Requiem for a Dream

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Grace is tucking Bonnie in bed.
I think she's better off in here, don't you think? It's quieter and more peaceful... Did you grab those scented candles?"
"[Taking out chains from a bag.] Not exactly."
Paul walks with the chains towards where Bonnie is.
"No. No, you're not going to do this. [Grabs the chains from him and puts it back in the bag.]"
You heard what Damon said. If she wakes up..."
"When she wakes up, we do not know what she's going to be or how she's going to feel. And if we chain her up, we've made that decision for her."
"Okay, fine. No chains. But then I'm not leaving."
"Paul. The flight's in an hour, it's the last flight out tonight and the bar have been stuck with a sitter for two days now."
"I know, but if this goes the wrong way, I'm the one person Bonnie's not gonna want to kill on sight, okay? I should be here with you."
"While our three year old bar is in a different time zone?"
"Okay, then you get on the plane. Let me stay here and help. That's the safest, most logical plan anyway."
"I am the single best person for Bonnie to see when she wakes up... and you are the single best person for our girls to see when they wake up. Take the flight. I'll be home as soon as I can. I promise."
"I'm gonna hold you to that promise."
"We'll get through this."

Grace is seen walking into the living room where they are talking.
No, it should be me. I was her family friend before I was a vampire. I can show her the difference between the two."
"She's right."

Grace is seen slightly annoyed as she hears Stefan in the room.
I'm not really in the mood for a backseat head-driver right now."
"I just wanted to see if you needed anything."
"You want to be helpful? Then do your thing and run away so I can focus on my friend."
"Okay, I can take a hint. [Backs out as he thought Grace told him to get out.]"
"If you thought that was a hint, you were not paying attention."
Grace holds Bonnie's head with her hands as she goes to her mind.

"[Appears in her room.] My God. This is what you've been going through?"
"Get away from me. You're not real."
"Well, you're half right, I'm in your head. Your body is safe in Damon's bedroom. This isn't real. And you just need to stay focused on me, Bonnie, your friend."
"Grace. [Gets up and hugs her.] Something's messing with my head. All my memories are being twisted into these freakish nightmares."
"It's your brain rewiring itself to hate vampires, to become the hunter. You have to resist."
"I'm trying. I don't want to hurt you."
"You just have to concentrate on who I am, you know, not what I am. I have job now, Bonnie, and a family. You should see the girls, they are just getting so big. You have to fight the voices in your head. Open your eyes and just come and have dinner with us. We miss you so much."
"[The huntress curse is starting to affect her brain.] Does your niece know that you're a vampire?"
"Uh, no, we haven't had that talk with her yet. Kind of waiting for the birds and the bees first."
"[Talking creepily as it starting to take over her mind.] And when you tuck her in at night, and you brush the hair off her pretty neck, admire it a little?"
"Bonnie, that's gross. This is your lizard brain talking. Fight it."
"I can't help it. All I see is you losing control. Hurting those little girls."
"No, that's not me. You know that's not me."
"And you have the nerve to call her your niece."
Grace is surprised/hurt from Bonnie's words from the curse. Bonnie takes a piece of wood next to the door, stabs Grace in the chest.

Grace gasps as she got back from the dream.
What happened? How'd it go?"
"About as bad as it could have. [Holds a hand to the spot where she was marked.] Oh, no. [Goes up to a mirror, sees that Bonnie has marked her.] She stabbed me."
"In the dream?"
"How is that possible?"
"I don't know. You may have been marked."
"Tell me this isn't real."
"It's real. And if Bonnie wakes up, you're the first person she kills."
Grace is seen walking down the stairs in the house with Stefan following her.
"I just need some air."
"Well, you can slow down and talk to me."
"Why? You don't understand how she marked me any more than I do."
"Grace, when you were in Bonnie's head, she must have created some sort of psychic link... The scar is just a manifestation of that connection. You need to get as far away from her as you can. Starting now."
"No, that is not an option. Enzo's gonna figure it out. He's gonna get through to her."
"Grace, I carried that scar with me for three years. I've lived through this before."
"So all of a sudden the past three years have just been a living hell for you? I saw the postmarks on your letters, Stefan. Paris, Marrakech, Bora Bora. I'm shocked you even had time to write between escaping certain death and sipping mai tais. Meanwhile, I was so desperate, I called Klaus for help, who's nowhere to be found, by the way."
"Grace, just..."
"No, I do not want an explanation. All I want is for you to respect my choice to not run away."
Grace starts heading towards the door to go, gasps as Stefan grabs and hold her to injects her with a syringe of liquid that made her pass out.

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