Pictures of You

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It's morning. Damon and Stefan are playing catch with a football across their living room. Grace is sat on the sofa.
"So how long's it been? Eight, nine days?"
"Yeah, eight or nine days. I don't know, I lost count."
"If we lost count of the consecutive days in which Elena Gilbert has not killed anyone, I'd say that's progress, boys."
"So what are we gonna do, just, ah, throw the football around for another 150 years till Elena gets her humanity back? Because I'm cool with that."
"She doesn't want the cure. She's gonna start killing people if she knows we're still trying to get it for her."
"All right. We could always, ah, make her want it."
"Yeah, how're you gonna make an emotionless vampire want anything?"
"Get her to flip her humanity switch."
"So what are we gonna do? Pull a Lexi and bombard her with emotions till one of them sticks?"
"Yeah, and if that doesn't work, then we go to Plan "B": lock her up, keep her sidelined until you and I figure out a Plan "C"."
"And what happens when she gets slammed with every emotion she's repressed since Jeremy died?"
"Well, then you, my friend, will be right by her side, ready to help her through it."
"Right. 'Cause you don't wanna keep reliving history, and when this is all over you're just gonna get out of her life."
Stefan looks down for a moment, then smiles unconvincingly.
"All right."
"How do you wanna do this?"

"Hey Grace, want to be my date to prom?"
"We are going with Elena as well."
"No thank you then plus I am going alone."
"No your not."
"I'll go with my shadow."
"How does that work?"
"I'll figure that out just don't make me go with you two and Elena."

Klaus is standing and staring at the fireplace when Caroline's voice calls to him. He doesn't respond.
"Klaus? Klaus?? Kl--"
She finally enters the room with Grace and sees him.
"Hello? Did you not hear me?"
"Of course I heard you, Caroline. I think the whole of Mystic Falls heard you. I'm in no mood for company."
"Well, I'm sorry that you're having personal issues, but I have a real crisis on my hands. Elena stole my prom dress! And Grace doesn't even have one, she forgot!"
Klaus finally turns and faces them.
"We went to pick it up and the tailor said that somebody else already did. And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember. [She gives Klaus a significant look but he doesn't respond.] Hello?"
"The vervain is out of the town water supply. She was compelled!"
Klaus starts laughing.
"It is not funny."
"No, I know, I know."
"Then stop laughing! Look, I know that prom isn't important to you, but it's important to me, us."
"Well, surely finding another dress is well within both your substantial vampire capabilities?"
"[frustrated and turning on the spot] Oh, but I don't want just another dress. [facing Klaus again] I wanna look hot. Like Princess-Grace-of-Monaco-hot. So...could you please go back into your creepy trophy case of family collectibles and dig me out something of royal caliber?"
Caroline smiles at him winningly, and Klaus smiles back, clearly still amused.

Caroline and Grace finally arrive at the dance in a white shoulder less dress and a blue butterfly dress, smiling to see their classmates enjoying themselves. Elena approaches them.
"So how do I look?"
"Are you kidding me? You look like a back-stabbing bi--"
She stops when she sees Stefan approaching behind Elena. Grace continues with less fervor.
"The dress is beautiful, and it brings out your eyes."
"Thanks. I thought I'd do it a favor."
Caroline starts to retort but Stefan intercedes.
"Caroline, Grace, why don't you come dance with me, hm?"
Caroline and Grace take his hands and they move to the dance floor, leaving Elena looking rather smug.
WI know you said to kill her with kindness, but can't I just kill her?"
"[smiling] I see you found a dresses?"
"They're from Klaus."
"Don't ask."
"You know you have him wrapped around your little finger, right?"
"If I had Klaus wrapped around my finger, then I would be here with Tyler right now."
"Are you making any progress with the dress thief?"
"I don't know. I think it's affecting me a lot more than it's affecting her."
"What do you mean?"
"Every time I tell myself that I'm moving on, there's this part of me that just can't seem to shake her."
"That's normal, Stefan."
"You guys were in love, and that doesn't go away just because you declare that you're moving on."
"Well, then how does anyone ever seem to move on?"
"I don't know. I think that someday, you'll meet someone new and you'll fall madly in love, and you'll have moved on without even realizing it. [She winks at Grace]"

 A gathering of Bonnie, Grace, Damon, Matt, and Stefan.
"It's like Jeremy was there. I could talk to him, feel him."
"Bonnie, that's what Silas does. You can't let him get to you again."
"Yeah, because you all crazy and brainwashed is just not a good look."
"Well Silas is somebody you can never know what form he's in, and touchers you until you give him what he wants."
They all turn to Grace.
"Have you seen him?"
Grace stays quite.
"He has come to me over the past 10 days as different people."
"Eliza, Caroline, Angelica, Davina, Damon, Klaus, Bonnie, Stefan, His true form."
"Wait you said you know his true form."
"A doppelganger of one of us, you."
"Didn't you say Klaus knows?"
"He will, I'm going to his house and confirming."
"Look, one of us should take them home."
"What? no. They're safer here in public around all these people. There's no way Silas can make everyone see the same thing all at once."
"Okay, in the meantime, how do we look out for a guy that can appear as anyone?"
"All right, your prom king and queen are...Matt Donovan and Bonnie Bennett."
The crowd cheers as a spotlight shines on Matt and Bonnie.

Meanwhile, Damon is walking through the woods outside the prom and hears someone groaning in pain. There is a bloodstain on his shirt on his stomach. Grace vamp-speeds to the noise.
"Yeah. I'm over here. Agh!"
Stefan continues to groan in pain as he pulls a stake out of his belly. Damon crouches down beside him.
"Let me guess: an extremely handsome man came up to you claiming to be me?"
"Can we agree not to leave anybody alone now?"
"I'll stay with Grace."
"No you two stay together as much as I like being around you guys Silas knows everything to manipulate me."
"Only way I can tell him from Bonnie and Stefan."

 Elena shouts in pain as Stefan, Grace and Damon approach them.
"Bonnie, stop. Bonnie."
Damon crouches down by Elena, who continues to moan in pain.
"Damon, help me."
"Bonnie, you're killing her."
"I know what I'm doing."
"That's the magic talking. This is your best friend."
Elena continues writhing in pain while Damon holds her.
"Damn it, Bonnie."
Elena manages to look up at Bonnie, blood dripping from her nose.
Elena moans for a moment longer then stops. Bonnie has stopped the spell. Elena gasps in relief.
"[to Bonnie] You okay?"
"No, I'm not okay. I almost died. The shell of my best friend almost killed me. None of this is okay!"
She leaves.
"[to Elena, whispering] I got you."
He starts to help Elena up but she staggers weakly. Stefan steps in to catch her.
"Okay. Hey, whoa."
Before she has a chance to fully recover, Stefan jabs her with a syringe filled with vervain. Elena falls unconscious into Damon's arms.
"Plan "B"."

"Did you really tell everybody about seeing my form?"
"Your form that not even Bonnie has seen?"
"Yes Grace that form."
"I have the power of my doppelgangers and can see the looks and names of them Silas."
"Don't try me Grace."
"Goodbye Silas."

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