

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